The Island Empire

Hey everyone, this is my first attempt at this style of video so please let me know if you enjoyed and would like to see more. It took a lot of work to put together, so if you like what you see please share with friends!

Feel free to comment with any other ideas for new unique empires I could create.

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Music used in video:

Epic Adventure Cinematic | Movie by Alex-Productions | promoted by

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Gabriel Lewis
Oh the Humanity

Hampus Naeselius


28 thoughts on “The Island Empire”

  1. As a participant of this once in a lifetime game I want to share this with you:

    In a land of gods and waves of tin
    Where tiny fragments find their kin
    There spoke a folk of shores that glimm
    Swimming sprouts defiant of sin

    When primal mist cloaked wondrous heists
    Its said they seized what fell for lies
    And washed it pushing unknown heights
    Plugging in eternal tides

    But forces grin once kind once proud
    Wrathes know no friends they shout
    In fierceless power torning out
    The teeth of wisdom all there round

    So too the sails were also struck
    In looming games that make us duck
    You could buckle you could suck
    But Green just didnt give a fuck

    Dave, you did an insane job on this!! I am truly impressed. The little film has all the ingredients it needs to elicit all the great feelings and impressions we develop and share in this community with this beautiful game. I could write an essay about what I love here and what Ideas are comming to mind to make it as if from one mold. Just know you got this, mate! You can really feel the love and passion that flowed into this. Thanks for everything (I love falling asleep to your voice, too :D) BOP

  2. Dave, we don't deserve you. Someone have a link to the original game? I imagine the cackles were epic as well. That salt between orange and red was great. What a blockade lol

  3. It's comical that Red is calling out Orange for being petty because he built an armada to fight off his navy invasion. When Red was the one that backstabbed at least two of his allies and destroyed both Wonders.


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