The Invisible Rich Man chapter 281-290 Gerald bought mobile phone worth of 5,000 dollars each!

“Holy moly! Gerald, you’re like a ghost that wouldn’t stop following us around, eh? Besides, did you even check the brand of the phone that you’re buying? How can a peasant like you afford it?” Lilian was not in the mood.
They saw Gerald here, flipping the phones around and pretending as if he was able to afford any. This struck Lilian’s nerves. Gerald replied in a mocking manner.
“I’m getting a new phone, how is this any of your business?” Gerald loaded his SIM card into the phone.
He quickly downloaded Paypal and was ready to complete his payment.
But after hearing Lilian’s words, he was having none of it. He immediately replied with a harsh tone.
“Good heavens! Stop pretending, have a look on yourself, how can someone like you afford this type of phone?” Lilian grew even more agitated.
“Lilian, look! He’s holding the 5000 dollars phone! Fuck, and he’s thinking of buying it? Hahaha!”


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