The Innocent Girl Who Was Dr*gged & Killed By Her Psycho Church Friend

The Innocent Girl Who Was Dr*gged & Killed By Her Psycho Church Friend

When 20-year-old Joy Morgan left her biological family, she thought that she was joining a bigger, much better family in her church—people who loved and cared for her and shared her beliefs.

But then she disappeared, and it took six weeks for anyone to even know that something was wrong.

“I did not believe there was anything wrong, I thought it was something wrong with my phone, you know, something wrong with Joy’s phone and I didn’t get her. There are other things happening and I was phoning her, phoning her, all of a sudden, it’s February 6th, that’s kinda, wait for a second here, it’s six weeks. I will never get over the guilt until the day they bury me.”

The police believed that Joy was dead, but who killed her and where was her body?

#annasolves #truecrime #documentary


27 thoughts on “The Innocent Girl Who Was Dr*gged & Killed By Her Psycho Church Friend”

  1. Just a correction. IUIC consider themselves a camp not a church, they don't receive any govt funding. Many Israelite groups call themselves camps or just groups. That's all.

  2. Its not a church. Its a cult disguised as a church. Cults know how to get vulnerable people and brain wash them. And just because a church is based upon christ or another savior doesn't mean its holy or trustworthy. Most of the bad people I've met are devout Christians or Mormons that prey on kids or people. They think going to church makes them a good person. It doesn't. You're not a good person unless you're being a good person. No matter your faith. Ive honestly met more down to earth atheists than I have Mormons or Christians. And I grew up Christian with my extended family being mormon. Yet my Mormon uncle still molested me and my other uncles aren't so innocent either. Based on my experiences, Mormons I've met or related to use it as an excuse and go against all the rules of the religion

  3. A cult is just a religion that isn’t socially accepted yet. Every religion was a “cult” at one point, before it gained popularity, got enough members and social status to be wide-spread & accepted. It’s funny when people who belong to a mainstream religion think their beliefs are any less nuts than at of a “cult”.

  4. I just realized after watching this case & many others is that I should get closer to my mom & sisters. I go days, weeks months once even 3 years without any contact with them but just bc I would purposely block them out for no reason 😭
    That’s the kind of self reflection everyone should take from true crime videos.

  5. We had a couple of their members try recruiting my little brother. They were asking him about his life at home, and how involved my father was in his day to day life. Long story short, they decided to leave him alone because my dad was/is very much deeply involved. They’re predators. This was in New York .

  6. I don't do religion of any kind.. To me they're all cults.. 🤷🏿‍♀️ I don't blame the church or the victim but I see so many blaming her, it's absolutely disgusting!
    When you understand brainwashing,then maybe you'll see just how ignorant it is to blame someone who simply made the mistake of wanting to belong and believe.. He did what he did because he was a predator and that had zero to do with the church.. He killed because he knew if the church found out, he'd face a far greater punishment than what the law allows.. I'm willing to bet she wasn't his only victim.. Wtf is up with the justice system in the UK..? I've seen countless stories of diabolical people getting what amounts to a slap on the wrist..
    If this had happened in the US,he would've likely been facing a capital murder charge and he would've been looking at life w/o parole or capital punishment, depending on the state and the prosecution team.. he'll probably be out in 10..🤬

  7. It's sad that Joy lost her life after joining this church. When will people realised that there is no god. What you cannot see, is only imagination or hallucination. Please belief in science. Joy can only blame herself for being superstitious and gullible.


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