The Infected S8E82 – The Vambies have found us

This is a solo play survival and base building game where it is you up against the wildlife and the infected vambies.

These are the challenges that we are going to need to complete in order to finish this season:

No taking seeds from town
Foliage on

Playing on Version 13

My Discord Server link:

#TheInfected #SurvivalGame


15 thoughts on “The Infected S8E82 – The Vambies have found us”

  1. remember in the way back days all ovens were used 24/7 for heat and light and cooking and they were using wood so having so much wood in your castle is just realistic as you have many smelters and stoves and lots of people living there that are invisable lmao cooks cleaners hunters gather's gardeners defenders miners ect plus yourself

  2. gotta have a room for the house keeper and cook too they live in the castle too to take care of the family even a few personal maids and butlers or what ever for the males lol so that means 2 more rooms with 4 beds in each 4 females 4 males or 4 couples lol

  3. oh and a forge in each room as a fire place in that ice cold castle common room needs 2 forges one on each end to keep it warm in winter and a heater that works forge is for looks only heater is for heat

  4. It's surprising just how many resources you need to complete all the small items that you place down. On their own, they're not a lot, but when you have 10, 15 or 20+ of the same thing, it soon mounts up. It seems a shame to have to use up some of the logs that magic Mike has gathered for you into nice, neat stands, but that's all part of the game to use them up! Besides, he doesn't mind going out to collect more. He looks forward to having something to do. Those floating lanterns are interesting. I guess you have to imagine them being held up there by fishing line, or something that's hardly visible.

    The vambies are obviously back from their vacation, (I hope they got a nice tan), and have decided to come take a visit. I do believe that if there's enough room between you and them that they resort to randomly attacking any structure that just so happens to be between. They seem quite half-hearted in their attempts, though. Almost as if their hearts really aren't in it. I'm sure they'd become reinvigorated if you were to make an appearance, though. Or…. if they manage to work their way around and get close enough to you to do a real attack. Which is exactly what happened. The fact that they're inside your compound means they must have found a vulnerability in your defences. They attacked one section of the wall and managed to break through, presumably. I can't believe they all jumped over, if that's at all possible. I did think repair kits would be the order of the day, considering the amount of whacking those vambies have been doing of late.

    Having the guardrooms is an interesting idea. Ideally, they'd be on the lower floors as a barrier between any invaders and the royal quarters who'd be at the top, but that's only a minor detail. There is other staff, of course, but it's probably best not to delve too far into such minutia. You'd never be finished, otherwise. 😁

  5. 😲How did they get in🥶😎Interior design🤟The floating Hogwarts light’s 🕯☺️😲The season is nearing it’s finale. RSVP invitations for the monster ball are on the way😎😹Hope ur well take care n have a marvellous day✨💃🏼☮️🌎😎

  6. A lot done but still seems a lot to do. Maybe put a chest at the end of the soldiers beds, somewhere for their clothes. You also need an office for the King lol


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