The Incredible Story of U-615 in the Caribbean

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35 thoughts on “The Incredible Story of U-615 in the Caribbean”

  1. May I ask why you pronounce "six hundred fifteen" instead of simply saying "6 1 5"? I have noticed this habit of yours and find it a bit annoying. Nevertheless, your information has been excellent.

  2. I disapprove PROFOUNDLY with your calling a GERMAN murderer a “buccaneer HERO.” You ARE aware the Third Reich for which he fought wiped out 6,5 million Jewish victims, I assume? Disgusting and immoral.

  3. Jesus Christ what a story. If 615’s gunners were on the Bismarck she might’ve survived the war. Even though they were our enemies you have to acknowledge the bravery and heroism, an incredible story of the human experience in extreme circumstances

  4. Dad was a radioman on a Martin PBM 5 IN VP-215 late in the war. His area was central Florida to the Carolinas. His description, fly to the last known position of a sub drop bouys to track the sub and fly away as fast a you could. Plane was so heavy from extra fuel tanks they felt a sub could surface and shoot them down before they could get out of range! Not a lot of love for the Martin!

  5. Heaven forbid that the US gets its codes exposed and then never upgrades them ! We have always had the advantage of breaking both The Japanese codes and the German codes . I hope we don’t have to fight again because I feel luck is going to change for us !

  6. the term centimetre is never used for gun sizes etc , eg, 88mm , 20 mm , etc etc , to say 2 cm's is just wrong , you would never say for instance the famous 8.8cm anti aircraft gun , please use the correct terminology


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