The Importance of Breathing and Movement | OA Podcast S4E10 with Cray Caws

“It’s About Ease of Movement, Ease of Breathing.”

In the latest episode of the Oxygen Advantage® Podcast, delve into the symbiotic relationship between breath and movement with Patrick McKeown and OA Master Instructor, Gray Caws.

Discover how the Oxygen Advantage® programme seamlessly integrates these breath and movement elements, complementing disciplines like Qigong and running.

Join us in exploring the transformative power of harmonised breathing and movement, and its profound impact on wellness and athletic performance.

For more information on Gray and his teaching, visit his website

00:00 Introduction – Greater Awareness of Breathing
06:45 Qigong and Breathing Training in Everyday Life
11:31 Breathing & Movement in Qigong
15:09 Who Uses Qigong?
17:34 Your Attention During Qigong
20:31 Teaching the Theory Versus the Practice
24:32 Why People Pursue Qigong
27:30 Quieting the Mind and Finding Qigong
32:41 Running and Training Injuries
37:54 Nose Breathing and Efficient Movement
42:45 Dr William Hang’s Marathon Run
43:57 Physical Exercise and Nose Breathing
46:57 Scientists Taking an Interest in Breathing
49:21 Science Articles on Breathing for Running
52:04 Teaching Biomechanics
55:51 The Future of Breathing
58:26 Conclusion

1. Flanell M. The Athlete’s Secret Ingredient: The Power of Nasal Breathing. EC Pulmonol. Respir. Med. 2019;8:471–475.
2. Harbour E. Breath Tools: A Synthesis of Evidence-Based Breathing Strategies to Enhance Human Running.
3. Dallam G.M. Effect of Nasal Versus Oral Breathing on Vo2max and Physiological Economy in Recreational Runners Following an Extended Period Spent Using Nasally Restricted Breathing.

Want to know more about the Oxygen Advantage®? Download the OA Breathing App, available now.
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5 thoughts on “The Importance of Breathing and Movement | OA Podcast S4E10 with Cray Caws”

  1. Qi gong is much more than breath focus . The philosophy is very much based on the idea of moving the Qi ( energy) through the body and the movements are to support the flow of Qi. Very much based on the idea of meridians similar to acupuncture meridians. It is based on balance & alignment. Bamboo – attention on alignment . Awareness of connection to the earth and the sinking down drawing energy from the element of the earth and drawing upwards to the crown of the head . So much more than just about movement .

  2. QuGong came out of a S. India martial art, when the Boddhidharma traveled into China, and found his way down to Shaolin Temple……long story. One of the main tenants of the movement (I.e., Bambu) is bone work. Bambu is like bone. And Bone cleanse blood, which affects breath, and is central to the limbs and the torso. Lots of stance work required to remove obstacles of a supple body, and tension steals power. “Be like water” is a well-known phrase. Then the breath has an expression that the mind comes in touch with an internal power.

  3. 1997 i ran a mile with nose only. it was a interesting/not easy and a small metric of performance. After that for a while it was no-pain no gain mouth breathing. Life was much more painful/stressful back then. My kid today has horrible nasal structure, thanks to me. Her nose is blocked for long periods of time. I've tried many of your techniques. Humming has been instrumental to getting that path opened back up. Thank!

  4. Robin Rothenburg said it best in her book “Restoring Prana”. Forgive if miss quote… a lot of people that come to yoga crave movement and to be physical but are physically weak and yoga gives the vessel and hope for health. Tai chi and qigong are the same.
    Sweep away all the dogma and meridian theory and history of where it came from in India or China. Tape at night, Breath through the nose, reduce volume and you will find you health improves. It is really as simple as breathing and movement.
    Proper breathing strategies will help your Taichi and qigong.


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