The Historical ELDEN RING Timeline

#eldenring #darksouls #gaming
In this video we recap all of the major events of the Elden Ring community timeline. We start with the very first leak about great rune, cover all the major showcases, leaks, and memes that allowed us to remain sane through the hollowing.
0:00 Great Rune
0:27 The First Announcement
1:03 The Great Hollowing
4:10 The End of the Hollowing
7:15 Delay, Hollowing, and Hope
9:53 Elden Ring’s Triumph
10:34 The Days Ahead
Dark Souls 3 OST
Bloodborne OST
Elden Ring OST
Metroid Prime OST

To keep up to date on Elden Ring news:


20 thoughts on “The Historical ELDEN RING Timeline”

  1. YouTube isn’t recommending this video much and it’s by far the one I’ve worked the hardest on so if you guys wouldn’t mind sharing with other Elden Ring fans it’d be greatly appreciated 🙏
    Thanks for all the support in the comments too it means a lot.
    “We shall not abandon the dream.”

  2. There is actually a period which you missed, the creation of the "Fake Lore Elden Ring". The idea for a "fake Elden Ring" game had been in the works since the very beginning of the Elden Ring leaks, and actually came to fruition at one point. I happen to be one of the first people on the team, along with some other passionate people in the community. The aim was to put together a game which used all the information we had gathered about Elden Ring plus some fan made lore, creature design, and art. At one point we actually had begun development on the game, with a plethora of talented artists, writers, programmers, music composers, and 3D designers. The game was a passion project for the community and served as a way to keep everyone occupied during the wait. This lasted for a long time but the game began to lose its momentum when the Elden Ring trailers dropped. People were more interested and invested in the actual, professionally made game than the fan made one, which is completely understandable. Soon the development had come to a complete halt, with only a few artists, writers, and composers still working on it. Eventually that stopped as well. We had a number of big names in the souls community take part in the games creation such as u/stray_demon, Aviv music (the guy who composed the famous "Glaive Master Hodir" track), and even Vaati visited us for a while. During this journey we had created multiple lore documents, level designs, and we even had the first area done (ish) as well as dialogue for an npc. It was a magical period and honestly one of the most inspiring things the community has done. While the game was in its prime myself and some of the other lead designers were interviewed by IGN for an article, which was later published with information on the project and quotes from the community. It is linked here if you would like to see it:

  3. why would you turn this into a cold case kind of thing ? they teased the game, showed a bit more, and released a trailer, that's not uncommon lol pretty much the contrary. this video is like a cold case murder solved why


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