The Highly Toxic Ohio Airborne Event: Predicted 11 Years Ago!!

The Superbowl of 2023 is now behind us, and while many believe that it was completely uneventful as far as predictive programming is concerned, nothing could be further from the truth. The East Palestine disaster saw a highly toxic chemical cloud over Ohio, but that is not where it ended. Recently, several other chemical explosions that released highly toxic chemicals into the environment occurred around the world. These are all just coincidences, right? We are living in the very last days and our Blessed Hope is right before us. Are you ready to leave this world behind, or are you fighting for things to return to normal?

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Other important videos to watch can be found below:

Antichrist’s rise marked by heavenly signs:

The Abomination of Desolation and the 1290-day Prophecy:

The I, Pet Goat 2 Animation:

I Pet Goat 2, Reloaded:

The Legal Case Against Satan:

A series on how to understand the Rapture through the eyes of the harvest and temple models – VERY IMPORTANT TO WATCH!!

More videos on predictive programming:

A Storm is coming:

September 23rd:

Cryptic predictive programming video from 2011:

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Highly Toxic Chemicals
Toxic Cloud Ohio
Toxic Smoke Ohio
Highly toxic
Airborne event
Chemical spill
I Pet Goat 2


27 thoughts on “The Highly Toxic Ohio Airborne Event: Predicted 11 Years Ago!!”

  1. If you have any more information, please share in reply to this comment. Something I missed was "King" Charles' inauguration on May 6th – the day right after Tu B'Shvat. This would further point to the Restrainer possibly being removed so that the One World Order can be established with King Charles being overseer of some of the secret societies that have been behind the goings on in the world.

  2. I bet that ID will would help you everyone better say no its not free. They just wanna make you like a dog with a collar on. Strange time for that. Where does the 2 witnesses start? Wouldn't that be in the 1st 3 and half years. I haven't seen anyone blow fire from them mouths yet.

  3. Excellent work, nothing about the awfully destructive nature of the train derailment on CNN or Fox, or other MSM 🤔. Fear not Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, He has our backs.
    God Eternal Bless & protect you Jaco, and that he will provide your every need down there in SA. 🙏

  4. 4700 residents in Palestine?
    Hmmm, because 4 + 7 = 11, that's eleven!!!! A lot of watchmen/women are noticing the number 11 and Fathers' Plan is being revealed. Excellent presentation brother! I love you! Keep up the good work and may the good Father bless your obedience richly, an asset to the body! We pray earnestly for the brothers and sisters affected by these diabolical events and we trust He will watch over all His children as He has promised in His set-apart Word, Amein!

  5. Thank you so much! This is mind blowing stuff. I eagerly anticipate your salvation video. When I heard what you said about salvation and "once saved always saved" (OSAS) in your previous Super Bowl video, I was very encouraged. There are so many scriptures that I believe refute the OSAS doctrine yet we who oppose it, believing we must actually obey and follow Jesus as he commanded, are constantly vilified and called heretics. There are so many videos that I'd like to share but can't, because they adamantly espouse OSAS, which I believe is a very dangerous message. I eagerly await your video and plan to share it far and wide. Again, thank you for all your hard work. You are encouraging those of us who desperately need encouragement. Maranatha!!

  6. I have seen some of of your videos that the predictions did not come true. But this one Is amazing. I'm a man close to Jesus. I see America, China , Russia, Iran, North Korea ready for war at anytime. I believe this war will happen soon, bringing In the Antichrist. However I no the Rapture Is even closer. I saw the UNs meeting yesterday where they started it off by saying Peace and Security. I left them a message the Lord put into my heart. When they say peace and safety, sudden destruction come upon them as woman preval with child and they shall not escape, But we will, that blessed Hope, Rapture. I'm so excited to no I will soon be with Jesus and my grandfather who past a while back. I also lost a dog that I was really loved was close to him he was so cute and smart. I miss my grandfather and my dog and think their waiting for me. Just we no the Rapture Is very close but please never give an exact date, Be Blessed!!!

  7. I remember specifically,when then and possibly still again president Barack Obama,..the man that is closely associated to being the AC himself stated in a particular interview that he was "good at killing people",or take for instance at his last WH correspondents dinner when he mentioned drone's and you'll never see it coming,just so happens we don't ever see these sudden deadly toxic explosions coming,….makes me wonder if Obama is behind these sudden disasters happening right now,after all,his buddy ole pal Joe Biden is apparently the "president" of our country,who by the way,kinda look's like "Lex Luthor" the bad guy on "Superman"or is it…..Obama's third term,oh…and it's 2023,or should I say 322 backwards with the "O" hidden,you know,skull and bones,if you really think about it,they're goin for broke to make the skull and bones pile up,by any means possible!!!!!!

  8. No, the whole I pet goat crap is a psyop that I think they use on certain people to try to breathe life into their events and people like yourself are being used to peddle the events. Its called "Witchcraft"! But you wouldn't know this or understand there nefarious ways. Folks, if you have ears hear me. Walk away from it, put your faith in Jesus Christ and love one another and do not hate each other! Choose Christ and walk in love and peace with each other! He overcame so you can overcome as well.

  9. It makes me wonder what white particles are falling from the sky in multiple states. One woman said she saw a plane dropping it in the middle of the night. Now they are deposing of the water in TX. In the ground and we sit in one of the US largest underground water tables. Is it a coincidence? I don't think so.

  10. My 2 favorite trees are the ones in front of my house. First one is on my front lawn and it’s a Olive tree and the other one is on the grass that’s right next to the side of the street on the front of my house and it’s a Myrtle tree 🌳💚🌳
    I’m starting to think that my city in Southern California might be one of the first cities hit by nuclear bombs at the beginning of WW3


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