The HIGHEST WINRATE Senna build might surprise you…

Best Senna Build Season 13
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24 thoughts on “The HIGHEST WINRATE Senna build might surprise you…”

  1. "Making Pyke look like a victim" He was a victim after that early game, not to mention the domestic abuse victim Lucian. Have you given enchanter or tank Senna a proper go yet?

  2. umbral glaive is still so ridiculous even with nerfs, hate going against it as a support, feel like I have no vision control. maybe it’s time to play senna again to get back at those pyke players for destroying my wards >:(

  3. The reason i like youmuu senna is that the extra lethality can give your team crazy heals plus survivability being able to run away from everyone else building youmuus

  4. Try the trinityforce build from back when senna would go old glacial augment into black cleaver or even go divine sunderer would be crazy to see such an old build pop off in the hands of the GSA

  5. Lately I was doing fatal rhythm for senna because I had seen a korea mono doing it, I'm finding it really strong to do it with cannon rhythm,

    I do basically the same build, but to have a little more range I do cannon instead of the collector, any tips? GOLD 3 BR QUEUE


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