The Hero Of WWII That No One Knows | Churchill's Secret Son | Timeline

Brendan Bracken was Winston Churchill’s closest advisor for over 30 years. Was Brendan Bracken Churchill’s illegitimate son? In the 1920’s even Winston’s wife had to ask. This documentary tells the truth about this remarkable man.

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49 thoughts on “The Hero Of WWII That No One Knows | Churchill's Secret Son | Timeline”

  1. The discussion of taking over the press during war time as Churchill apparantly wanted to do (that is, taking over the BBC) is still a very relevant one: see what Zelenski has decided to do: he did exactly what Bracken had warned Churchill not to do…

    Fascinating story, never heard of this man before. Surprising that his life hasn't been turned into a movie yet, it's got all it takes, and plenty of opportunities for a good actor to put his teeth in this role. Well, except a romantic angle, sorry ladies… And of course, finding actors that sufficiently look like Churchill for ex. won't be easy…. Whether Bracken can be qualified a "hero" is another story though….

  2. Churchill came from the powers that break your legs and sell you a crutch……….everyone on that level is created and maintained by this very modus operendi………….let’s keep our perspectives clear when we see our “heroes”………..are they really………..

  3. More fake WWII history ( the only type allowed on YT). Churchill was a puppet of the J..ish Int'l bankers that wanted H*tler's Germany under their thumb, like the rest of the West. Nothing has been more exaggerated and lied about than H*tler and the Natsees. Look at who has been weakening Western nation from within since then, as well as entangling us in wars in the Middle East, and now Ukraine. All the same ethno-religious group, again and again. We fight , die, make new enemies, they hoard the money and flee elsewhere when the public eventually finds out. The false WWII narrative fed to us helps keep this cycle going, to our detriment.

  4. 70 years later we learn… Churchill was bankrupt… but a book tour was suppose to have saved his Financial Life??? but it was Irishman… hi-larious… he was the ultimate SPY… or just what happened at the time… re-invented Past… changing your Age… Fan-tastic.

  5. If ever an author would have wrote a novel about a ‚fictional‘ character alike Brendan Bracken (who actually was himself a somewhat fictional, if not even a hyper fictional, character, any publisher would have declined to publish it for the ‚obvious‘ reason that it would be completely unbelievable

  6. But the character of Churchill was quite interesting. Available records clearly show him as a bully, lier, arrogant, racist, yet claimed to be Christian. This could be the hypocrisy we see today.

  7. I am astonished that I've never known of Brendan Bracken!
    Actually, the logical queries (some call it a paranoid/Conspiracy) I have, is why was we never taught about this incredible, self made Irish man?
    His whole life story is just astounding!
    Everything he achieved is so important to know, so why isn't this widely known knowledge?

  8. The traits are very familiar to me. His high IQ placed him intellectually out of reach romantically, in both directions. Not only could no-one relate to him, he could relate to no-one. His dislocation in his teens left him inept, but his vision of a different world absorbed his time. Nowadays, he'd be called Neurodiverse, high-functioning, a visionary.

  9. @ 2:46 "Immigrated in the 1840's"?. That's too early for his time and age, coinciding with Churchill and WWII. That must be 1940's. (Later it's referenced that he was 3 when his dad passed, in 1904.)

    (The great social world of England. Now that's clearly a matter of perspective.)

  10. His Mother was Beautiful, and her sending him away to school was no more tragic than countless Elites sending their children to Boarding Schools. Her decision gave him opportunities that served him well and his dream was his. We all have dreams, he merely was far more determined.

    Tragic it required his denile of birth truth, as an Irish American, I can see both sides of that reality, yet it hurts to think of his decision to keep himself separate from the truth. Apparently having been a Journalist, he knew too well the undesired Experiences of being publically accused and turned away from social opportunities.

    This is why we have a need to Master our Ego Mind, aka Lower Mind, with Our Higher Mind and completely comprehend the "Universal Law of Attraction".

    We must realize, we find all desires within.

  11. I knew nothing about this evidently quite competent fellow and of his association with Churchill. Too bad his personal life was so tragic… Excellent documentary. Thanks for this engaging upload.

  12. A Great documentary made with a huge insight in psychology and with respect, showing us how one man or woman can change our every day Life. Till today. “Big Brother Is Watching You” ❤

  13. who runs the bbc then? i like what bracken stood for with the presses, but if he were to see what the media/information giants are doing today, I do not think he would like it. There is more propaganda than actual information. Those same "medias" want to censor citizens. I am not going to go on and on, everyone sees what I am saying whether they want to acknowledge it. NEVER heard of this man, interesting life really. determined, strong willed and minded. thanks going look the fella up see what else there is.

  14. Curious….

    Why would he want the anonymity in death. One would think that with as much as he always tried to be known and outshine others in, his youth that he would at least want some portion of his legacy to live on.

  15. Churchill was a good but alcoholic orator sold to the highest bidder…look at his pre war record and who paid off his bankruptcy….no surprise how a poorly prepared nation was pushed into war for the bankers….pre holocaust,the European one not Churchill's Indian one 🤫


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