The have some big plans for 3.18 | SaltEMike Reacts – Inside Star Citizen: Doing Time

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25 thoughts on “The have some big plans for 3.18 | SaltEMike Reacts – Inside Star Citizen: Doing Time”

  1. Forecast for SPK: At least 3+ Organisation/Streamer Members with nothing else to do will build their tents on SPK to eat poor CS1 Victims. And everbody who has the bad luck sitting alone with a CS1 on a 100+ player server will choose sepuku instead of fighting. And even with a friend going into Dogfights just for a CS1 or CS2? You can save more time going straight to Klescher.

    And to take advantage before others write "Stop crying" I got not a big problem with SPK i played there in the old days too. The Idea is that i think that we should learn lessons from what happened at Jumptown and other Events quite frequently. Because not everybody with an SC Account can rally up his friends/Org on a weekday just to help him get rid of an CS1.

  2. Ok so I’m grabbing the popcorn and watching Reddit and Spectrum. This just kills the new player experience when they accidentally get a crimestat and shoot a guard or bump some ship. Now if they want to hack their CS, they have to go thru a gauntlet and raise their stat just to lower it. Then if you manage to escape prison, you still have to go thru the same gauntlet to lower it. Those who don’t like PVP will now be forced to PVP or leave the game and wait it out. They shouldn’t have taken out the other UGFs to hack crime stats. I’ll give it a few weeks till they modify it.

  3. I think this’ll be dope all around. But uh, it seems like playing a criminal in the current state of the game seems less and less enticing. It would be dope if criminals got access to some abandoned refueling stations. Maybe the dusters or , fck I forgot the other gang name. Yeah maybe the other gangs have just small stations at the edges of Microtec and Arccorp space or something.

    It would be very interesting to see criminal only stations. Where either your crimestat and/or your reputation with criminal factions can grant you access. And maybe they have unique contracts that pay fairly well. Idk something to entice players to take the criminal route

  4. This is an incredibly Ill-thought idea considering the present state of the crime system. By removing all the other UGF’s you leave no option for removing all the inadvertent level 1 and 2 level crime stats this game throws at you for simply bumping another players ship or brushing a turret. You force players but more importantly new players into an intense, likely impossible attempt to remove a CS that should be removable by simply paying a fine. This is not FUN!!
    CIG needs to have a way for players to remove these level 1 and 2 crime stats without forcing them into high level PvP and PvE scenarios.
    For gods sake make level 1 and 2’s removable by paying a fine or leave one UGF available where players guilty of nothing other than a simple mistake or being a victim of the vagaries of the game can go to remove their cs and get back to playing the game.

  5. This is terrible 😔. I accidentally shot a guard on sec mission. Spawned in Grim Hex to two ships outside trying to recover my bounty.

    Escaped from them after taking substantial damage. Qt'd to Data Center to clear crime Stat while the bounty hunters complained I was hiding out around GRIM HEX.

    Cleared my crime stats and as the last one was clearing I bragged in Global Chat.

    As my elevator rose triumphantly I was killed in cold blood at the top of elevator. "The Bounty Hunters Guild sends it's regards" That is what they said.

    Even with no bounty to recover, they still pursued.I woke up in prison for trespass

  6. Honestly this sounds like a great use for dropships such as the Cutty Steel, Valkyrie, and Prowler. Being able to quickly land, drop your guys off, and leave will be essential. The cutty steel's side mounted guns will be great for killing any ai or players on the landing pad. You could also use a hover vehicle to fly in quietly

  7. As a few people have said, CS 1 and 2 should be payable anywhere, but CS 3 to 5 should be SPK. It also makes sense that Crusader would respond after the Seige of Orison. This is also bringing to Stanton to the semi lawful area it should be. Perfect timing on the road to Pyro.

  8. Bounty hunting marker should only apply to vehicles. Once you're out of a vehicles, it should just give you the general area, or for easier implementation it could stay on the last vehicle you were in as you can't really get too far by foot.

  9. Somehow people forgot that comm arrays can be disabled.
    I think that enabling comm array again should be taking a lot of time not in terms of being there but lets say you turned it back on and it takes 15min before it will start working again.

  10. Improvement for the bounty marker would be a system like we saw in The Mandalorian, a little wifi-like ping symbol that becomes stronger the closer you get to your target. That would imo definately increase the tension around bounty hunting.

  11. The only thing I don't like about this is that SKP is the only place for clearing high CS. I'm a lawful player but occasionally I get CS through stupid things like I'm shooting a pirate at a bunker suddenly a security guard teleports in, insta CS. Or, I'm hunting a player bounty, but he is not in his own ship and when I kill him the ship owner puts a bounty on me. So SPK being the only place to clear that would be annoying. Also, can see right now that clean people would party up with their CS buddies and play the system to put CS on lawful players.

  12. By removing the other UGFs they are forcing solo players into a PvP grind house if they don’t want to go to jail for accidentally hitting a guard or a friendly ship in a furball. You’ll need a huge group of friends to clear your crimestat successfully now. I think they need to fix the fine system first so you can pay off the smaller crime stats. And also not give you a fucking level 3 whenever a stupid guard decides to run or glitch directly into your line of fire.

  13. I like the idea for later, but I genuinely feel this system is really going to suck for new players, and those who get a CS at microtech for a bug who now have to just play red or go all the way to crusader, wasting 15-20 mins for no reason

  14. No shade I really love your videos. But when ya talk over somebody in the video I have trouble hearing what you have to say, I know constantly pausing can be annoying. Keep up the good work though otherwise.


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