The "Hardware Limitations" of the Nintendo Switch

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The Nintendo Switch is being blamed for the shortcomings of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, which very clearly released in an unfinished state…


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43 thoughts on “The "Hardware Limitations" of the Nintendo Switch”

  1. Remember that Pikachu detective film? They should be doing that with the games. Grittier, darker, more realistic looking Pokémon. It’s a game about a teenager leaving home to travel a world of institutionalised dog-fighting. Keeping it bright, happy and cartoonish is a missed opportunity

  2. I think it’s Nintendo and game freak. Nintendo doesn’t have a big ip ready for holidays so they asked to push this out. I’d be shocked if the main issues aren’t fixed by December when the second “younger” wave of sales happen as that’ll be the market that effects merch sales the mist

  3. I saw on another video (by YongYea) that someone claims that if you move the game from micro sd card to internal storage all of the framerate issues gets fixed. I couldn't try it myself yet but I just wanted to drop this here so it might help someone.

  4. its on gamefreak, they dont spend as much time for the switch port.
    you have games on the switch twice the size and look and play great. most devs make games, then patch later. it is a stupid way they are heading.

  5. People seems to forget that Gamefreak are not a 3D game studio, but a plateformer studio, they have this thing called learning curve, it's not heir fault, it's Nintendo fault for not outsourcing studio's for this style of game… And they put an insane time frame where they need to wait on Nintendo and The Pokemon Company to make decisions on every single thing they do… Yes it needs optimization, but yes they needed more time and Nintendo where always on their podium, alone, and thinking they are the best console company there is, basically the Apple of consoles.

  6. What these sympathizers neglect to mention is the absolute shit code for how Pokémon spawn, despawn and act. I can turn around and an entire herd is just… gone. How we can’t organize boxes because Pokémon I catch now go into random boxes instead of the first available box spot. The Pokédex is non interactive and has no filtering. Sprinkle on all of the performance issues and glitches… It’s not about the visuals. The Tera battles actually look pretty good. It’s literally everything else for me!

  7. Probably is an issue with developers and hardware. More so the developers. I haven't had any of the glitch through floors or character enlarging. I mainly see the slowdown, stuttering, and very bad camera angles especially when entering battles on slopes. Also not the best draw range. I'm more forgiving on low poly textures as long as I'm having fun, so can't really say I noticed the game environment looking ugly. But I did notice how they put slightly more effort in that marsh/swamp the Poison Star team is in and the bamboo woods the Fighting Star team is in. Though I question if there are bamboo forests in Spain

  8. You can say that the game is ugly, badly optimized and unfinished. But you cannot say it's not fun to play. I get the complain about SwSh, but Arceus and Scarlet/Violet are incredibly fun to play games. And I will die on this hill.

    Also, as someone who hasn't played the game in coop yet, mine definitely doesn't look that bad. It sometimes acts up but you just save and restart and it's fine. And even then, it's not that bad in single player mode.

  9. I’m a developer and if your game/app runs poorly on a machine you created it for, it means you either skipped testing or ignored it to meet arbitrary deadlines. No excuse for them and I don’t think I’ll be buying the next Pokémon game. They did ZERO tricks to help with the animations such as HIDING the kids legs swinging in the classroom! They could have extended the desk down to the floor and cut the legs off of the kids so there was no need for that animation running at seemingly 3 fps…. It’s inexcusable for a company that has unlimited financial resources

  10. Game Freak is so pathetic lol But look at Bayo 3. That game is really good but it def shows the limitations of the switch and could 100% use a pro model and makes me worried about Tears of the Kingdom.

  11. I am surprised that people are still moaning about the performance to the point that "oh it is not playable". I never had a high spec PC which could handle all the games. Never had a console like Xbox 360 on my own. I was born in times were you were squeezing from the PC as much as you could to play the new titles. Looking at the current generation I am surprised to see how much of you are "expecting" all the stars from the sky. I am not saying the game is brilliant. a proper patch would probably fix the issue but as many said, the game sold itself out very well already. only in my office we have 6 copies already and there is only 12 engineers. but many of us has said the same, for such a small console it is still amazing we can play games like this. it is not a Witcher 3, it is not Zelda, Gamefreak has not polished the game to a perfection but is a good game which is good to play and as a person which slowly approaches being 40yo, I am happy how it works. I only have 1hour of a time per day to play it anyway so I am not doing long sessions with a game with a limited memory anyway…. 😕

  12. I'm of the opinion that this is absolutely the fault of the developer. Game Freak didn't finish the game. The yearly schedule and crunch destroyed the game on a technical level and the QA testers were all ignored when they found the glitches.

  13. Most def, Game Dev's need to complete games like they did prior. All new games I've seen released in at least past 5 years. Release game and slowly (I mean Slowly) complete the game over the years.

  14. I agree it's absolutely fucked. Lord knows they probably won't patch it either but I'm still having a blast. Story is better written then the last few years, gameplay (when it works well) isn't quite as good (imo) as legends Arceus. New Pokemon designs are mostly good. Seriously hope they patch it in 2023 or sooner

  15. i put in over 50 hours in this game since it came out and i havent experienced any of these glitches except for the poor framerate (to be expected, they never fixed sword and shield) and 2 crashes

  16. It is not only a Nintendo Switch thing. Most of the games that a released by totay standards are full of bugs and glitches. Most of us are just accepting that. It is like a newer standard because of the day one patches and updates that improves the game at a certain point later on. For me… I rarely buy games these days anymore because of this kind of laziness and moronic actions of the developers.
    Games aren’t cheap and developing games isn’t cheap either. I know that, But If I spend 60 or 70 euros on a game I want a good product. Not some kind of expensive glitchy demo that got patched later on!!!
    And at a future point we will all be a victim of this! And that is because this console generation will be a retro console in the future. A retro console without any support anymore by their developers. So lets say that if you buy a game full of glitches that is released today and you want to play it in about 15 or 20 years from now… well then goodluck with it. Because (at that future point) there is no support for it anymore and no longer any patches or updates to install because the online support for the consoles and it games are closed down long ago😁
    Just think and wake up people…!!!

  17. The issues are absolutely poor optimisation. This cannot be ignored when Warframe exists and runs so well. I would love to see what type of optimisation Panic Button could do, but that will obviously not end up happening. I also have always preached the sentiment that I believe this would be the best Pokemon game were it not for the technical and graphical issues, based on all the quality of life fixes implemented


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