THE HARDEST META FIGHT EVER! (Lv 15 Queen Elizabeth META Full Auto Clear) [No META Back] | Azur Lane

I want to say things about this META fight, but I want to keep this channel rated PG so I won’t. Regardless, I did not enjoy doing this fight whatsoever. Enjoy the video.

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44 thoughts on “THE HARDEST META FIGHT EVER! (Lv 15 Queen Elizabeth META Full Auto Clear) [No META Back] | Azur Lane”

  1. Sheeeesh that clear with 0 seconds on the clock 😂

    I'm wondering if you did any attempts with carriers and how that went, if you don't mind telling 🙏

  2. what's your average damage with this setup? I have the same backline but with agir, shima, and dev25 plymouth at the front. I averaged around 700k damage

    UPDATE: I tried this exact fleet and gear setup, except with dev25 plymouth and a few non +13 gears and in the my 3 daily assist runs, I logged 1.4M, 1.48M, and CLEAR. All runs were auto. In all 3 runs, helena and helmet survived and plymouth sank after defeating the mobs QE Meta summons. I will keep this setup for the season and see if I get any below 1M damage runs

  3. That meta fight is really annoying. The only META ship I leveled before was Gneisenau META…because she is the first one I could limit break (fortunately I don't have to farm Helena Meta fight because I used her as a punching ball for my anti-light armor fleets).

    They should have released more decent vanguard meta ship before releasing a meta fight with that kind of gimmick. (they also improve Meta ship tactical training system because the 30k/day limit shouldn't be a thing, especially if you want to quickily level a meta fight for that fight)

  4. Somewhat annoying fight, especially since "HelMET" is the only META ship I've even bothered to level past 70, not sure if I get around to leveling someone like Ark Royal M to try a carrier fleet (Ark M, Shinano, Implacable; Helena M, Kazagumo, Helena) anytime soon – especially since I'm practically out of exp packs (/ saving those for NJ).

  5. This is for me the worst meta fight ever, not because is hard but because it forces you to se META ships and lvl them up to 125, WTF yostar why do we have to waste our precisous arrays for this stupid fight, i was saving them for other ships buyt know need to use them for this, and no lvl 120 ships dont work, at least for me, they die too fast since meta ships are crap anyway.

  6. If any of you need a way to level Metas quickly, there a hack to do it on Op Si. On a map with the reinforcement node things, use another fleet to land on it, but escape and don't defeat it. Then put your Meta fleet on auto. The Metas won't be able to clear the map as another fleet is on the node. The mobs on those maps usually give 0 EXP, but Metas are the exception. The result? Infinitely mobs and infinite EXP for Metas. Theoretically you could leave it for days farming EXP, but I've never tried this myself as I've never had a need to explicitly farm Metas (until now). I like how this Meta fight actually makes it beneficial to collect Meta ships, speaking as someone who always grinds for each new one.

  7. I'll try triple battleship. I was using the two UR IJN carriers along side Musashi with Helena META being the META ship to clear the Knights and I am always so close to a clean sweep. I might also try using a META in the backline and see what results I get

  8. And Kimo said he can't understand why we want to have NJ. Tell us everything is easy with NJ then tell us we don't need so he can laugh at our incompetence when we newbies ask him for critique of our accounts lol.


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