The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 10 – Old School Essentials Megadungeon | The Stench of Death

The party plunges deeper into the western reaches of the Thoth precincts, where they suspect the walking dead lurk. Will Frater Avaricios’ faith be enough to protect them?

Feats of Exploration achieved during this session can be perused here:

The Halls of Arden Vul is by Richard Barton, Andreas Claren, and Joseph Browning, published by Expeditious Retreat Press.
Purchase it here:

Old School Essentials is by Gavin Norman a.k.a. Necrotic Gnome. OSE is a restatement of the Basic/Expert (B/X) rulesets of Dungeons & Dragons, originally published in 1981. Check it out at

I use a fairly extensive list of House Rules, culled from numerous luminary OSR sources. Find them, my Armor and Weapons List, and my Carousing Rules here:

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Isometric maps by Jason Lutes.

Maps used in the channel banner by Dyson Logos.

Intro music by Muzaproduction.


29 thoughts on “The Halls of Arden Vul Ep 10 – Old School Essentials Megadungeon | The Stench of Death”

  1. Nice haul this session, fellas. Glad to see you guys back in the saddle. Mike (seeing Jon's cheshire cat grin when Ted and Matt want to dive right in): "I dunno how you beat your employees at poker, dude." The answer is obvious, no? They let him win! 😀

  2. Hahahaha both of my groups found the slime kraken week before last. One group accidentally fed their druid to it, while the other watched it devour nine out of twelve giant rats that came up in a random encounter (the party was in one of the galleries, and the only place the rats were going to come from was out of the gore pile).

    When I played this adventure, I hit the room you guys ended off with as a thief scouting the space with some goblin hirelings. I bribed one to open the hatch (who was then pulled in with a great Wilhelm Scream), and the remaining two and my character rushed off to lure the ghouls into a trap elsewhere, which took them out. I had to deal with a few more ghouls than two!

    Good stuff! Psyched to see what you guys get up to next time. This really is a cool dungeon.

  3. If you cleaned out that secret room you guys are in, could you turn it into a safe haven? Sounds secure, one entrance, needs some cleaning, but it's good real estate.

    Also you only gotta haul those urns to the next room if you wanna make them your fee.

  4. Brilliant fight with the ghouls! And a nice treasure haul. If you can get it all back, Should be worth enough XP to gain a level, assuming the halfling gang don't poach too much. 😉 Good luck!

  5. Meh- no worries on the technical difficulties ! Your synopsis was perfect! I’m in awe of how well produced your actual play is presented honestly !
    Thanks for sharing your games ! Cheers to the whole crew for a safe happy holidays ! 🍻


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