The Greatest Song Ever Went Nowhere

In this episode we take a look at a demo I made with Muddy Magnolia’s and where it went.

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tom gilberts
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Kaeordic Industries LLC
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Calvin Wells
David Trapani
Will Elrics
Debbie Valle
JP Rosato
Orion Letizi
Mike Voloshen
Peter Pillitteri
Jeremy Hickerson
Travis Ahrenholtzh


27 thoughts on “The Greatest Song Ever Went Nowhere”

  1. I quit making music, many songs with digital dust. I was never in the right place in the right time and after two decades I just made it a hobby instead of a career.. It's hard to go see live bands

  2. Voices are good. Maybe pare down the symphonic drama with fiddle, harmonica, washboard, secondary counterpoint female harmony (since there are indeed two girls) a la Heart, and give it more of an 'Ol Black Water Doobie Brothers funk meets Appalachia – needs some sort of bridge variation as well, maybe church organ with hint of Bach

  3. …….sighhhhh……know that feeling all too well. I might as well be on that HD. Did exactly what you said…..crappy jobs, worked hard was even signed with Paul Stanley Management….really liked that song you co-wrote with the girls! Like to cover it!

  4. me too rick but even less exposure than yours i did it for lover also to amuse myself i must hasve a couple of hundreds songs for half a dozeh 'artists' but thays life i guess i havent given up on these yet tho….anything could happen

  5. Parts of this song Down By The Riverside by Muddy Magnolia remind me of the Zero Seven song Destiny sung by the famous singer/composer Sia. Especially, during the chorus part. I like that sound. Rick should get this song Down By The Riverside to the British singer Adele. She would make it a number one worldwide hit. I think most people would agree with that.

  6. That song is simply amazing and it's a complete shame that it never was released and people got a chance to listen to it and love it. I could listen to that everyday it's so beautiful and upbeat and the harmony is so lovely. So the question is, why do we hear so much crap on the radio to the point where we don't even listen to the radio anymore and yet all these talented people have their talent squandered because nobody "gave them a chance".


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