The Greatest Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids, the Sphynx, and the Mummies

@ancientsecretdiscoveries 2-hour 48 mins Special from Zohar’s and Phenomena Magazine Archives! The Greatest Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids, Sphynx, and the Mummies, covering the following stories:
The Missing Capstone of the Great Pyramid of Giza
Egypt’s Mysterious Untouched Coffins
The Tutankhamun Mystery & The Curse of The Pharaoh
Celestial Prophecies and the Great Pyramid
Ancient Egyptian Underground Labyrinth containing 1,500 Rooms
The Great Egyptian Cover-Up
The Missing Capstone of the Great Pyramid of Giza
Isaac Newton’s Quest For The Armageddon Date Hidden Within The Great Pyramids Of Egypt
Scientists Use Cosmic Radiation to Look Inside the Pyramids
The Ancient Egyptian Faiyum Mummy Portraits Mystery
Could Mummy KV55 Really be the ‘Heretic Pharaoh’ Akhenaten?
The Deir El Mummy Discovery

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27 thoughts on “The Greatest Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids, the Sphynx, and the Mummies”

  1. Recommended by Ancient Secret Discoveries: Join Graham Hancock for this unique Events+ workshop at GaiaSphere. The New York Times bestselling author and controversial public figure will distill thirty years of groundbreaking work into three days of intense, fast-paced, and thought-provoking presentations on the mysteries of our collective past, combining the latest advances offered by hard science with insights arising from intuitive and non-conventional approaches to the human enigma

  2. The crystals might produce a charge when squeezed and relaxed but the science doesn't hold up. The theory is not valid. The material surrounding the crystals is not conductive so no usable electricity would be produced

  3. They had robot guards, I have heard this a few times but there is no truth I doubt I will hear truth in my time. Zawi Hamas ( whatever is his name ,) is a keeper of the gate head BS talker , what ever they are hiding must be good. Mushrooms, we are all like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed on BS.

  4. Tesla's papers didn't disappear…. The USA government went to his apartment after he died and cleared everything out. They have everything and they have already released some paperwork for us to see but not all.

    They have all his works and clearly you have not checked everything in history. So this makes me think what else you are saying is wrong.

    The pyramid in Giza could have been a conductor… But there is another theory as well and we have to take into account all the studies untill we know the answer.
    There is no proof for any theory at this time.

  5. 41:51 …Atop the pyramids were statues of various types. Atop the Great Pyramid , sat a bust of Alexander the Great. ( this autta be good ). When you look thru some old books/maps about Egypt & the surrounding area going back hundreds of years…. You see Obilisks with Cesars on them , in stone (plaster/concrete) , Alexander's bust that was taken down after the flood or fell during , can be seen littering the Giza plateau. The twin pyramids of Lake Moeris had the Colossi on Memnon on them. etc….

  6. The pyramids back then it's what we call today abandoned buildings. The Egyptians took them them over and had woven them into their culture. Just an old structure that had been refurbished

  7. Sometimes I think that we as a humanity were meant for so much more. Almost as if we now are repressed or repressing compared to what was or might have been. In other words it's as if we are going backwards.
    Maybe we are in some ways.

  8. It would be a nice experiment to make a small scale version based on the similarities of several pyramid designs with the hypothesis/null hypo being, electricity is produced/not produced .


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