The Greatest Fraud of Our Time.

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20 thoughts on “The Greatest Fraud of Our Time.”

  1. At some point in your life you’d be so happy that Doctors, Lawyers got educated and accumulated student loans to oh well, maybe save your life or something. Then youd say thank god for their student loans

  2. Impressed to see you are eyes wide open to this. So so few of us are. Would love to sit down and get your take on Covid. I get the sense you would have seen right through it as well.

  3. All right, but wait a minute. I really admire the fortune you created for yourself under single motherhood, but this time, my man, you are not looking at the other side of the picture.
    I am from Pakistan, and I can clearly tell you the difference between a civilized and uncivilized nation. Bro, some systems have to be there to control the so-called evolved apes. Listen, I agree that this has to be done forcefully, but if you do not make the people (or we can say evolved apes) obedient even forcefully, you are directly heading them towards more crime and instability. Just look at the current situation in San Francisco. As Elon Musk said, San Francisco is facing a zombie apocalypse situation just because their governor removed a system for snatchers and thieves. I wanted to ask you why there was so much instability in the societies when these systems were not there. Why Religion was created? Why do the police have a role in the community? Just because you are that ape who gets civilized with these systems. I really appreciate your side of the story, and you are stating facts about the forceful education or training of society, but try and understand that it is in our nature from where we came from. You have to accept that we need these systems to run society. Not all people are the same. If you disagree with my perspective, come and see with your own eyes how countries like Pakistan or Sri Lanka work in the absence of these systems. There is only one thing without these systems, and that is Chaos, Only Chaos. Please have a look at this side of the story.

  4. Very compelling documentary like video. I have been on to this for a long time, even though I didn't have the details or know who was responsible, but I always knew we were being programmed to we workers and set on path to a life of debt slavery. But still I fell into line because I didn't want fame or extraordinary circumstances for myself, I just wanted to be fed and sheltered and loved.
    But now that I am older and have a family, all I want is to find my way out while be surrounded by nothing but people that doubt it is capable.
    Pretty sad really, why can't they see it? That working for 40 years at a job that isn't the our passion just to pay for a house that was made unaffordable and help your children become products of this same system.


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