The Giant 100-Foot-Long Tidal Wave Torpedo

Status-6 Poseidon is the latest weapon to light up Russian propaganda organs. An extremely long-range missile that can travel at high speeds and cause massive damage, it is said that Poseidonโ€™s nuclear warhead could be as high as two megatons.

According to Russian newscasters, the Poseidon project could create a tidal wave that could destroy the surroundings of any coastal target, thus generating wide radioactive contamination that would render large worldwide areas unsuitable for military, economic, or human activity.

Nevertheless, it wouldnโ€™t be the first time that Russia has been caught baffling, and they are known around the world for using state-owned news and social media to over-state military capabilities and trumpet their supposed effect.

While many Western skeptics believe that this novel weapon is all booster and no payload, it is also possible that Russia might already have a nuclear device with doomsday capabilitiesโ€ฆ


39 thoughts on “The Giant 100-Foot-Long Tidal Wave Torpedo”

  1. We can now hold fear that our oceans may be and or become saturated with such boy humans are stupid weapons. Even after an all out nuclear exchange and after a 100 years just as life starts to gather on the face of the earth these ego toys well continue to express the cheap pride of its owner if that is even relevant cause they can not dig their palaces deep enough. YVO

  2. Launching one of these even as a sleeper weapon should be considered an act of war and not merely by those being held hostage by one or more just off the coast. It is no wonder Putin believe he is a God he'll hold the planet hostage if no one sees fit to stop him. Ya the entire planet must stand against such weapons unilaterally and at once. Good time to humble our selves before our genuine creator and feel grateful a man such as Jesus told us how we can come together for such an project. [email protected]

  3. Poppycock! No bomb can create a 1,000 ft tsunami. Not even massive earthquakes do this. Not even Krakatoa did this. Not even meteor strikes do this. Maybe just the dino killer, but that's it. This ludicrous assertion is popping up in various youtube videos.

  4. If someone did their math, they could figure out how to create a destructive wave without the nuclear contamination. The radioactive BS is a fear tactic. The explosion would have to occur in deep water and out far enough to keep the enemy from stopping the weapon. We have seen a tidal wave created by an earthquake that traveled from the Far East to India and Africa. This shows the problem is containing the attack to one enemy location. If the device was to be used, the outcome could mean shooting yourself in the foot. If you think of an explosion as a sphere, the wave would be going out at all directions. An attack on one country could mean an attack on Russian allies.

  5. As far as I'm concerned, this weapon is no different than the fabled Nazi mega weapons that failed to accomplish anything of value. When it comes to Russia, their government ended up being so corrupt that the defense budget straight out went into the pockets of people who bought yachts with the money as opposed to military upgrading and the country is now in a state where weapons like this will not be getting built for a very long time. Right now Russia is struggling to make tanks, there's definitely no way they are making a sea based weapon like this when their ground war is going horribly wrong for them and it's a straight out meat grinder for them as well.

  6. It's been reported that this thing is PACKED with Cobalt 59. When you hit Cobalt 59 with a neutron you create Cobalt 60. Cobalt 60 is HIGHLY radioactive and it has a half life of over 5 years. It gives off a nasty high energy gamma. Set this thing off next to a coastal city and it'll be 31 years before the stuff has decayed away and is stable.

  7. Kaderavites took mareopil, Wagner almost took bakhmut, Russian army hasn't done anything.i think this is why Wagner don't raise Russian flag but rasie there own flag. I believe this is because they see Russia it's self is 2eek and there asamed to raise Russian flag ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  8. The USA actually gave up trying to cause manmade tsunamis using explosives because the physics just doesnt work out.
    If you explode it near the surface it vaporises the water, and the further down you go, compressive forces increasingly compress the explosion. Its like trying to push a car along the road by punching it. Its all about inertia and the rate of energy transfer.
    Dont get me wrong, a salted nuke would irradiate a large area for maybe 40-50 years, rendering it entirely lethally contaminated, but that would happen with any ground burst. The important part is that the "tsunami" part is BS. It wont irradiate millions of tonnes of water and then cause it to sweep over the land. It will just be a big dirty salted nuke, and the second the West realised Putin is firing salted nukes they will most likely launch everything nuke they have at Russia, and not stop until Russia either screams for mercy or the apocalypse comes.
    Nukes are a weapon of state craft, not war. Putin might be a power crazy amoral narcissist, but he doesnt want to turn himself into "The Tsar of the Radioactive Ash Pile"

  9. We can do something similar with the starship and it would have the power of 800MT for it can launch 200 tons anywhere in 30 minutes, but we could also take a sub and turn it into a drone. These thugs think they have the upper hand, and they are living in a fantasy world.
    No one would win this war; it would just be another 500-year dark age.

  10. We can only hope this ridiculous torpedo is built as well as Russian tanks. Because, the world sure doesn't need something like it one bit. I believe hell would freeze over if Russia actually created a cure for disease, or actually helped the less fortunate (Russian citizens). No its always and only bombs and bullets for Russia. Joy.

  11. Can we just take a moment to realize how utterly juvenile, stupid, pointless and ineffective this Peacock of an idea is.

    "We have super weapon."
    .. okay..? But it's dumb, and it won't work. If you're going to go through the effort of all this unnecessary exertion of big brain low IQ strategy.. then why not just throw the NUKE itself at the enemy?

    "Dah, because, nuking enemy is escalation that could result in nuke being used against us, we have too much radiation already. No need more"

    And making a "tidal wave" as you claim.. isn't a gross provocation that would or could result in catastrophic retaliation when you irradiated everyone with a puddle?

    "No, see.. is not puddle, is big nuclear bomb. Make large wave like see from all those water test. It make wave, wave break city, enemy bow to Moscow."

    (Sigh) you really don't understand this do you. To make a wave appreciable enough to cause damage, you need a massive MASSIVE bomb.. likenyour stupid Czar Bomba.. like up there.. sizes of kaboom on stupid scales. Because even a "strategic" wespon we aim at eachother on ICBMs wouldn't create a tidal wave severe enough to do more than cause some light flooding like you'd find in a bad storm.. plus radiation, which means we are absolutely going to respond with a Nuclear strike of our own. So your avoiding nukes nuclear weapon just caused a nuclear engagement and you caused us a dirty bomb splash.. and you took Nukes to the face. This weapon is stupid you're stupid STOP BEING STUPID!

    "Is just over 30 meter long torpedo."

    …. what? You.. you don't even have a platform that could launch that. No submarine in existence can shoot that stupid phallic compensation cope stick.

    "Nyet, not Phallus, is nuclear torpedo"

    Yes yes. We know you want to look big and scary, but your smooth brain approach to every problem makes you look cartoonishly evil and wildly incompetent.

    "So you scared by Nuclear Torpedo?"

    No Ivan, we're not. Because it's the most recent thing you've waved around that apparently dumber than you. But don't worry you keep trying I'm sure you'll tip that scale over one day.


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