The Germans Knew about the Holocaust! – War Against Humanity 125

How often have you heard that the German population was unaware of the horrors of the Nazi camp system? Well, the opening months of 1945 destroys that myth once and for all as the SS force hundreds of thousands of Jews and other prisoners to march across the Reich and into the vast network of sub-camps. All of this happens in in full view of the German people.

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Hosted by: Spartacus Olsson
Director: Astrid Deinhard
Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson
Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson
Creative Producer: Marek Kamiński
Community Management: Ian Sowden
Written by: Spartacus Olsson and James Newman
Research by: James Newman and Spartacus Olsson
Map animations by: Daniel Weiss
Map research by: Sietse Kenter
Edited by: Iryna Dulka
Artwork and color grading by: Mikołaj Uchman
Sound design by: Marek Kamiński
Colorizations by:
Mikołaj Uchman

Source literature list:

Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters –

Image sources:
Yad Vashem 16CO5, 16CO3, 18DO2, 18DO4, 7919-1, 256_74
Ralph-Eric Koch
Abrascha Arluk-Lawit
Ullstein Bilderdienst
Municipal archives Landsberg am Lech
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, provenance of Maria Seidenberger

Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound:
Dark Shadow – Etienne Roussel
Trouble in The Air – Farrell Wooten
End of Luck – Max Anson
Cold Nights – Kikoru
Nothing to Be Scared Of – Kikoru
Night – Edward Karl Hanson
Confession – Edward Karl Hanson
Defeated STEMS INSTRUMENTS – Wendel Scherer
Dark Seas – Michael Rothery
Transfixed – August Wilhelmsson
Firebreak – Edward Karl Hanson

A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.


31 thoughts on “The Germans Knew about the Holocaust! – War Against Humanity 125”

  1. Denial of the crimes of the Nazis is on the rise. A recent survey found that 20% of Americans aged 18-29 believe the Holocaust is a myth. Time and again, Sparty, Indy, Astrid, and everyone here at Timeghost have tackled such falsehoods. The historical record shows clearly that the German people, whether Nazi Party functionaries, SS men, soldiers, or ordinary civilians, knew what was happening to the Jews, Soviet prisoners of war, and other ethnic and political enemies who were murdered in the woods and fields of Eastern Europe, gassed in the extermination camps, imprisoned in the concentration camp system, or set to work as forced labourers in the Reich. Now more than ever, it’s important to fight back against such lies. Join the Timeghost Army to fight against the lies.

    Please read our code of conduct before commenting.

  2. Sparty, you have a lovely French accent
    Might you please consult with Indie when he were to stumble French names? Itstuck in my craw when , in rapid succession, he called out… de Lattre de Tassigny as 'duh lattray'.

    Why is he so resistant to best presentation?

  3. I am reminded of the ending of the documentary, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich bt William Shirer, part 3 [1968]. 21 Nazi leaders are tried for crimes against humanity. As you hear the defendants plead "Nicht schuldig", the narrator, Richard Basehart, says the following: "To a man they plead not guilty. But if they are not guilty, who is, and if they are, who is not? The German people who gave the Nazis power? The civilized world which permitted that monstrous regime to grow unchallenged? Hitler's Reich affirmed again that in every man there exists the evil by which he can destroy himself."

  4. Could you please do similar program about Soviet Gulag system in 39-45 period,its size and role of slave labor in Soviet armament industry? As Red Army advanced in Ukraine, Baltic states and Poland great many people were arrested and sent to work and prisons near and beyond Ural mountains. Most stayed there until 1956 and many died . German POW were also there and great many perished. We can't forget them either.

  5. I went on a tour in Idaho at Yellow Stone Bear World and our tour guide was a young man on an internship from NY and he was telling us that he needed to get out of NY because of to many jews I had never been so disgusted with a person before in my life.

  6. While I like Sparty's good natured and well put together speeches and lessons at the end of these videos. Blaming humans for their tendency of looking the other way or ignore things when these types of crimes are occurring is somewhat ridiculous. Its human nature to do such a thing. Especially when opposing the thing partaking in the crime can result you in being killed yourself, and quickly.

    The world isn't some idealistic fantasy where everyone gets along and does the right thing. Just need to learn from our mistakes.

  7. The thing that should not be forgotten is that there WAS a real reason for the hatred. And that was that a group of people who'd had little to no success in private life and not wanting to accept responsibility for their own failures in life wanted to hoist blame onto people who'd done nothing to them… because it absolved the accuser of his/her own mistakes. In this… the real reason was about people not wanting to live in reality.

  8. The post-War Milgram Experiments showed 2/3 people would shock someone to death with no more pressure than, “the experiment must continue,” or “you aren’t responsible, I am.” And 85% would still shock someone. Dr. Jordan Peterson says you should imagine yourself in such a situation so if God forbid you ever find yourself in one, you might recognize it and turn away.

    Never forget indeed. :

  9. The Holocaust is undeniable and tragic. I do not believe that the exact numbers of the victims or the whole story of their suffering will ever be truly understood. At the same time, I don't believe it should be a central narrative of the 2nd world war, given the vast scale of conflict. Many times more Chinese people were victimized than any ethnicity in Europe, for example. Very few people alive today had anything to do with the war, and there is no reason to feel guilt for what others did. Learn from the past, avoid the mistakes of previous generations, and try to make things better; but don't feel bad for what you were not involved in.


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