The Future of Hearts of Iron

Join Game Director Peter Nicholson and the development team as they detail the future developments of the Hearts of Iron franchise. This was an April fools!

#hoi #hoi4 #heartsofiron4 #aprilfools


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40 thoughts on “The Future of Hearts of Iron”

  1. You have a concept, you have a will. Just build enough civs and mils in Sweden to produce heck a lot of these!
    I can see how these products quarantine the world conquest of Paradox next year! At you local gasoline station and grocery store 1.4.2024!

  2. Thanks for this amazing video! I was expecting jokes like "In HoI5 the war mechanics will be from Vic3, not HoI4" or "The next DLC for HoI4 will be developed in collaboration with MS Excel", but it turned out much better. And the idea of Hearts of Trivia is actually quite good. You could ask questions about Historical Focuses, geography, mechanics and micro-parameters.

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  3. Dear Paradox, would you please consider making a Nordic DLC? I would love to play as Finland, as it would be very interesting to have the wars with the USSR more fleshed out, alongside with options like restoring the monarchy ( where we could potentially pick to restore the Hohenzollerns or Romanovs onto the throne ), etc. Sweden would also be quite fantastic for it's unique geographical and political situation. Thanks!


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