The Fox and His Lily | Peacewolf's Divorce Drama

uhh Stills Artist: Big Thanks to My Patrons! _*(Plague)*_ Turo Arvo the Blue Jay Zephy Iris …


46 thoughts on “The Fox and His Lily | Peacewolf's Divorce Drama”

  1. I don’t know why furry have to put there private life on the so much internet. i Just one single one furry out there that that happily married grow old together in a coffin and has loving children that will live on there and caring the mother and father legacies as a happy dying Berenstein bears furry life and get married to others furrys but sadly that not a true story. I just wanted to know where, in the hell is a good furry out there It doesn’t matter if you’re straight or gay just please tell me did you die old in a coffin happily.

  2. 1. Fox commissioned a friend of mine for fetish art of Peace heavily pregnant and paid them extra to keep it secret from Peace πŸ’€

    2. Fox accused me of dating my now husband just to help him get β€œpapers” because he is Mexican. He made a lot of racist, anti-immigrant Facebook posts that have long since been deleted.

    I have my issues with things Peace has said and done towards me too, but they frankly pale in comparison to things Fox has said to me.

  3. Now see, I was happy Peacewolf got out even though I think she’s a terrible person. If her claims were to be believed, she was very much better off. At the time, I had no idea she left her husband for…ugh, those two.

  4. Just want to say on behalf of us furry christians, thank you for your unbiased cover on this situation and thank you for noting her behavior does not match up with our values and that she shouldn't be recognized as a true christian.

  5. Christ, this really shows that of ANY people who participate in cucking, furries misunderstand it to the highest degree. Even in artwork/comics (where, when called out on the representation, insist they know aaaaall about cucking and how it can be healthy and they’ve totally done it), it’s full of so many red flags.

    Like yeah, in an emotionally trying time where your marriage is absolutely crumbling, THAT’s the best time to try it out. Nevermind that every time I see furries engage in it, there’s always a level of manipulation, either by the bull to the cucker, or the cucker to the cuckold. β€œTrust me babe, you say to stop, and we totally will” which then leads into convincing like β€œwell how about just this one time, I swear it won’t happen again.” Knowing Jason and Kabs, I’m almost positive there was a level of manipulation on their part, especially since, again, it was an emotionally trying time.

  6. I've said from the beginning of this: PeaceWolf is the perfect example of alienating your audience. she built her empire on the backs of conservative Christians and cut off everyone else, only to do things that would turn them against her.

  7. The fact this is a drama really does kill the meaning of the term drama. This is really a turning point that peace wolf might give up her faith and turn into a rightwinger without her need of discouraging away from NSFW content. Maybe she turned right libertarian or something else. She mightve left her faith in sin but we all know we have sinned in the furry Fandom. You know it I know it.

  8. Fuck me dude Conservatives are such fucking freaks, all the time. It's pretty common for victims of grooming and abuse to end up with new abusers… I can only hope that people involved get over themselves and get a better perspective of reality and dig themselves out of these absolute shithole situations they're stuck in.

  9. Hearing this from a out of context outsider perspective makes the whole thing sound like a extremely in-depth soap opera but it keeps adding more plot twists until you get invested and ask what the drama is about before getting hit with the Wham episode reveal that it's about a furry husband and wife, which now leaves you expecting nothing but being let down in hearing about it.

  10. People wonder why a ex furry raider like me walked the fuck away. And why I never came back. Shit and drama like this sonny jim. The fact She went from one groomer to 2 dingbat groomers is terrifying

  11. Peacewolf wasn't groomed, she decided she didn't want Fox anymore and didn't want to look like a cheating, manipulative, slut after cheating on and manipulating him. So she had to tear his reputation to shreds by any means possible.

    Honestly, she deserves partners like Jason and Kabier. They're just like her, they're just more brazen and open about it.

  12. Huh, so a 16 year-old drawing NSFW is pearlclutching worthy, but taking kids to Pride to watch degeneracy is something to be encouraged. You progressives are so flip-floppy and inconsistent.

  13. Hahahahhaaha, the U.S. gov is criminally negligent over being a "middleman" in child trafficking. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Should've known that the lack of background checks for the storytime freaks. Was a red flag. πŸ™ˆ πŸ™‰ See no evil hear no evil.

  14. Ive gone thru similar stuff to Peace. I feel really bad for her and the comments upset me as everyone wants to judge her so harshly, but who else tried to help her besides Jason and kabs? I dont even know those two, doesnt sound good, but the man who 'saved' me from my abusive home and groomed me for six years sounds extremely similar in a lot of ways.

  15. I’m gonna be honest the initial β€œracist” tweets you showed don’t really prove much. Seems like a stretch. It’s not like she’s directly calling for the death of black people.

  16. I wondered wtf people were talking about lmao, prob better off being ignorant.

    That document, oof. Like even if what she fabricated was true, thats so ugh. The part where 'big' mans comes out to put the old SO down if real is so bloody gross. Why's everyone need to make these power fantasy/cuck/fetish fics and post and shame rl people is beyond the moon and stars to me. Cant even say it provided a chuckle bc no matter who is what, cheating is ew. So no one comes out looking decent here. Her pretending her cheating was consenting cuck stuff is just. Wow. Wow. Wow.

    Just break up, then sleep/frick whoever you want free of sabotaging others trust.


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