The first time I told her “I love you."

The first time I told her “I love you.”


29 thoughts on “The first time I told her “I love you."”

  1. What lucky guy you are that she forgave your insult and carried on loving you anyway. Proves there's hope for everyone. You were not brave and neither did you have faith in her, but she had bravery and faith enough for the both of you.

  2. Her expression in the shared photo says she loves you, she is forever yours and you are her forever, too! Awesome, Sir! If your relationship survived basic training as well as a war, your relationship with her was meant to last. I believe everyone has a split-a-part. You both were blessed enough to find each other’s. A lot of people search a lifetime and never find theirs.

  3. Met my beauty while still serving. A California blonde who had her pick of suitors. But with all the time I was sent to God knew where…she was always there waiting when I returned. 30 years later…she is still the love of my life and still going strong!

  4. I did the exact same thing for this guy I only knew 5 months prior. Bags full of letters, and got none back
    We have now been together 5 years n just got engaged ☺️🙌

  5. My husband was like this. I had so many walls up, and so many defense mechanisms, and he just wouldn't quit proving me wrong over and over again.

    Almost three years of dating, going on 10 years married. He has my loyalty for life.


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