The First Ever Persona-Like? – ETERNIGHTS GAMEPLAY

A hack & slash where you get to date anime girls, erm YUP sign me up! If you wanna check out Eternights you can download the …


37 thoughts on “The First Ever Persona-Like? – ETERNIGHTS GAMEPLAY”

  1. Played the demo and really enjoyed it. You can tell it's kinda low budget in some areas but they spared no expense for the VO and cutscenes. Really enjoying the story and mechanics of the game so far. Think I'll probably pick this one up.

  2. The voice acting and monster designs stand out but holy f*ck the protagonist and Chani are as tropey as teenage boys can be in anime. Some of the lines are funny though, shows some promise.

  3. The voice acting is acting kinda good! I think I recognize the voices too (news lady being the easiest to guess). There's definitely some good parts in this, looking forward to how they polish it up.

    I really hope they change some UI stuff especially. Some of it feels pretty stylish and the rest a bit undercooked.

  4. I played the demo and I really didn't like it, I don't want to demolish the developers ambitions as it obvious that this game is a passion project of people who like action games and persona series, however I found it to be rough in every aspect, gameplay, visuals, even music was weird, and the story while I like its occasional self-awareness it didn't feel anything remotely interesting

  5. Media: "Breaking news, a giant wall has appeared in the middle of the city."
    Trump: "I'm sorry, I meant to put that on the American border, I'm so sorry. We won't make you pay for it."

  6. If have a vision of the future where crazy b🤬🤬🤬🤬, chopping your arm and then you grow weapon out of your arm. I be like nope not meet crazy girl.😮😮😮😱😱😱

  7. 45:13 no. They aren’t. Idols are put on a massive pedestal and watched like crazy. They are expected to be absolutely perfectly behaved. Even the smallest scandal can destroy their reputation. Unlike here where they’re put on even higher pedestals and given a whole tv show centered on the scandal.

  8. It must've been a long time since I've watched any John, since I didn't even recognise him until I looked at the channel name itself lol
    His voice sounds pretty different from the last time I watched

  9. I went to the website for this game and all the characters who have an age are 18, and the drinking age in south korea is 19 (plus the drinking thing probably happened in her past so maybe a year or 2 before the game starts)


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