The Finale of Fishman Island with @merphynapier42 | Volume One 189

In this episode we discuss the end of Fishman Island (chapters 627-653) with Merphy Napier!… Support us on Patreon: …


38 thoughts on “The Finale of Fishman Island with @merphynapier42 | Volume One 189”

  1. i love the idea behind Hody, a villain that doesn't have a sad story, or any reason to be the way he is, he is just emulating his heroes, who where rebels, but because he thinks they are cool, and not because of their purpose

  2. 1:27:18 too dark 😂 is this a Robin joke 👁👄👁
    Yoo when i first saw that part when robin said in skypiea the poneglphy is just another weapon she doesn't want to know that. And then in 10.000 m below Fishmen iIand it was pointing on here 🤯 goosebumbs 🔥

  3. Its probably true that a big portion dislikes this arc cause its not the typical execution.
    I also think that someone who likes themes and philosophizing, could still dislike this arc.

  4. 41:20 1:12:40 I said this back when Merph reviewed Fishman Island herself, but I will say it here, too. Hody saying, after forcing the people to prove their loyalty to him, that he was going to kill them regardless if their names were on the papers, that's how a dictatorship blacklist works. You once said publicly that you were in favor of (insert thing future dictator opposes), there's a record somewhere, and when the dictatorship comes they go through those records, and you die or disappear in thin air because you are potentially dangerous to their regime. The closest the US has had to something like this was McCarthy, so I understand the reaction. But I'm South American, we've lived through that tens of times. And while I was born one year after the latest de facto government in my country (Argentina) ended, the ghost of it will never be fully lifted. I'm 38 now, but in my most political phase during highschool and college, around 20 years later and already in the XXI century, we used to prune or cover our faces if we saw the media around, because we feared we would end in a blacklist somewhere.

    Now the strategy changed, instead of imposing a dictator by force to remove a leader they don't like, they use the media and propaganda, corrupted DAs and judges, and unless you know something they deem you shouldn't, it seems your life is not at risk, at least just for supporting a cause, or fighting against an injustice. But when I say "it seems" it's not for drama sake, it's because that's the feeling left in those my age and a bit older. Hopefully it's not how those younger than me feel, but I myself cannot be certain. And again, I was born one year after, so imagine how it is for those who had to live through it, throwing themselves to the floor if a car backfired thinking they were about to get shot, or having someone dear suddenly disappear and never hearing from them ever again. That's what Hody's words meant. That was his threat. A lifetime of fear of him finding out that they once said something he wouldn't approve, or what's even worse, of a neighbour who dislikes you because your dog once pooped on their frontyard calling him and lying about you being part of a movement against them

  5. The Ryugu kingdom, Otohime, and the steroids in the Tamate box are all references to the legend of Urashimataro. The treasure of the Tamate can turn a person older if I remember correctly.

  6. Can we move on to Sanji and Nami's perverted things and bikini outfit respectively? I know that it's controversial to western countries but you guys focused on it too much and it's kinda hard to watch. I wonder if your first collab with Murphey made you also think this way.

  7. Punk Hazard and Fishman Island get bad raps because they were the first main arcs after the timeskip and we were all ready to see how much stronger the strawhats were and it just felt like the fights were the weakest parts of those arcs. Fishman Island is much better overall in my opinion but yeah, I get the feeling people that read One Piece as it was coming out weekly and went through the weekly pacing and releasing of chapters after the timeskip will mostly hold different opinions on those 2 arcs compared to those who started after those arcs were already done with and could just breeze through them in one sitting.

  8. I found Hody to be a perfect villain for the arc.
    Hody, fisher tiger and otohime shows three different ways to see people under oppression react. And usually when these types of things are tackled it's more otohimes or something similar to fisher tiger that is handled. To put that pure hatered in the center is a very cool way to tackle it. I found it really interesting

  9. When it comes to Hody Jones, I think the issue is that he lacks personality to his character outside of being evil. I like how he fits with the theme of the arc, but that's about it. I didn't want him to have a thematic backstory or be super badass, I wanted him to be memorable. Crocodile still remained cool and interesting after Alabasta and Buggy was still a joy to read after Orange Town, but if Hody appeared in a later arc would you care (I know he won't because of the end of FMI)? Even lesser antagonists like Moria and CC are still memorable because of their hate-able personalities.

  10. People who hate this arc are just annoyed that we didnt see a New World level villain and the Strawhats low diffed everyone in this arc. I like that this arc focused more on the world and the hate filled cycle that governs it.

  11. Volume One Algorithm gang! Excited to see this collab podcast episode with Merphy, as well as your thoughts on stuff such as seeing Big Mom for the first time.

  12. Definitely most of the haters come from the anime watchers who are still adjusting to the change of pacing. It was pretty late for me, like I was already in Punk Hazard when I realized that the episodes are purposely dragged out. I liked everything so much more when I started reading the manga. That's when you realize how terrible the fillers they put in the episodes. One Piece in general don't deserve the hate for how TOEI handle its anime adaptation. I really enjoyed this and Merphy's review of this arc, ya'll proof that OP is much more enjoyable in the manga.

    Edit: Except Sanji, of course, he was insufferable in this arc. I swear without his horniness he'll easily be a favorite.

  13. For 3 separate "analysts" to completely miss the fact that Sanji's nosebleeds literally set up the biggest plot point in this arc is baffling. I dont even like Sanji as a character overall, I'm a Zoro fan but how do you miss this? The Luffy and Jinbe scene was only as big as it was because of the scene with Sanji not being able to get a blood transfusion. Oda took a very common anime trope, pervy characters getting nosebleeds and turned it into a legitimate plot point that held serious weight to the overall story. Even so there is a clear bias, which is disappointing. I'm not a Sanji fan in the aspect of him being a favorite, but to single out Sanji's more annoying character traits but not pointing out Usopp or Chopper's, who both have similarly annoying running gags is a little disappointing. It's why I favor Tekking and Rogers Base because they always seem to approach these things without a ton of bias.

  14. nothing better than people thinking being slapped in the face with a simplistic portrayal of themes automatically makes them deep. idiotic commentary left and right good job guys


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