The FINAL VERDICT On Elden Ring…

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Around the time of embargo lifting for Elden Ring, I had around 50 hours sunk into the game. Since then, I have more than doubled that time played and it’s time to put the final stamp on this once in a generation title. Much of it is exceptionally good, but I did have a few criticisms certainly worth addressing.
Elden Ring DISSED by Ubisoft & PlayStation:

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#EldenRing #FromSoftware #DarkSouls


36 thoughts on “The FINAL VERDICT On Elden Ring…”

  1. 80 + hours and need to now start knocking off the latter bosses. But had to put it down today after feeling burnt out a bit.

    Started playing dying light 2 again and man is that a great game too

  2. My letdown of this game is the poor armor progression. It did not evolve into something better. Every From game has the same poor armor progression. NO player-power set bonus, NO mod/gem slots. The only thing (almost) every armor does is give x defense. Even the LEGENDARY sets provide NO player-power set bonus. I want to see set bonus (power) effects to make armor feel more unique, rather than I need to wear something to not get ass blasted.

    I really enjoyed the perks/ set bonus effects from Nioh 2, God of War PC, AC: Odyssey, the Witcher 3, and Outriders.

    Same with FP, it did not evolve from any other From game. We have no auto FP regains. I wanted them to add auto FP regains and evolve the FP system into something new. Not the same FP system we have seen forever.

  3. Thank you matty for making this video and talking about it. I agreed with you 100%.

    I know the game is new an not a lot of player have been able to get to those later part, but the amount of negativity you get just for mentioning those point you bring in this video is incredible.

    You get shame for not using summon lol, that's a first for me. I never have shame anyone for using them in any a FS game.

  4. So question. Is the game only about going to a location and killing? This has sort of also been an issue for me with Souls games. It’s all one note to me. Are there guilds? Are there options to be a part of something?

    Again. I may be a minority here. But only killing monsters/npcs and nothing more bores me and for me is one note. What’s beyond this in these souls games because I’ve never seen it besides killing dudes.

  5. Dude! I just stumbled across a little cabin and there were people dancing around this fire. I was like oh cool, they are friendly. Went up to the fire and noticed two bodies burning. Then all of the sudden they all had red eyes and started biting themselves and chased me!! Freaked me out man!! Hahaha

  6. Im enjoying the game quite a bit but at the same time, I feel like Elden Ring being open world was a mistake for the same reason MGSV going open world was a mistake. The padding in the later areas becomes apparent and its open world is just way too big. It just feels too safe and non-threatening compared to previous souls games.

  7. On PS5 the performance was fine during the entire playtrough. And bleeding is .. okay? There are some enemies and bosses where it just doesn't work and those areas are absolute nightmares. Compared to sorcery or Str/Faith you just have a bit of a … "I can da one thing" problem with an arcane build.

    But I did play str/faith, bleed and a sorcery build and all feel pretty strong at some areas in the game.

  8. 100 hours on the PS5.. performance has been fine for me, I was used to playing souls games on the Xbox one which was the worst for performance.. so it’s better then what I’m used to in souls games… boss fatigue about the same ones I do really agree on this and like you it’s not enough to make me quit or anything like that.. all valid criticisms.. but I’m a huge souls fan and I can’t wait for other builds

  9. This game took inspiration from Sekiro. Sekiro said 'You will parry on this boss or not win' and Elden Ring did that a little as well. Some bosses were completely immune to bleed and my starting build was bleed daggers and I got stomped on by many bosses. My second play through I was a mage and those bosses I had issues with were cake walk but some of the other bosses I wrecked with bleed were hard with magic. So I think the ideal situation is to have a verity of tools to use depending on the boss…so instead of smashing my dagger build against Malenia for 4 hours I should have just switched it up to magic for that boss. Game was fantastic though

  10. I'll wait for this game to go on sale down the line. I have bloodborne on my old PS4 and have never finished it despite multiple restarts. I'll go to that for this sort of gaming fix. I feel I've heard all this gushy stuff too many times over the years to know not to trust it as the final reason to buy a game. I think I'd find this game way too frustrating to the point of eventual boredom.

  11. Elden Ring is so good that I am almost scared that it's as good as it gets.
    All your criticisms are valid, though.
    I would have loved a journal to keep track of conversations with npcs, because there were a lot more npcs and side quests than previous titles.

  12. You have it backwards with your example of "creating our own rule sets". Elden Ring and every Fromsoft game is designed to be played solo. Summons are an intentional crutch implemented by the devs for people who need a little extra help.

    Your logic of "The devs put it here so therefore this is the way the game is meant to be played" is completely flawed. Look at Halo as an example. Under the description of the Heroic difficulty it clearly says "This is how Halo is meant to be played", and yet it still has an easy mode. With your logic, because easy mode exists that means that the Devs meant for Halo to be played on easy mode. False. Likewise, Elden Ring summons are just an optional easy mode, thats it. Its a helping hand if you need it, but to suggest the game was meant to be played with summons and without them your playing with a crutch is bullshit.

    I beat all the bosses in Elden Ring solo and so have plenty of others.

    Not saying that Elden Ring is perfect though. The Camera control, lock on, horse control, reused boss design, etc are all valid complaints imo

  13. 7 out 10 for me good game but not amazing. beat a boss in Bloodbourne or sekrio was like hitting a PR at the gym or being in a real fight the adrenaline is insane. exploration is good but starts to get predictable quite go through dungeon fight boss or find item. finding quests is good but tge quests could use some work. the lore is not as good as Bloodbourne.

  14. I love this game and here are my wishlist:
    -Wish they have better greater runes.
    -Better map filter or merchant icon or custom markers
    -Better crafting especially with arrow quantities
    -Display the amount of souls a rune can give
    -Journal even a basic one
    -More XP or runes if fighting a boss without any summons


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