The FINAL Simpsons Episode EVER?

Did You Know that this was going to be the FINAL Simpsons Episode EVER. For more character deep-dives, essays and Simpsons timelines on Matt Groening’s iconic characters including Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson check out my YT channel

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35 thoughts on “The FINAL Simpsons Episode EVER?”

  1. I mean I try to revolt with my words freedom of speech expression of mind and thoughts but these terrorist are ruthless and are censoring anything that goes against their sick elite pedophiles agenda in sync with nwo garbageovernment death trap huge organized crime syndicate hole.

  2. The United States is not a country! A country cares above all for the well-being of it's citizens and the natural environment that sustains them, the United States fails miserably. Rather, it is an agglomeration of individuals in sick competition with one another colonized by handful of all-powerful corporations. The illusion of (exceptional) nationhood is based on foundational mythology and perpetuated by the most sophisticated propaganda apparatus in human history. It is a society operating under an economic system that shits out a handful of obscenely rich psychopaths and an increasing number of desperate poor. The rich cynically rule from positions of unimaginable privilege and power, enforced by ruthless economic and physical violence. The dispossessed poor succumb to despair, mental illness, addiction, and homelessness. The vanishing, propagandized middle grows increasingly anxious and politically conservative, if not reactionary. The corporations that rule are motivated solely by aquireing and maximizing profit, the logic of which dictates eliminating competition. Eliminating competition results in the consolidation of power in the hands of a terrorist predatory few. Education in such a society is increasingly controlled by these powerful interests and reflects their values. We have reached the point where the merger of corporation and state is complete.
    "Citizens" in such a society are reduced to units of exploitation reffered to as "consumers." Consumers are subjected to endless, highly developed propaganda known as "advertising," "news" and "entertainment" that invades every aspect of our lives at the deepest levels. With the development of the internet and social media a new business model, surveillance capitalism, has evolved. The intrusion is total, manipulating desires and political opinions, as well as creating profound confusion as to the perception formerly known as "reality." This confusion and the resultant social divisions are perfect for corporate capitalism and the political system that supports it. The chief culprit in sowing and perpetuating this divisiveness and honestly is the communication industry, specifically the "news" media, with its censorship, lies, half-truths, sensationalism, and pandering to societal factions. this increases industry revenues while diverting people's attention from core problems. All these primary corprate interests are connected in a circulatory loop, with the political system as legislative tool and the media as propaganda. The basic function of politicians, bribed by corporate lobbyists, is to legitimize corprate practice. The media, itself a profit-making institution, is supported by the advertising of its corprate brothers. No matter the political persuasion of particular news outlet's target adherence to corporate capitalismremains inviolable. The Golden rule of profit prevails.
    Prior to the total dominance of the corporate/surveillance state (now global) and the colonization of its subjects (consumers), there may have been some validity in referring to the United States, even with its vast size, complexity, and historical injustices, as a relatively coherent and functioning "country." There existed some sense of unity and hope insofar as the founding ideals promised, and a feeling that, despite inevitable human corruptions and fallibilities, some tentative notion of "fair play" obtained. This is manifestly no longer the case. The idea of "fair play" is a cynical JOKE. The game, as everyone knows, is rigged, the rules made by corporate masters. Yet the myth of the United States as a "country" concerned primarily with the well-being of its citizens continues. This speaks to the human need for belonging and identity, but above all it is evidence of the victory of the corprate colonizers that have conquered the minds of their unsuspecting subjects. We, these subjects, continue under the illusion of being independent actors in a free society, a society, we are told, superior to all others and worth killing for.
    The sacrosant principle of profit at the expense of all other considerations, including the viability of the planet as a livable habitat for all beings, is the guiding principle of the corporate capitalist machine that rules us. There is literally no other consideration. The monomaniacal pursuit of growth and profit, despite the overwhelming evidence of its distructiveness to the environment, its social dislocations and endless wars, will never be halted until an aware citizenry demands an end to the insanity of corporate capitalist system. in spite of what citizens (consumers) of the United States have been indoctrinated to believe, there are alternative modes of existence. When the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau said, "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains," he was referring specifically to the mental and societal chains that restrict us. We are unable to imagine ourselves out of this slavery, a lack of vision caused by economic anxiety and the propaganda that continually bombards us through the media and a crippled educational system. To retrieve our country from corporate coloilnizers and move toward a better world,we must first retrieve our imagination. Then we can smash our chains. All powered to the imagination. Thomas Paine Collective for Creative Non-Violent Revolution.


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