THE FINAL ARC BEGINS | Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 222 Review

The Jujutsu Kaisen manga returns from a 2 week break, as chapter 222 transitions nicely into the supposed final arc/final saga of the story. The strongest ones take the stage next chapter, Gojo VS 20 Fingers Sukuna!

Also lots to talk about with Yuji’s new Soul Swapping Power up and Ino’s potential importance for the future with his Seance Curse Technique + more!

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Fyemaj’s fan-animation for Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 221:
Richo Aldhiana’s fan-animation for Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 221:

Everyone VS Sukuna fanart by Shiury:
Gojo VS Sukuna 221 coloring panels by notvaclover:
Gojo and Sukuna fanart:

FIRE Colorings and Fanarts used in video from Azure
Azure’s Twitter:
AWESOME Fanarts (especially the Megumi/Sukuna drawings) used in video from Crain1Art
Crain1Art’s Twitter:

*currently still adding credits

+ The Coloring Team
– Colored Manga Panels By @_jackipop_
– Colored Manga Panels By @PRMASSS
– Colored Manga Panels By @eYuler
– Colored Manga Panels By @MaddssArt

+ Editing Materials
– Backround Music By Power Music Factory

+ Miscellaneous
– TheFakeWeeb Avatar created by:
– Intro music: (taken down by user)
– Vivid Vice Remix (Outro)​​​​​​​​​​​
– Gojo dancing clip (Outro)


37 thoughts on “THE FINAL ARC BEGINS | Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 222 Review”

  1. Hey! So this was ORIGINALLY A 30 MINUTE VIDEO (my longest chapter review) But my stupid editing software kept crashing and had to cut a lot of my discussions unfortunately.

    That’s why there’s weird mic changes and odd editing transitions, sorry. I’m gonna learn Adobe Premiere soon and QUIT VEGAS PRO CAUSE WOW THAT WAS PAINFUL.

    Anyways, new season 2 trailer in 9 days at MAPPA’s stage event!

  2. im mentally preparing myself to cry these upcoming weeks, because one thing about gege is, he doesn’t give a fuck. even yuji isnt safe. these next months will be a rollercoaster

  3. An out I see is gojo weakening sukuna possibly even dying to do so. Enough for yuji to switch souls w megumi putting sukuna back into yuji then yuji committing suicide or dying by Kashimo CT

  4. In vol 0, Yuta and rika were much more powerful and didn’t need somebody’s blood or body part to gain a cursed technique but Rika passing on, Rika had the same ability but with restrictions, kinda Gege’s way of bringing Yuta down sines he wasn’t the main character anymore

  5. Love the series there is so much to talk about so much to show, I can easily see the series go another 200 chapters before sukuna and gojo fight. I just don’t understand why is gege giving himself this time crunch of a year to finish the series

  6. It's a shame that it feels like Gege is kind of rushing things. It's felt like that since Shibuya ended. I say that not only because Gojo and Sukuna are facing off, but because the rest of the fingers have been collected off screen.. like it didn't even matter. The series started off with finding the fingers as a set goal but after they found like 2 that plot point was cast off and suddenly all of the fingers were collected by a few characters offscreen. Besides, Sukuna just ported all of them into one when he moved to Megumi. I guess Gege is either eager to kill off Gojo or he changed his mind on one more big arc?

    That being said, lots of curious stuff this chapter. Looks like Yuji can switch bodies. Though, I wonder why Yuji's execution is a plot point at all right now. Why still execute him when Sukuna is no longer in him? Or maybe it's a mistranslation and Sukuna meant Megumi since he's the new host? Not that it should matter anyway since Gojo could and would massacre the counsel anyways if he felt like it, idk why they think they have a hold over him at all. Same goes for Yuuta. With the Principal dead and Tengen gone, and the Culling games leading to invasions from foreign nations, the hierarchy of Japan's sorcerer society should be in such shambles that I'm surprised the counsel is even still a thing.
    I hope Kashimo or someone interrupts Gojo vs Sukuna. A one on one seems pretty underwhelming at this point in the story when there's so many other powerhouses that can be great backup and just bumrush Sukuna in his incomplete state

  7. so jujutsu kaisen manga end with that battle gojo vs megumi? I hope gojo won't die I love him btw where is "main character" itadori?xd I didint read manga and wont watch this video atm I will be back here for a few years when I will see this animation but imagine if gojo kills megumi and sukuna take over gojo body fucking immortal vessel

  8. Having megumi as a vessel has. a big impact on gojo’s decision in this battle.. he is still his student and having those conversation that he really cared for the future of you generation instead of having a grandiose attitude of being the strongest..

  9. I know most people complain that jjk is fast or is being rushed but gege has done this un the past ample times. Plus it is more fun to piece things together as a community more than just being spoon fed content.

    where is kashimo?

  10. I don't see yuji having multiple techniques like yuta. Mainly cos it's too similar to yutas ability imo but also bcos as we saw in Kenny vs Yuki it's impossible for someone to have too many curse techs without some sort of external store (eg Rika) due to overloading a person's brain

  11. Honestly I think that soul switching something is just speech bubble error I mean what are the chances😅😅
    Also the idiot Shoko was talking about is definitely Kusakabe 😂😂😂since Nanami ans Yaga are dead
    Lastly I see people talking about Gojo clothes, I think it’s just traditional Japanese garb🙂

  12. If the soul switch theory is true it would be a great narrative device with Sukuna’s theorized ability to steal abilities through cannibalism. Sukuna forcefully takes abilities while Yuta gets them willingly

  13. Also Gojo saying that he thought nanami would survive in any circumstances I think also means that he died because he valued other life more than his.

  14. Since Gege loves to subvert expectations, what if Ino's seance technique which we think should benefit the heroes could be used by the antagonists to give one or more of them extra lives?

    I'm thinking in a 1v1 w Sukuna and Gojo, it's similar to a All Might vs All for One where either side can't really fight outside of the 1v1. I can see kenjaku wreaking havoc on some of the younger fighters before they can adequately deal with him and totally see him taking over Ino's body and either bringing back a recently defeated Sukuna/Uraume or bringing back Heian Era sorcerors to fight for the antagonists.

    Would love to see what other people think about this theory, JJK is so interesting because it almost is a given what we think could happen is most likely not what is going to happen.

  15. I dont know what will happen, but i negate to belive that all of this soul stuff with yuji is in vane. All i can think of is him switching bodies with meguna on an opening between his fight against gojo, getting in megumi's body and rescue him from the shadows, while sukuna fights gojo on yuji's body.
    There's no other way megumi can be saved, also yuji already mention he has some plans to rescue megumi. Best case scenario is him getting back to his body after saving megumi and restricting sukuna again, but i doubt things could go so well.

  16. Why wouldn't the ability just let Yuji swap Sukuna's soul out of Megumi's body
    (Which would be the most likely result considering Gege set the whole "Bath" soul suppression & the "Yorozu/Tsumiki" murder plot in order to "completely" submerge Megumi's soul and that effectively mean that the soul Yuji would touch upon activating his technique on Megumi's body would be Sukuna's soul since it is at the forefront of the vessel.
    Then from there he can do quite literally the one & only thing that not only He (Yuji) but every single character in the series and even the damn Mangaka themselves states is his purpose to be a vessel/cage for Sukuna and once Sukuna is back inside of Yuji he will again be suppressed but even more so because of Yuji powerup/amp/buff because Yuji doesn't need to scale to Sukuna's AP/ Outright Power all he has to do is be Yuji Itadori who was capable of housing/still controlling a Post Shibuya 15-finger Sukuna so now that he's been even slightly amped it will be a wrap for Sukuna's ability to fight back and thus Sukuna would truly be trapped in the cage that is Yuji and once that moment takes place Yuji will tell Gojo to fulfill the oath he took at the beginning of the series and kill Yuji
    On the opposite side of this scenario Gojo still dies by Sukuna or is dying and Yuji switches Sukuna out of Megumi and back into him and then the rest of the JJ-High Students Will Kill Him either one of them killing him as a form of mercy or A Outright Jumping as Sukuna (potentially) tries to fight back from within Yuji and of course we'll get the typically Pure-Evil Shonen Villain Moment of Sukuna Finally Knowing True Fear Ala "Envy" from FMA or The Kishin from Soul Eater.

    I Know This Is Long But If You Think About It All Gege Is Literally Telling Us How The Story Is Going To End In Each Chapter That Releases.

    Gojo Vs Sukuna = Gojo (Technical Win) or Sukuna (Outright Kill)

    Right after or during the Gojo Vs Sukuna Fight We'll See Kashimo butt in (Which will be planned by Gojo and Kashimo if it happens)

    “The New Kids On The Block” Vs “Mama/Papa Kenny” = “The New Kids” (Technical Win) “Smooth-boy Kenny” (Partially Win)

    “The New Kids” (The JJ-High Students) Will In All Likely-Hood Automatically Sweep Kenny Even With All Of Geto's Accumulated Curses & Even With All of His Countless Cursed Technique's Learned From Centuries of Body-Hopping Will Not Stop "Tiny Gojo" with a “Baby Female Sukuna” Attached To Him
    (She's Literally “The Queen of Curses” Kenny Was Capping When He Said Yuta Wasn't Anything To Worry About)
    Then There's “The Psychotic Semi-Immortal Hafu” with a Major Boner for Extreme Amounts of Pain.
    Ohh….And Don’t Forget “The Bishh That Can Walk Into Any Domain Expansion Without Fear of It’s Sure-Hit Technique” (Yes Even Sukuna’s & Kenjaku’s “Heavenly” Domains
    Gege Has Stated That Domains View Maki & Toji Like Building or Inanimate Objects)
    Imagine Maki Bursting into Malevolent Shrine At Mach 4 Dodging All of Sukuna’s Cleave’s & Slashes + Dismantle & Wielding A Blade That Can Definitely At The Very Least Hurt If Not Kill Him With Enough Power Behind The Slash with the literal twin “Marty Stu’s” of JJK Behind Her.
    Yeah It Gets Real For WHOEVER THEY GO AGAINST.
    And Yes Kenjaku Will Definitely Be Killing Some of The Remaining Characters That Fight Against Him But Likely The Golden Trio.
    I Would Argue One of Them Alone With The Right Conditions & Mac-Boy Kenny’s Back Against The Wall Could Straight Up Mid-Diff Him While The Rest Finish Off His Curses.
    So If You Couple Anyone And I Mean Anyone Other Than Gojo or Sukuna against those three all focused of KILLING THE TARGET Oh….Then It’s Over From There My Friend.
    Oh and “OGKenny The Papi” said exactly this is the chapter so……
    And if The Golden Trio Can Defeat Sukuna Even If Weakened They Are Clapping “Ms. Ken-ken Itadori” cheeks my brothers….huh f**ck you mean…..
    And The Rest of The Series Goes One Of The Few Ways I Stated Above With The Added Emotional Climax/Ending Where All The Remaining Characters Cry & S**T You Know Typical Shonen.
    I Can Also See Gege Tying It All Back Together With The Beginning By Having A Quick Flash-forward Showing Us A Quick Glimpse of the remaining characters and the last scene/panel will be Maki sitting inside of JJ-High As New Principal & She Will Be Irritated & Waiting for one character who walks in to her instant scolding about being late again this character is the new strongest sorcerer alive Megumi Fushiguro (Master of The Ten Shadows).
    Thank You, For Coming To Popa Nosa’s TED Talk.


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