The Fight To Take Back Hawaii | Foreign Correspondent

For over a century, the destiny of this island paradise has been in the hands of outsiders. Now native Hawaiians are reclaiming their culture, language and land.
“Hawaii is being sold to the global elite. It’s not give and take. It’s just take, take, take, take.” Filmmaker Chris Kahunahana

“They took it away in three generations. We’re going to get it back in one. Whatever it takes.” Waterman Pomai Hoapili.

It’s a slice of paradise for some but behind the postcard façade, native Hawaiians have a different story to tell.

Theirs is a stuggle for land, language and culture, forcibly taken from them by the United States of America.

Housing prices in Hawaii were already sky high, but in the midst of the pandemic they exploded as mainland Americans bought up island boltholes. The housing crisis is hitting native Hawaiians hardest, forcing many out of their own homes. The state of Hawaii now has the third highest homeless rate in the USA.

This is one of many problems facing native locals who are fighting to ʻKeep Hawaii Hawaiian’.

Reporter Matt Davis visits the Hawaiian Islands to hear from the people fighting to keep their culture alive. In a visually stunning journey, Davis explores the lives of people on the frontline of this modern-day native Hawaiian rennaisance.

“Resistance is not only how we get our land back,” says school principal Kalehua Krug. “But it is also medicine – that resistance is how we heal.”

At his school on the island of Oahu, the curriculum focuses on redsicovering the modern story of Hawaii after the kingdom was overthrown in 1893. The students study the Hawaiian language, hula dancing and other cultural practices alongside the mainstream curriculum.

Davis takes a tour around the back streets of Waikiki with celebrated filmmaker Chris Kahunahana, the first native Hawaiian to direct a feature film.

“Hawaii was seen as Hollywood’s back drop. It served as a beautiful location for a Caucasian centred hero,” he tells Davis.

His movie Waikiki shows the darker side of these tropical islands – the reality for many native Hawaiians.

Davis visits the powerhouse community leader Twinkle Borge who has set up a permanent camp to provide shelter for Hawaiians who are sleeping rough. She reveals an extraordinary plan to reclaim land and build a village for her community.

And he goes out on the jet ski with waterman Pomai Hoapili in the middle of the worldʻs most famous surfing competition – the Pipeline Pro.

Between surfing on the North Shore and rescuing people caught in the giant waves, Pomai has enrolled in Hawaiian language classes. He practices speaking with his 10-year-old daughter, who’s also learning.

He says it’s urgent for native Hawaiians to practice their culture.

“Be Hawaiian, speak Hawaiian live Hawaiian…If we stop down the line, people stop talking about us, we disappear…we’ve got to keep practicing.”

In Hawaii to compete in the Pipeline surfing competition, the world’s most famous surfer Kelly Slater asks the world to pay respect.

“Everyone who comes Hawaiian should, should take care of this place and really respect the culture and the locals,” says Slater. “It’s their home and it’s your place to visit, but, you know, take care of it and look after it and ever one can enjoy it.”

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44 thoughts on “The Fight To Take Back Hawaii | Foreign Correspondent”

  1. I'm sorry Hawaii for what my country has done, and to many other countries 😔 . I know apologizing don't fix it. I FEEL your struggles, in the states the elite knock those financially unfortunate down, they keep everyone just working to barely survive while the elite keep getting more rich and greedy, again I'm sorry Hawaii

  2. I think the best relationship that I've seen between indigenous people & white population is in New Zealand. I've lived there a few years & the Maori culture there is strong, powerful, alive, and can be seen everywhere. They are active in the government & every fabric of society. They're not hidden unlike other native populations in Australia, North America & other places in the world.

  3. Aloha! I was all around the world but hawaii for me its the most beautiful place in the world. I really don't get it when people are visiting this amazing place on earth and give a fuc* about the land and the native people. It should be normal that we (tourists) have to respect the land and the natives.
    I can't wait to be back and give something back to the communities and the land.
    Mahalo nui loa

  4. its so sad to see paradise taken from its own people so violently by having their own lands, jobs, housing, clean water, and culture, all stolen, taken and polluted; seeing them houseless in a camp zones feels alot like natives in reserves and breaks my heart; in my opinion the military gots no right being there; im happy to see these beutiful souls reunite and that wholehearted woman and see the people helping out each other in such a way gives me hope for humanity ❤️ seeing them fight for their lands, beaches, housing and culture is inspiring ❤️ they deserve rights to a proper house with easy access clean water, access to their lands and their beaches, to do their own agriculture and their own energy, create their own compagnys and jobs, have their culture incorporated in every school and in their lives, and hang their own flags in sports ❤️ i support hawaiians to be hawaiians and to thrive and be proud and have a beutiful self sustainable life in paradise ❤️

  5. as long as they continue to fat lazy sloths, within a few generations they will be completely fazed out. a bunch of dudes all tatooed up will NEVER be respected.
    the change must come from within or you will be dominated and fazed out.

  6. I love your Hawaiian people I hope you take back Hawaii Hawaii does not belong to the United States it belong to the Polynesians I support you get it back at all costs I love your Polynesian people I'm from Korea myself and I don't like the US presidents in my country

  7. I'm hopeful that the Hawaiians will be able to destroy the institutions of their slave masters in the USSA and the treasonous white tyrants who are running them as well as their collaborators. The USSA has never been a positive influence on any country Military should be evicted and land taken from those without proper ancestry. be returned.

  8. Give them back the Big Island along with their independence. Net cost savings to the U.S. taxpayer. They undoubtedly have plans to maintain island facilities and infrastructure including hospitals, airports and schools.

  9. most original Hawaiians aren't even native anymore. most are from japan or Asia or they were killed off. why does their Hawaiian flag have the British flag in it, they should remove it as well ? this is all confusing. you can definitely tell what a Hawaiian looks like duke kahanamoku.

  10. 1st time i seen this video and all im gonna say is im proud of Twinkle and all the Hawaiians on it! Spoken like genuinely hawaiians full of Aloha! We need a Part 2 and include a huge part with all the corrupted individuals, and agencies that are the driving forces in stealing our lands and houses! Totally appreciate Pomai last statement, "We Hawaiians just like ne Hawaiians and live in Hawaii …." so true! We no like hand outs and huge modern changes bur we jus like live with our families and in peace on our aina and continue on from generations to generations! Thats all!

  11. If not the USA who? China? Japan? Instead of surfing waves, playing slide guitar, collecting public assistance and eatting spam masubi you'd be enslaved. Being a servant? There are far worse occupational hazards. Take a look in the mirror are you able to earn big bucks? Be grateful for what you have. Before you bad mouth the country that at least protects your freedom and your way of life. If you got it that bad come to the mainland and see how long you'd last. Under the US you have the chance to become as rich as you want or as poor as you are. Either way be a man and get your ass to work, quit whining and learn some skills. Pathetic.

  12. it's just sad that the Indegenous are being made homeless while foreigners are Givin housing they didn't earn…
    Everything isn't about money…
    but this has always been the means to conquer…
    Hawaii looks more Japanese then

  13. I am rooting for America to prevail in this argument!!!!!
    Start calling yourselves Americans cause you aren't ever getting your island back!!!!!!!!
    They claim they are not Americans but probably don't mind Americans spending their money in Hawaii, two faced hypocrites!!!!!
    I bet they use the dollar not shells and beads for currency like they used to.
    some dumbass with tattoos on his face won't change a thing, He speaks English and uses the dollar HE has already lost!!!!!
    GO AMERICA!!!!!!!!!! good luck taking back the military bases and the Island you sold to DOLE……………
    so tired of the rhetoric saying America is so bad and we need to fix all the wrongs the white people did in the past
    ANY good therapist will tell you it is unhealthy living in the past!!! making White people pay for their past mistake won't change a damn thing
    And what about the mistakes of all the other races??? such hypocrisy!!!!! AGAIN GO AMERICA!!!!!!!!
    IT WAS A HAWAIIAN WHO SOLD THE ISLAND TO DOLE, so the natives were part of the problem, they sold their island !!!!!!!

  14. As a charter school, Dr. Krug receives government funding. That government is the United States of America. Watch out Dr. Krug. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. The military has kept the island from falling into the hands of the Japanese or another nation. So many people want the freedom that the military provides but then question the way in which it is provided. I am all about keeping your culture and heritage. Just be careful of what you wish for. You might be speaking Japanese or Chinese instead of English!! It is a shame that prices have skyrocketed because of the selling out to global billionaires. There has to be a happy medium between the two sides.

  15. I agree..first go pick better leaders because the one you guys get junk lose money….
    Someone willing to work for the people to get things done..MOST OF ALL stop fighting among yourself RESPECT THE OLD WAYS THATS NOT THE FUTURE because whoever running the Hawaiian rights stuff THEY ALREADY SOLD YOU GUYS OUT
    Bring back God into Hawaiian people life

    Your population not growing fast enough to make you guys voice heard
    Voting power are not in play you guys no more pull
    Imagine this if there 2 million Hawaiian than they take you guys seriously

  16. Hawaiian culture, language, music, religion needs to be promoted and revered. That said, our location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean makes us a strategic military and commercial location. Historically, larger and more powerful nations have tried to annex the islands. Those who would return Hawaii back 100 years need to answer this question: how will you raise and arm a military force to keep Hawaii free?


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