The Fallout 4 "Next Gen" Update Is Laughably BAD – Bethesda's Biggest Blunder Since 76

Oh boy i can’t wait to play Fallout 4 again the show was very cool and I- oh goddangit they broke the game.

#fallout #fallout4 #fallout4mods

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23 thoughts on “The Fallout 4 "Next Gen" Update Is Laughably BAD – Bethesda's Biggest Blunder Since 76”

  1. Hahah I called it. Bethesda released a hotfix for this update yesterday. Unfortunately, I was a day late on the news, but hey, the update to the update still don't fix much. Y'all can expect several more updates for a while. I definitely recommend staying on the old version of Fallout 4, until they for sure stop updating the game. For all console players, I'm praying for y'all 🙏 stay strong boys

    Also, hope y'all enjoy the new face cam. It's something I wanna do more of going forward (definitely not showing off my baller cd collection)

  2. Someone let me know when the game is fixed and all that. I ain't playing this game any more or at all until London comes out. I'm tired of Bethesda screwing mods like this, I want to enjoy something fallout related to the point I bought fallout 3 just to do TTW. I just want FUN, not a broken mess or just absolutely nothing when modders did a better job as opposed to the god damn creation club items!

  3. Who asked for fallout London? Like they could of done Miami, Dallas, or New York City. I don't want a shank or acid throwing, if I wanted that to I would go to the actual UK.

  4. Bethesda
    – Break the lore
    – Break the game
    – Break Mods
    – Break your computer

    Meanwhile the fanboy : Wow Bethesda really respect us by updating the game.

  5. I didn't want the next gen update at all. I had my series x set to manual updates but Bethesda forced the update anyway. Before the game with 150 mods Boston was smooth 100 percent of the time and I upgraded from series s to get that smooth gameplay. Now the game does look terrible with roads loading in front of my eyes and NPC's just appearing five meters in front of my character. You can't use the unofficial patch any more. They should just get rid of the next gen update entirely and put the game back to the pre next gen patch and leave the game alone.


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