The Fall | World War 3 Is Just Around The Corner | Disaster At Verbove. Military Summary 2023.10.17

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 17th of October 2023
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34 thoughts on “The Fall | World War 3 Is Just Around The Corner | Disaster At Verbove. Military Summary 2023.10.17”

  1. Russia could give Lebanon, Iran and/or Syria weapons to sink U.S. aircraft carriers, just as the USA arms its proxy, Ukraine.

    Russia could also provide them with nuclear weapons, to 'level the playing field' against their terrorist neighbour, IsraHel…

  2. That point is the most important. Air defense systems learn, much like an anti virus system. They learn signatures, like the signature of a HIMARS missile, a Storm Shadow, or a airliner or whatever.
    Now Russia will have defensive signatures of virtually all of our weapons systems, and they'll probably share them with China.

  3. Сохраняйте свой профессионализм, чтобы иметь возможность поддерживать свой канал.
    Проглотите ужасную правду и воспроизведите видео в полноэкранном режиме.
    Ложь не приносит пользы ни русской армии, ни солдатам!!
    Им не удалось сбить HiMARS
    Им не удалось сбить STORMSHADOW
    Им не удалось сбить ATACMS
    Им не удалось сбить дронов
    Все российские ЗРК полезны только против самолетов-истребителей.
    сейчас мы находимся в конце второго года войны
    Бля "Специальная военная операция"
    Это называется "война"
    К черту ЦАРЯ
    Слава СССР!!

  4. When is Putin going to realise that the US will keep doubling down & escalating, unless he meets them with counter escalation. Its about time he realises this is a full on war & keeping it a SMO is just keeping Russian forces at a disadvantage. MEANING IT’S TIME RUSSIA’S PILOTS GOT OFF THEIR ARSES & blow the Zaparizy Levy. Why should infantry & tankers take all the risks?

  5. The Russians must be very very incompetent and stupid. They knew the HIMARS was coming and did not move their stuff = BOOOOM. They knew the ATCAMS were coming and did not move their stuff = BOOOOM. OR, they actually believed their anti aircraft system could handle it. WRONG again… Mr. Special Military Summary is getting more and more desperate in his voice. In a year or two no one will ever buy Russian military crap equipment anymore.

  6. Not just ATACMS. ATACMS with cluster munitions. The same ones the USA said were inhumane and should never be used in war to defend our own nation and all the NATO countries signed a treaty to not use them. But giving them to use in Ukraine is OK. That's come pretty convenient morality they have.

  7. Russian n Ukraine are buncha crap the way they fight.
    Give every soldier 10 drones screw the ak 47
    I think 10,000 drones at one time in air watching n destroy every thing that moves.
    But no they clash n kill each other.
    Or have tanks millions of dollars equipment boom gone one 1000 bucks drone.

  8. You keep calling russia and Ukraine war are you blind or may be you pretending this is clearly war between russia and nato get that who supplied Ukraine weapons money intel i mean everything


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