The Expanse UN-MCR War Breakdown, Earth Mars Strategic & Tactical Navy Fleet Analysis.

Interplanetary War between the Naval Forces of Earth and Mars Part 4 of the UN-MCR Conflict series. In depth battle breakdowns, Fleets order of battle, ship numbers and losses in major war campaigns in the Solar System. Military and Political Factors of the UN Earth Luna, Mars Republic, Outer Planets Alliance.

The Expanse Earth Mars Conflict Series
Part 1 Mars Independence
Part 2 The Vesta Blockade
Part 3 Prelude to UN-MCR War
#TheExpanse #Expanse #Rocinante


7 thoughts on “The Expanse UN-MCR War Breakdown, Earth Mars Strategic & Tactical Navy Fleet Analysis.”

  1. edut 2: okay i saw the final death toll you give and NOW i know your just making stuff up numbers wise. am i seriously going to buy that a massive interplanetary war killed fewer people total then WW1? Come on. i realzie that a lot of the deaths would be spread out over time and by largely being on ships and various stations with much smaller populations then Earth and Mars but STILL.
    when you have a fleet with an ESCORT-Class Cruiser or Corvette-Class Frigate YOU KNOW you got problems. Also paying and arming Belters to conduct merchant raiding operations is basically the same as arming the very people you want under your boot. its an incredibly stupid decision of the kind that costs empires their colonies like what the US did with arming the Mujahedeen only to have those same weapons then used against them in their own invasion. and then they did it again only now on a MUCH larger scale.

    edit: where to all these ship art coming from? a lot of it looks like concept art that you are just saying is canon. i know for a fact several of these are actually concept art that were rejected.
    Also these numbers you have are WAYYY too precise especially seeing as that we dont even have PROPER CLASS NAMES for many of the ships like the Pella and MCRN heavy corvette despite considerable screen time so how are you getting such precise fleet numbers? estimating numbers is perfectly fine but saying you have AN EXACT count is absurd.


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