The Entire History of Humanity In 10 Minutes

Read the story:

From sharing the earth with many other human species merely as hunter gatherers trying to brave the elements, to building rockets, creating the internet, and now with our eyes set on Mars, the history of humanity is one that’s filled with determination, cooperation, and ingenuity. We have done much more for ourselves than our ancestors could have ever imagined. Today, humans dominate contemporary life on Earth, but we haven’t always been this powerful.

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24 thoughts on “The Entire History of Humanity In 10 Minutes”

  1. i thought it would be another video with repeated same materials & citation for such topic but I was wrong.
    the words were carefully selected and the narrative & the presentation of the progress while comparing it to old times once in a while, make it fresh among the variety of videos made for such topic.
    Thanks for all your efforts & thanks again for brining us such videos to the masses

  2. Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself. Basically, it's made up of two separate words — "mank" and "ind." What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.

  3. thank you for the video, but the AUDIO is spiking, essing too much, which is annoying and taking the focus away from the narration .. pls eq and compress the audio for a comfortabe listening!

  4. Humanity is at a pivotal juncture in its long history, precariously perched atop a tower of technological prowess and economic development that we've constructed over millennia. We've grown to trust this tower implicitly, perhaps without understanding the shaky foundations it stands on. But when we gaze down, we see cracks appear, and the fear of an imminent fall becomes all too real. The industrial and technological revolutions have shaped our civilization beyond recognition, and they've propelled us to amazing heights. We've been to the moon, unraveled the human genome, and created machines that can learn and evolve on their own. But this progress comes with a price. Each advancement pushes us closer to the precipice of an unalterable collapse. Our thirst for progress and domination over the natural world has left deep scars on the planet. We've initiated the Anthropocene epoch, a time of significant human impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems. Climate change, driven by human activities, threatens to unleash unprecedented global catastrophes. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise are just the tip of the melting iceberg. The exploitation of natural resources to feed our ever-growing economies has resulted in the depletion of non-renewable resources. Our actions have led to a significant loss of biodiversity, driving many species towards extinction. This, in turn, threatens to disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems upon which all life, including ours, depends.

    Our societies have become increasingly polarized. Hate and fear have created deep chasms, fueling conflicts, wars, and humanitarian crises. Income and wealth inequality continue to rise, creating a world where a small elite hoards a disproportionate amount of resources, leaving vast populations in poverty. These divisions not only destabilize societies but also hinder our collective ability to tackle the pressing challenges of our time.Then there's the existential risk of our own creations turning against us. Artificial intelligence, in its relentless march towards singularity, might evolve beyond our control. Our trust in these systems, paired with our increasing dependence on them, could render us vulnerable to an AI takeover. What if the machines decide we're no longer necessary? Lastly, the digital revolution, while connecting us in unprecedented ways, has ironically amplified our feelings of loneliness and isolation. It has created a world where we are increasingly living in echo chambers, surrounded by algorithms that feed us with what we like to hear, exacerbating our divisions and making us more susceptible to manipulation. Our ability to distinguish between real and fake is getting blurred in this digital age.

    All these issues are being met with global inaction and shortsightedness. We prefer to prioritize immediate gains over the long-term survival of our species. Without a drastic change in our ways, we may just be the architects of our own doom, expediting the downfall of the civilization we've spent millennia building. We are not merely witnesses to these unfolding tragedies; we are active participants. But therein lies a glimmer of hope. Just as we've engineered this predicament, so too do we have the power to set things right. We have the capacity to change our course, to heal the wounds we've inflicted on our planet, to bridge our divides, to shape our technology for the greater good. Our fate lies, as it always has, in our own hands.

  5. Great information. But the guy's way of speaking (kind of accent) is so hard to understand 🙁 Seems to be American English which I typically understand fairly well, but..

  6. What Do You Think About the Evolution of Humans and How Far Can Humanity Go?

    The evolutionary process we undergo is in order to adapt us to the upper world, i.e., to lead us to a state of harmonious connection “as one man with one heart,” one humanity functioning as a single system.

    We exist in an integral system with interconnection and interdependence among its parts.

    In the process, we need to experience that we are enslaved to our egoistic human nature, which makes us want to enjoy at the expense of others and nature, to a state of freedom from this egoistic servitude.

    What is that place of freedom?

    It is a place where we discover integrality, a deep connection from one end of nature to the other, which emerges from the upper force’s desire to love and to bestow.

    The upper force of love and bestowal guides and relates to us as a single entity, and leads us to a stage where it will grant us mutual connection, where we will each primarily consider the benefit of others and the whole system we exist in.

    In other words, from living in servitude to our egoistic desires, which we are currently locked in, we develop through various crises on personal, social and global scales, through which we gradually obtain the possibility of exiting the egoistic network that controls us, and entering into a new altruistic network of connections.

    Why do we need to endure various crises in order to exit our egos?

    It is because the human ego is very cruel, and we are incapable of rising above it with our own strength. That is, we lack the ability to convince ourselves that it is worthwhile to be positive, kind and loving of one another all over the planet. It is simply impossible while our egoistic nature constantly pulls us in an opposite direction—to self-benefit at the expense of others and nature.

    Therefore, in order to show us how our egoistic attitudes make us suffer, nature sends us various crises that oblige us to face our connection, and the need to realize it positively. Accordingly, we then come to see that we have no choice but to correct our attitudes to each other, from egoistic to altruistic.

  7. As an engineer I see the work of an engineer at its core to battle against nature. Our entire existence we have been battling against nature to make our lives better and ultimately more comfortable. But now is the time for stepping back to see that constant expansion on this idea will only deplete the earth so we must be comfortable with the systems we have in place.


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