The engineer's displeasure with the children's behavior towards their grandmother

Hello dear friends, thank you for your support and kind messages.
In this video, engineer Babazadeh prepares breakfast for the children and after breakfast he talks with them.

He is upset about the children’s behavior towards their grandmother and asks the children not to repeat this behavior.
He is trying to improve their relationship.

Will he succeed?

Massoud and Milad are preparing the new room of the cave for concreting.
The engineer is not satisfied with the speed of their work and wants them to finish the work sooner.

Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day.

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47 thoughts on “The engineer's displeasure with the children's behavior towards their grandmother”

  1. I have to express this. What happened to the nice house with the grandparents? Now you live in that mess. One of the girls has not combed her hair in days. The girls look unkept. Same dress for more than a week. You need a clean house& a nanny for the kids, so you can finish this house.

  2. Сегодня была лучшая глава в Сахеле, поздравляю инженера с тем, что он предпринял шаги, чтобы привлечь детей на помощь.
    Мало того, что Газаль должна помочь, так еще и Назанин должна помочь, она взяла книгу, чтобы не поднимать стол, эта девочка очень ленива.
    Инженер, сегодня тебя надо было поздравить.
    и вас не должно волновать то, как она обращалась со своей бабушкой, помните, что ее бабушка плохо обращалась с ее матерью и ними, выбрасывала их на улицу и даже ранила Фатиму.
    Я согласен с детьми.

  3. Mr Engineer really needs a nanny (not grandmother), so he can just carry on with his other work, kids go to school, and also carrying that baby around isnt helping him heal more quick.

  4. Engineer seems to start losing his loving way with the children seems bitter its not thier fault he needs to let them be children not put all the chores on them hire a full time nanny to help not liking his attitude


  6. Pa insinyur haru lebih hati hati pada keluarga bapak nya anak anak, dia hanya butuh uang anda dan anak anak juga jangan terlalu dekat pada nene,,dia yg telah menguris fatima dan anak anak sampai terlantar digunung,dihutan dan akhrinya hidup digua,

  7. Yes and No about the children’s “ pushing their grandmother “ , they didn’t intentionally pushed her and didn’t injure grandmother at all , only wanted to shoot grandmother out of home . Remember the day grandmother “ abused “ children and their mother Fatima by kicking them out and throwing their things away into the dirt . Then all of sudden Uncle and grandmother showed up and tried cunning the children into “ leave Mr E and go live with Uncle and grandmother “ the children are too smart for sneakers !! 😊

  8. Why do you shout at the young girl she was left to look after her 3 Siblings she is doing her best she is Not an adult you had a lady to help in your house and now expect a child to do everything that is WRONG if you want to be the Father to these children you should of made the home and especially just out side the door finished with water first then the cave and other building your priorities are all wrong

  9. As a mother I suggest everyone must have specific tasks according to their age, including the spoiled Raza as he can help with the garbage he throws around. Future more you are not helping the baby by carrying her around, life will be hard for this children and they need to be structured as early as possible. Maybe I sound harsh but I know what I am talking about. Also teach them what to do in situations of abusive people when you are not around. 🫶🏻🙌🏻

  10. About your workers… stop feeding them, tell them you are too busy with the children and they must eat at home. Start looking for other people in case they want to quit. You are not running a charity you are paying for the work. Stand up organize your self and make your life easier by planning an organized project. 🤷‍♀️

  11. Faudrait peut-être laver le tout de la petite fille.pas seulement changer son linge.voyons..un oeu d igiene ne fait pad mal. Il faut discipliner aussi les grandes filles qui deviennent feignantes.depuis sue leur mère est morte..avant elles aidaient bien leur mè crois pour le bien..mieux leur apprendre a etre aidernl ingénieur sur tout.

  12. Dear Engineer please contact Hasan from Tir Channel he had professional workers build a huge house for them in no time because they were working non stop please stop bringing all these lying beggars that are no good !!!!
    You need to finish this beautiful house but with Professional help !!!! ❤❤❤

  13. Mr. Engineer! What's happend? Sick? Tired? Unhappy? Depressed?
    What ever it is you have to take care of it. What a misery you and the children are living in. There is a beautiful kitchen and you are sitting and cooking and eating on a dirty floor.
    In the beginning the children were so happy to be there but not anymore.
    So: You need a nanny to take care of children, most Sahel, and for cooking. You can't go walking around carrying Her.
    You need to be a BOSS. You have to command! Make the workers to respect you. Make sure that the house will be finished. The cave can wait. Go and find workers you can trust and keep untill all is finished.
    If you need another help, go ahead. Sickness och depression…whatever it is.
    Find you spirit! You are a good man!

  14. Mr Engineer, please set tasks for all THREE children. Ghazal is still a child even though she’s the oldest and needs some alone time (to read, rest ,etc) Let Nazanin and Reza help . Assign duties to all THREE children , PLEASE. !

  15. This was a good day for the family.Mr Saifullah was more directive and instructive to the children.He is taking more emotional and physical distance from Sohail.That is better for both.Ghazal is stepping up as eldest and doing more chores out of her own.Mr Saifullah,Ghazal is more introvert than Nazanin,but Ghazal needs more hugs and cuddles from you as a mental support in her present role and responsibility as eldest child..You tend to give the little ones more attention,which is understandable.Nazanin is assertive and claims her hugs and cuddles from you,she is a assertive smart girl:-))But please give her chores as well.The house needs immediate cleaning tidying,organising all the loose stuff on the floor..It will result in less stress and more calmness for everyone.Aunty Sanam could help out a lot.This family unit is doing well and slowly but surely it will find the right balance.Salamati.

  16. Super panie inzynierze rozmawiasz z dziecmi ktore ciebie naprawde kochaja byles z nimi i jestes .Ogranicz kontakt z osobami ktore ci szkodza lub probuja wykorzystac twoje pieniadze..A moze dziewczynki chca sie uczyc gotowac to tez sukces

  17. Las niñas son muy pequeñas para tanta responsabilidad…contrate una mujer para que les ayude y se mantengan limpias…necesitan su casa terminada,todo el patio esta desorganizado y lleno de materiales…son pequeños y necesitan el patio para jugar…ya termine esa casa…ya lleva demasiado tiempo con esa construcción…

  18. Good Job girls, stick together and Stay away from that Grandmother, you children are wise enough to see this! Yes, your Father Engineer is right about Forgiveness, if you do not forgive people, God “Jesus Christ” will not forgive your sins. Forgive and stay away from Grandma. 👍😏❤️🙏✝️

  19. It is very easy fir people who have not been jn the situation of raising kids alone to just asume that as a single parent youre not doing good in whatever youre trying to do to raise your kids mother or father this is nwver and nevy will be . Remember they can be all yours but they have different peesonalities that need to be monitored all the time by a parent,fir someone else to come and tell them otherwise is a problem because wvwn if it hasn't played in those kids mind now one day they will try it .I wish wherether you are the uncle or granny yes who is also grieving the loss of. sister theres only one impoy peeson who comes first in their live the provider from loving them and care now comes the wicked granny grabs them by force wven though they told her they do not want to stay with the bith of them instead their farther whom they love more than anything stop old lady including your son who cant wven take care of his household .Granny who is going to take care of these kids whwn you die after taking them away from their beloved farther and the veey same Fatima who was aouch kn love with the Engineer will never rest in peace in all kf this .Leave the kids alone they told you that they want to stay with Babazadeh who happens to be the best thing that has ever happened in their lives .As fir you uncle i have good mind that youre just being jelousy knowing that they are jn safe hands and loved of which you should have done that when they had nowhere to go at least no may how bad qas your situation you could jave called them and offer what is called a place to stay then Fatima would have made means together with you so taht you are all happy.Leave Fatimas kids in the hands of Babazadeh he is the best peeson to care for them please

  20. Mr E I do feel your frustration building
    Up in u. Sad situation u are in.
    I'm glad Reza is eating on his own.
    Get toys for Sahel to play so she will
    Play independantly.
    Carrying her around is tiresome.
    U have too many projects going on and none finished.
    Concentrate on the
    Kids living quarters
    First . There is too much effort put into the cave as in preserving Fatima's
    Memory. I'm sure she will want her kids comfortable in
    Their home .
    Water in the kitchen at least.
    Take care if your health also.gid bless watching fromSA❤

  21. Simplemente contrate a una empresa profesional para que termine los trabajos rápidamente y dígales a sus trabajadores que no se molesten más y no vuelvan. Y por favor no regañe a las niñas por algo que hubiéramos hecho la mayoría de los humanos si previamente nos hubieran maltratado y expulsado de nuestra casa.

  22. El ingeniero está asiendo le un mal a la bebé de mantenerla al sada se a costumbre a mal y cuando la descargue se va a poner a llorar y eso no es bueno porque eya es la que va a sufrir está dormida baya acueste la

  23. Engineer you have to many things going on at the same time, children, house, storeroom, cave, cae for animals to many things. Priority Children so you need the house finished to be able to conduct day to day life in comfort for you and the children. Take inspiration from Fateman first children then cave so the family can be comfortable, put the carpet down do the stone benches, so all that is needed to make the house a proper home, the animals will also have to be looked after, once the house is done during the summer focus on the cave, and storeroom. Then you will be ready to welcome visitors.


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