The End of One Piece is Here

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50 thoughts on “The End of One Piece is Here”

  1. ngl I think that the next cover story gives Orroshima a path to becoming redeemed, ultimately having Yamato gain a follower, just like Oden's original pilgrimage.

  2. Either we like it or not, the few people who knows about IMU use the word SEI to refer to him. SEI is used on males and cuu is used in females. It means Saint or something like that. So it's already confirmed that IMU is a dude

  3. Now I understand why the world government wanted to hide the truth. Either Oda does not know that they are the decent dudes here, or he has lost it and is a leftie.

    I start to understand why I wouldn't say I like this comic and why it's so inconsequent. It's because a leftwinger writes it.

    The World government wanted to hide the truth to prevent anyone from getting hold of the terrible weapons that they would have if they understood the truth about the void century.

  4. I suspect that the ancient kingdom had developed advanced technology and hoarded it from the other kingdoms as they were probably constantly at war with each other. Imu probably saw an opportunity to take them down and take control of the world, bringing al the countries together and gaining control of an ancient kingdom and possibly levelling the ancient kingdom.

  5. I dont like that this information is just given out by vegapunk to the world… it feels like the strawhats didnt earn it… they should have discovered the info and they should made the broadcast… not vegapunk… its makes the straw hats feel like bystanders. Robin needed to discover this, thats her whole reason… she could have stayed home.

  6. It is now my headcanon until confirmed otherwise that laughtale is actually a giant cork in the ocean and in true toonforce fashion, Nika pulling it out will drain the oceans like a bath tub.

    Anybody would start laughing when realizing the solution to a world-ending scenario is so childish.

  7. To think that for 800 years Zunisha has been stomping around the ancient sunken continent like a island sized bulldozer, essentially erasing everything below

  8. With all the parental issues in One Piece, why couldnt Imu be admiring a picture of his mother? In a Bates Motel kind of way? Be a different side of the coin to Big Mom.

  9. The issue I have with most Ancient Kingdom theories, is the presence of the Nika fruit. If the fruit is only eaten and awakened during times that its 'fated' to? Then in order for the the "Drums of Liberation" to be needed, it would have to be in a time of oppression, right? So, if Joy Boy did have the Nika fruit and awakened it, the world must of already been in dire situation, at least socially. When you add on the fact, the governments at the time labeled him a pirate, then that just adds more credence to that narrative. That all was not well during the time of the Ancient Kingdom.

  10. Blackbeard isn't that predictable, would you go for the easy to use ship? That's under a country that just went to war and the one that can stop him isn't there? I would, Blackbeard isn't too bright. He'd risk it all for no sensible reason, and somehow manage to be successful…

  11. I think the biggest reason that Blackbeard will get Pluton is because we still have Tom’s Chekhov’s gun, the blueprints for Pluton that Franky memorized. The only reason Franky would ever build a second Pluton would be if the first was in bad hands and they needed to fight back. Plus with the Strawhats potentially meeting up with Vivi and Wapol, Franky will have access to as much wapometal as he needs and the treasure tree Adam as well.

  12. Physics students and Oppenheimer fans alike would recall that Einstein (Vegapunk) was responsible for the equation (E=mc^2) that described nuclear fusion, a potentially self-sustaining reaction ("undying energy"), and when the bomb was built using his physics/recommendation to president Roosevelt (world gov?) he regretted it for the rest of his life (as vegapunk does here).

  13. I think that the world is going to be shaped by what happens when they find Raftel. The future Roger and the others talked about, I’m pretty sure it isn’t something to despair about. In fact, every time they’ve even mentioned this era where Luffy is now, it’s been with anticipation. Lower the boundaries of Wano because it’s going to be amazing. Cheer for the one who comes after Roger, who wishes he was a bit later. There’s something to this situation that the present facts seem not to properly convey. Whatever it is, it’s something everybody on Roger’s crew wanted to see.

    Vegapunk’s words aren’t wrong, he’s also missing something that only the ones who went to Raftel themselves have seen.

  14. I bet Joyboy took Imu's girl 😈


    Maybe, Imu and Nika are just both two polar-opposite gods and enemies in which they both found hosts, Imu got Joyboy's crew and most of the world to turn against him by trickery, and Imu beat the host of Nika, attempting to then stop Nika from ever getting a new host

  15. What if lily came into her senses with joyboy haki when they fought then she went to joyboy side then the gorosei killed her too infront of imu
    Also I seen from yt imu coulda hypnotize or manipulated the 20 kingdom to rebel against joyboy bc his too strong

    rayleighh worksss to coatttt shipsss to gooo under the waterrrrrrrrr
    he knwsss the world is going to sink,maybe he is doing something in his ownnn, planning something to do


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