The End of my Torment (Humanity First Terra Invicta Ending)

hey if you got even a scrap of happiness from my personal Vietnam, please check out the cool new merch here:

Whether or not a Terra Invicta video will ever appear on the main channel is dependent on a test I’ve got to run first, but regardless all of the VODs of the playthrough are backed up on Twitch. You can find those here:

time to rest
Twitch, where these streams come from:


22 thoughts on “The End of my Torment (Humanity First Terra Invicta Ending)”

  1. I got tired of looking at this game after 2 minutes, I was completely unaware rimmy was being subjected to such barbaric torture for so long.

    Hopefully the international community and UNICEF will be able to help him through the aftermath of this.

  2. I played the resistance and then the academy. I love everything about the game, but I really hope they improve the space part, hate clicking through all those menus everytime. All they need to do there is change it a bit so it works more like stellaris though, so I think it'll be fine once the game is finished.

  3. Very interesting comparing this playthrough to Perun's playthrough. It is a bit of a shame that this game can have two playthroughs that are so completely different in terms of i guess the word would be "playing pains" throughout two of the same campaign. Rimmy's was an absolute slog and grindfest while Perun's run (given he does quite a few cuts so it's not shown how many issues he had) seemed to be incredibly smooth and relatively painless.

  4. Of course Humanity first is the best faction they are the only correct one to play and the only realistic faction except maybe for project exodus.

    when we win.. we will not wait. its our turn to be the invaders but this time… the invasion WILL succeed

  5. it is kind of a niche game, if you dont know exactly what your doing at almost all times in the game you are not likely to have fun with it.
    if your going to get the game, do you research on how to play and what to go for.

  6. I get that this whole thing is supposed to be Long War x 1000, but I honestly feel that a big part of the problem is that it's specifically too long, and too easy for things to doom spiral. I had a run that was going really, really well, until I got gameruined by almost every single faction including the goddamn Protectorate going to Total War against the aliens, which meant they started sending assault carriers and armies in like fucking 2030. And that would be one thing if the space combat had enough depth to it that you could realistically fight back in that scenario, but the fact that there's no nonlinear movement (despite that being by far the major advantage of fighting in space) and with the Aliens able to just spam Dreadnoughts at you whenever it wants, space combat is pretty much just a matter of bigger number win, so that sucks too.

  7. 0:37 my first reaction exactly lol
    Definetly the best ending. Others submit, flee, or worry about future, but not Humanity First and The Iniciative. But the awe of humanity's war fleet is just something else.


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