The EMPIRE Content We NEED In Thrones of Decay – Total War Warhammer 3

Thrones of Decay was delayed so they could add more content to it to not suffer another fiasco like Shadows of Change did. In all fairness this is a wise idea from Creative Assembly. Recently we spoke about TAMURKHAN and NURGLE but let’s look towards the EMPIRE and some fun ideas to finally give them some power!

The EMPIRE Content We NEED In Thrones of Decay – Total War Warhammer 3

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34 thoughts on “The EMPIRE Content We NEED In Thrones of Decay – Total War Warhammer 3”

  1. I'd love to see Toddy get upgraded to a LL so we can challenge Karl for the position of Emperor and really spice up the Elector Count system.

    And the Marienburg Landship basically being this super powerful and super hard to get unit only unlocked through Marienburg would be really nice to see.

  2. I think the main thing CA need to do to fix overcrowding the map is to make the Realm of Chaos playable in Immortal Empires.
    Several LLs should start there like Ku'gath or Kairos and many others can be moved to open up space for new LLS.
    For example Tamurkhan starting where Vilitch starts would fit, since he's a Kurgan.

  3. The thing I want the most for the empire is a full rework to the state troop mechanic. If I own Solland I want to get the special Solland units, right? Well, its a single unit of spearmen every like 10 to 20 turns with the upkeep of an actual dragon. I don’t think I need to point out the problems in this mechanic…

  4. I'd like to see the Hurricanum be the king of buff / debuff units. Give it doomwheel-esque lightning shots with a high firing angle but relatively short range and much slower movement speed. That and some bound Urannon's spells. Maybe an aspect of the buff can be heavy magic damage resistance, so you can blob elite infantry on it without fear of them getting one shot by a big spell. I'd make that activatable so there's a skill element to using it in multiplayer (i.e. so it's not broken OP.) Buff / debuffs from a weather control machine needs some kind of cool visual too, to make it feel like the piece has impact.

    These expensive single model pieces need to be cooler than just a buff / debuff unit that you park in some infantry and they perform a little better overtime. That is the way of disappointment.

  5. I feel the Empire needs an economy rebalance. Maybe its me but given how surrounded you are and how many crisis you have to respond to you just donr seem to be able to support as much troops as other factions.

  6. I wonder how it would be if they made Knightly Order factions, where they can use basic state troops of tier 1 & 2 units, but increased upkeep for other units besides their own unmounted and mounted knights…and instead of traditional settlement holding, they instead have 'undercity-like" bases they build in allied or Empire faction territory.

  7. I played Empire on tabletop during many years, I had Valten figurine, Steamtank, many hellfire battery, Ulric Withe wolves knights. I played TTW since the beginning and my least faction play is the Empire. Mechanics suck, lot of unit are less powerful than in tabletop, hellfire and steam tank, no choices of chivalry order, non sense Lords Volkmaar instead of Luthor Huss, Wulfart is nobody in the game. While there is no engineers hero, the msot amous in the oldworld. And on top, you got to deal with one of the biggest shitstorm in the game.

  8. why do we always talk about new units but not mechanics? the empire is still missing their detachments, cheap fodder to fill their ranks. they also really need a steam tank rework. the current ror unit plays how the standard ST should function. the vanilla one is so bad as the empire "monster unit" esp when you compare him with the CD trains

  9. Hoping for some love towards some of the other game 1/2 factions instead of empire. Vast majority of the DLC races have been untouched for years. I’m looking at norsca/tomb kings primarily though. Norsca fits in well with game 3’s lore however, so I imagine they have some content in their future. I do not hold out much hope for any tomb king love.

  10. I hope the campaign mechanics and play through can get overhauled a lot. Make the empire’s campaign start similar to the WRE in Rome or Attila. A large territory and army but beset by low income, high corruption, enemies all around. And have the elector counts formed into a new window for the player to interact with to make decisions for the empire. Humans in fantasy worlds always build institutions and the empire should be no exception. Have guilds, colleges, industries, cults, all working to make the empire succeed.

    And I agree with the addition of the remainder of the tabletop roster to the video game. Long overdue.

  11. You mentioned having a new and unique battle map for Nuln in your Nurgle content video as well and I can see it being useful for a bunch of characters and potential quest battles. When/If we get Thanquol for the Skaven I can see him having a quest battle around Nuln as I remember back in the day (I think it was 5th edition maybe?) there was a Skaven vs Empire battle report that featured Thanquol and his army attacking Nuln and tied in with the Gotrek and Felix Skaven slayer book, though he was killed in the first turn by a lucky canon shot in that report. Regardless, some nice new Empire city maps wouldn't go wrong.


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