The embarrassment that is Silent Hill: The Short Message | (REUPLOAD)

It’s over. Wrap it up. Last call.


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0:00 An Introduction To Embarrassment
1:38 The Cringe Begins
5:38 Lack Of Subtlety
7:51 Trigger Warning
11:26 Performance and Characters
12:23 The Story Unfolds
13:38 This Is Not Silent Hill
14:56 The Silent Hill Phenomenon Problem
17:53 The Konami Agenda


29 thoughts on “The embarrassment that is Silent Hill: The Short Message | (REUPLOAD)”

  1. Thanks for this video. Everything related Silent Hill nowadays just makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills. People either don't see the issues, they don't care, or they get extremely defensive. I feel like I'm living in a dystopia.

  2. 8:08 you managed to put into words the exact way I felt about this issue but wasn’t able to express. I found it so poorly strung together because the “bullying” was so goofy and unthreatening, yet they will happily show your character very graphically start to cut their wrist with a razor, all while in a photorealistic bathroom covered in blood from previous attempts. It was really unbalanced and extremely bad taste.

  3. Hot dog, oh no, hot dog

    Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog

    Now we got ears, it's time for cheers

    Hot dog, hot dog, the problem's solved

    Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog

    Grab my boots and a sandwich

    Let's start a parade

    Get the coconut drum kit

    For Daisy to play

    Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog

    We're taking off, we're dancing now

    Hot dog, leapfrog and holy cow

    Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog

    Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog

    It's a brand new day, whatcha waiting for?

    Get up, stretch out, stomp on the floor

    Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog

    Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog

    We're splitting the scene, we're full of beans

    So long for now from Mickey Mouse

    And the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

  4. This is the worst piece of silent hill media ever. Book of memories was the worst game. Revelations was the worst movie. The comics were meh at best. All of these are the works of god compared to this trash. I knew we were in for a world of hurt when Ascension came out. All i can do is hope that the remake faithfully retells the story and most likely give silent hill a wave goodbye because this is the trend. It's all about James's story in silent hill 2. Harry who? Heather? You're talking crazy. Henry????? Who would give a protagonist the name of henry? No the series started at the second game and went on a hiatus, kinda like star wars started halfway through the story.

    The bulk of youtubers have only watched a video from over a decade ago analyzing james… Poorly i might add. Then saying that all the main character's personal hell is silent hill.

  5. There's nothing wrong with opening your story with the theme off the bat. What is wrong is obviously stating what everyone else should be thinking or feeling.

    Just tell the story and let the characters react in a way that is believable and let the audience decide for themself what they think about it.

  6. Trigger warnings…
    …in an M rated horror game belonging to a long running franchise…
    …and you can't turn them off?

    Really tells you what their target audience is. Spoiler; it sure isn't the fans of the series or fans of horror in general. Time to write off the rest of Konami's 'Silent Hill revival tour', two facepalms in a row isn't a good start.

  7. Boomer Problems = Being blamed for everything even when innocent

    Gen X Problems = Fear of being unable to provide for family.

    Millennial Problems = Fear of not being able to thrive or have a voice in a world where they are the most under-represented and not given any leeway especially compared to…

    Zoomer Problems = losing followers

    The fact that this upload was originally taken down proves that big companies like youtube see this ‘Zoomer problem’ as a legitimate psychological turmoil…?
    Yeaaah…zoomers suck.

  8. I think its how exaggerated it feels on the subject matter. It's also how bad the overacting feels. It's so on the nose about it. I only wish the dubbing wasn't so bad with how out of sync it is. I wish I could play it in it's original language.


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