The Edge of the Universe | Three-Body Problem Series

In this video we will discuss the early events of the Galaxy Era in the Remembrance of Earth’s Past Trilogy. This video will contain major spoilers for the remembrance of Earth’s Past Trilogy. After the destruction of Earth’s solar system by way of the Listener’s dimension strike, Cheng Xin and AA were the only humans left in the universe other than the inhabitants of the vessels Blue Space and Gravity and Tianming whose brain had been captured by the Trisolarans. The Trisolarans had been mankind’s first cosmic foe, they had used Tianming’s brain to plan an attack against humanity which annihilated mankind’s entire space force. Humankind only succeeds in thwarting them when they reveal the location of both Trisolaris and the Earth to the greater universe. Because of the “Dark forest” state of the cosmos, the Trisolaris star system was destroyed, and earth’s sometime later. After escaping the dimension strike which destroyed the sun and the earth, Cheng Xin heads to the one place where she hopes to find human life. Tianming’s Star, DX3906.


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32 thoughts on “The Edge of the Universe | Three-Body Problem Series”

  1. The Three Body Problem is a great series. It's science fiction in the purest sense. The writer sets up a premise that seams futuristic or speculative, then extrapolates the repercussions of that premise. I really enjoyed the series even if I didn't completely connect with the characters. I think some of that was a linguistic and cultural barrier, and some was a his style of writing. I did enjoy the way he worked politics and sociology into his stories. It did challenge me to look at situations from a different perspective, one that I wouldn't normally have thought of before. Unlike some people, I really enjoy perspectives that I do t normally agree with. I think that we need to be challenged to fully understand our own positions and ideals, so when I don't fully understand the motives of some of the characters in the series, they still make sense when you look at it from the perspective of someone from an Asian and specifically a Chinese cultural perspective. The Chinese have a viewpoint on matters like the military, nationalism, self sacrifice, loyalty, and personal freedom and it's limits that you don't encounter in most Western fiction.

  2. “You have not seen what true interstellar war is like” “ we have seen a few glimpses”
    What scares me is that something like that is probably happening out there and we also have seen glimpses but couldn’t recognise it, and discarded it as part of natural occurrence.
    All the horrible things humanity has done, infinitely more horrible things are probably being carried out in the vastness of space

  3. Now imagine the implications of the huge cosmic voids we see and the fact that Dark Matter makes up the majority of the universe compared to non-dark matter. In the novel they already spoilered it before; that what we see is not the natural state of the universe but merely a corpse-strewn battlefield. This is pure cosmic horror.

  4. one thing that never gets to me about this books is that, ok there might be civilisations that would nuke us, but its like the USA nuke tuvalu or something, it makes no sense, if they had such great technologies it means that there might be other civilisations with similar tech, and using it to delete a species would one day or another form a aliance of sorts to fight the agressive species, its naive to think that other species wouldnt want to cooperate if they can have a chance of surviving or even winning against the dark forrest snipers. also its likely that one race or another would try to take advantage of us, but its unlikely that EVERY race would simply stand still, if every species are diferent its a given that a lot of species would rise that would have similar interests as ours, i think the autor has a great imagination and its a great book series but IMO its not well thought as lets say "the foundation" wich suffers from similar problems but its much more grounded in the sociology part, the idea the author has is amazing and the first book IMO is 9/10, but the other two fall in quality really fast.

  5. Why you use such a destructive weapon to destroy a potential enemy that Don’t even know that you exist at all and it’s a worm to you technologically? Isn’t the universe already being deleted? That means that they would be the next ones to fall by their own strike. That seems like trying to kill a fly with a cannon to me. A radical strike shot by an idiot.

  6. I don't get why everyone is masturbating over this book. The theme of aliens attacking and/or exterminating humanity due to social darvinism was done over and over in sci-fi already. I've read hundreads of sci-fi books from 60's – 90's in my teen years thanks to local public library and it's absolutely not a new trope to me, neither it's done in exceptionally good way. I guess it's superb to people who just got into space sci-fi recently.


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