The Echelon Briefing: Humanity’s Final Years Explored | The Walking Dead Universe

Today I take you through what we learned during the Echelon Briefing in The Ones Who Live finale, as well as theorize on what we could see in the future of The Walking Dead franchise.

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0:00 – Intro

0:50 – The Echelon Briefing

7:04 – The Fall of the Frontliners

7:51 – Humanities Extinction

9:05 – Pouvoir Du Vivant Theory

12:00 – Ending Questions

#theoneswholive #thewalkingdead #rickgrimes


50 thoughts on “The Echelon Briefing: Humanity’s Final Years Explored | The Walking Dead Universe”

  1. I really think Scott Gimple, and everyone else thought this scene would be very important to the fans but the fans just overlooked it and consider the CRM and general beale to be another rushed storyline. I think we will get a season two years down the road with everyone reunited. And the only enemy will be the variant walkers. Seeing the original group back together, fighting these new crazy running walkers, will be fun television

  2. I think I might be evil. While I wouldn’t want to kill all kinds of people, I can still see how getting the people and walkers under control is important. If there is no cure, with random groups of people all over the place, there will always be unknown walkers around. I don’t know. Do you see what I’m getting at? It’s an awful situation.

  3. I thought we were going to get way more information and possibly a mention of France to connect to Daryl dixon. I had a few things on my list for reveals and none for them came to fruition. Happy ending for the series but a total downer for the future of TWD universe

  4. 3 shows to build up this mysterious faction and they defeat them in 15 mins of an episode what a disppointment lol , the 14 yrs thing shouldve been a reveal that everyone who was alive pre outbreak day thats carring the wildfire virus would die within that time frame no matter how healthy they were and that the virus was slowly killing them and only people born during the apocalypse were immune , that wouldve been wild

  5. I been so intrigued since Season 2 when Rick killed Dave in the bar. Also I live in Philadelphia. Dave said Philly fell faster then everywhere. Due to the Philly being the heart of the opiate epidemic in real life that probably would happen due to all the deaths. But Dave lied about Philly. He knew about Nebraska being a safe haven. He said islands got survivors through military which padre did. I always thought he was a spy. He even knew Fort Benning was destroyed confirmed by Mitch the guy with the tank with the Governor. I loved the series and love that Ricks back but going forward now he’s who I wanna see at the center of the spin-offs. Beale was wasted and CRM was beaten too fast. So now main villains are a lady in France and NYC? Plus we never saw a fresh walker without those darts come back super strong like when the scientist died in world beyond unless he used that dart to kill her. Lastly as great as Andrew Lincoln acting is. Even he couldn’t save the last scene. RJ there was zero emotion. It just makes you wish Carl didn’t die. 3 episodes in before we even knew what we grew to love when Rick found Lori Carl and Shane you felt the emotion. Back most people disliked Lori and Carl myself included but you could feel the bond they had at episode 3 so no him just meeting RJ isn’t validated. Carl should be there with Judith still bottom line. I just hope we still get more Rick moving forward and maybe Beales son takes what left of CRM for the final battle. Cause they are planning a final end game at some point.

  6. My theory is that CRM tells this to people, but are actually just trying to consolidate power and ensure that they are the one and only power in the Americas. They will have full control over all resources, population. It's all about control, not about humanity's survival

  7. I highly doubt all 3,000 Plus of the elite soldiers believe in Beal's plan or are okay with it. They're just smart enough to not say they are not okay with it since they know that is guaranteed death. It's definitely possible that they are all okay with it as in it's a non-zero chance, but very unlikely. Rick is just a big enough badass to not hide the fact he isn't okay with it and be willing to do something about it.

  8. I think the whole 14 years left thing is just supposed to show the pessimistic view of the CRM. Everyone who follows in their ideals is made to think they are the only way, something we have seen rick fight many times, even Shane thought his way was the only way, but the thing about Rick is he knows that nobody's one way works, he tried to do that and it almost destroyed the group so they found the prison and started working together, Rick seperated himself from leadership and tried to be a farmer but that didnt work either he needs to be the one who lets other people find their way and when someone comes in like negan to impose their way he has to be the one to stop them.

  9. Don't forget that in Tales of The Walking Dead, one episode takes place 35 years in the future, supposedly. We still see that people are around, so is that just not canon anymore, or is Beale's projection he got wrong? The dead still exist though. It would explain why the Headhunter's were trying to move into the area that the guy was trying to study.

  10. I dont think the 14 years should be taken as gospel.. it was just one military organisatuons predictions. No differen tro all the eother economic or population oredictions that are pretty far off in the world today..

    The 14 years was more likely an estimate of when it would go to far to rebuild anything. As there would be too many hordes but some people would adapt and learn how to deal with them perfectly. We already saw this in the main show with well worked large scale plans to divert hordes.

    Youve got to consider that the CRM also wanted to control the world effectively so theyre gonna be a bit extreme with their predictions and views to try and get their followers to believe them

  11. Yeah, that's total bullshit.

    Maybe doing things the CRM has been doing it would've doomed them in 14 years, but they weren't interested in saving humanity.

    They were interested in saving a version of humanity ruled exclusively by the CRM.

    In their fanatical minds, humans may as well go extinct if they can't be in charge anymore.

  12. First thing I'd be doing right now is getting people to pair off and start screwing like rabbits! They need to be making babies and lots of them!

    The adults have already wasted over a decade of their very finite fertility years. They're gonna have a Children of Men type of population crisis if they don't get on that.

    Then we set up some farming communities: luckily there's tons of excellent farm land in Pennsylvania and the neighboring states.

    Wall off some small existing farm towns, open up a few shops and a small school and infirmary and what have you.

    You allow travelers to sell you goods in exchange for money they can spend anywhere in the CR, offer jobs and housing to anyone willing to farm or take on any other work in the town.

    Do likewise around mines, refineries, factories, whatever things you need to get up and running.

    You hire people to patrol the roads, monitor herd movement, systematically clear more and more of the dead.

    Set up radio networks.

    Humanity tamed an untamed world before, and it wasn't nearly as well equipped. Everything threat Beale described is pretty much how we always lived prior to the industrial age.

  13. The whole briefing actually don't make sense to me. A strong community takes out thousands of walkers. It seems like everyone would fortify in communities and slowly kill off the zombies from the intial outbreak

  14. What bother me the most is the CRM itself like we know they came from the Pennsylvanian national guard who fought the us military to save Philadelphia and why would they turn to killing civilians like the military too

  15. The 14-year prediction reminded me of the Star Trek DS9 episode where the savants told Sisko that the Federation had zero chance of winning the Dominion War. They claimed the Federation had to surrender, and sacrifice who knows how many worlds and species, because the alternative was allegedly worse. Sisko, like Rick, refused to accept that. The savants were wrong, and so was the CRM.

  16. It's really kind of insane and a bit disappointing that this show just rehashed the ending of World Beyond…

    Oh, the CRM is about to mobilze and destroy Portland? Lets destroy their arsenal. Then, the exact same thing occurs in TOWL. The kids in WB surely would have made Portland aware of what the CRM was up to so it would have been interesting to see how a prepared Portland would fend off their attack all while the CRM would be unaware of them knowing. Idk, i still enjoyed the show, but the culmination we got from all these years of CRM plotlines was just odd to say the least.

  17. Bud. Fascism always believes it’s the only way forward. Beale wasn’t lying given the parameters the scientists were given but those parameters were likely biased by the belief that only the CRM could fix it.

  18. wasnt france mostly clear of zombies also? so it feels like writes dont know what other writes are writing make it not make sense lore wise with all the seasons

  19. The most idiotic Rick did was get rid of the people that would most likely have a chance of ridding the walkers. Like Rick think about humanity first then survive. I get morals but in a world where you must survive everything from zombies sickness the weather and famine you would want to stay with people that are in a position to help the world then once that threat is gone you deal with the CRM

  20. Tbh I’m not mad at the CRM being under Ricks control, I like the idea of the Walkers becoming the main threat again, seeing everyone team up to fight Against the massive hordes with their new found equipment

  21. Idk if the 14 year prediction has much details, but the 14 year prediction could be 10 years of adapting and seeming rebuilding of society with underlying growing complacency resulting in a second downfall of society leading to a final 4 years of going extinct.

  22. My personal head cannon right now is that CR outreach that we see in the final show of TOWL is what facilitates the rise of communities like New Babylon and that random bar in Dead City (with seemingly ample electricity).

    It also seems to me that Beale was probably wrong about the starvation thing as logically, if you support more communities across the continent, they can in turn farm more and reduce overall food insecurity, with the CR in charge of distribution logistics. Walkers, though, with variants and being vectors for other diseases, would still be the existential threat Beale described.

  23. "walker hordes are growing to 1 million+ strong across all continents" im sorry, what? how does this make a bit of sense? if there are only a million of them how the hell did all 8 billion of humanity collapse? i'm confused

  24. If Op. Cobalt never happened, then I’m pretty sure humanity wouldn’t be in the position the C.R.M claimed it to be in. Because, even in the early days of the outbreak there were still so many people. Hell, most of Mexico City survived, L.A’s population was still high.


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