The Drydock – Episode 215 (Live Segment) – 26th November 2022

The very delayed stream answering Patreon Alt-History and What-if’s, then general questions


31 thoughts on “The Drydock – Episode 215 (Live Segment) – 26th November 2022”

  1. In carrier landings if you can't go around if you hit the deck you make your approach and decision point reflect that. If you hit the deck you either caught a wire or hit the barrier.
    A good angle deck changes the whole dynamic of carrier landings.
    A modern angled flight deck on Lexington class carriers would allow for launching and recovering planes at the same time. And bigger heavier planes. A few B-25 equivalent reconnaissance aircraft finding the enemy forces before either side's strike aircraft were in range would make a significant change.

    Launching strikes from both the bow and angled deck would increase the the effective range by the time difference is building the formation.

    Greater distance available after you catch the wire supports higher landing speeds which would help carrier planes match land planes performance.

    The trick is getting the experience using the angled decks starting late enough that the enemy ( Japan ) doesn't get the same advantages going into the war.

  2. c. 1:00:00 mark. Re the IJN vs IJA strategic policy dominance, I think it is reasonable to argue the South Pacific war or the Japanese/European Pacific war was launched to directly support the IJA's war and conquest of China. If the USA/European powers had agreed to give Japan a free hand in attacking China that part of the pacific war would not have happened then and there.

  3. You were asked about ships going into battle with weapons that didn't work and you didn't answer "Everything that had Mk 14 Torpedos"? You really were tired when doing this.

    Also: In “Firing the Main Guns: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words” Ryan Szimanski mentions that in her 1980s service New Jersey had critical damage to the center barrel of turret 2 due to excess use of it in Vietnam and she was deployed without fixing it because 8 16-inch guns NOW was better than 9 16-inch guns later.

  4. The DC-3 is an enlarged version of the DC-2. In China early in WWII a DC-3 had a wing destroyed outside of the engine. The wing section was replaced with a DC-2 wing section. The joining surface was identical being unmodified when the wings and fuselodge were stretched to make the DC-3. The repaired plane was still flying after the war still making no allowances for the smaller wing except having the controls trimmed to balance the asymmetric lift.

  5. He are the timestamps based on the automatically generated transcript. Name of questioner in parentheses behind the question. Sorry if I got the name wrong or missed a question.

    4:30 angled flight deck benefit if it had been implemented sooner? were there other simultaneous launch/recovery solutions in the absence of deck edge elevators? (Primark359)
    10:11 Large age of sail fleet of capital ship + escort frigates existed? What mission would it have?
    12:33 Hemispherical bottom of a naval shell? (Gabriel Hawkins)
    16:25 Were USN Admirals aware of Yamatos and Musashi true specifications? (Melandras)
    17:47 How were the tonnage limits for the Washington Naval treaty decided on? what would happen if there was only a number of ships limit and the gun size remains? (Alternate Historian Turtleduck)
    21:57 Alternate History about the RN in the battle in th Coral Sea against IJN (Class A Coronate)
    25:52 Alternate History: What are the Royal Navy's plans after a decisive win at Jutland? (F19-A Ghost Rider)
    30:23 What is your favorite paper or just plain made up ship from World of Warships? (The Hand of Rey)
    30:58 what if in the Washington Naval treaty the British are allowed to build five G3s the US five Lexingtons and the Japanese three Amagis? (Chassix)
    33:42 what if the Washington Naval Treaty allowed replacements only 1:1 tonnage-wise? (Stephen Ruzica)
    39:33 If the us or any other Navy developed dreadnoughts first uh what would have changed? (Some random non)
    42:23 How would a Tillman Battleship have failed in combat against German h-class battleship if they met in 1v1 combat? (Randy Topeka)
    44:12 Do you think that King Charles III will do a fleet review similar to the one done in 1937 next year? (SMS Schlesien)
    44:45 What would Drach do to redesign and optimize the Bismarck class for commerce raiding? (Eric J van Dooting)
    49:59 What would Drachs own navy in 1940 look like from ships from all across the nations? (Bacon Bomb)
    54:19 you are put in charge of the defenses at Copenhagen two months before the battle. How will you respond to Nelsons attack? (Lord Nelson)
    56:30 What if Force Z have survived their historical demise and were instead able to link up with ABDA? (Clayton Bradish)
    59:22 If Admiral Togo's teaching of Hirohito had been more political and naval-centered could the Army have been replaced as the guiding force of Japan's 20s and 30s? (Michael Griffith)
    01:01:52 have you considered anything on the state of the Russian Navy now? (Frank Bodenschatz)
    01:03:49 Why does King Neptune care so much about a ship's name to the point that he lays his curses on those who have their names changed? (Texas Andler Shocks)
    01:05:39 if you could build an Ideal World War II Submarine by taking the best aspects of each of the major combatant submarine designs and Technologies what would you choose to include and why? (Revel squirrel)
    01:07:32 how accurate is the 1953 movie multi-story in depicting the frequency and veracity of Naval of aerial attacks on Naval Targets in the Mediterranean? (Three Papa)
    01:09:39 if the German and Japanese navies had not held back large Capital ships like Tirptz, Yamato and Musashi early in the war and had Bismarck not been sunk how might that have changed the war? (Sam Signorelli)
    01:12:03 After the Battle of Midway instead of being assigned to nimitz's chief chief of staff or Admiral Spruance as assigned to Guadalcanal what position would he take and how long do you think he would last? (Patrick Donelly)
    01:13:35 What is Mrs. Drachs favorite ship of each type?
    01:15:15 Alternate history: (Assuming Pearl Harbor did not happen and USA and Japan did not declare war on each other) The IJN attacks the USN only when the USN approaches the Phillipines with Kitakami and other torpedo destroyers. How would it play out?
    01:18:42 what do you think about the book The Last Stand of the tin can Sailors? (Patrick Forney)
    01:21:09 if the heroics of Basilone and Edson somehow failed and the Japanese regained Henderson field how does this play out? (Squirrel Jenkins)
    01:23:20 after hearing about water and concrete for Army used by the Royal Navy and the Regia Marina I wonder how effective a non-Newtonian fluid would be? (Colin Cameron)
    01:25:20 loved to see the wild reaction up in the arrows versus Armor videos from Todd's Workshop (Dunk the rational)
    01:28:16 In 2007 a Somali pirate skiff attacked a Ticonderoga and a Burke? Is this the most one-sided battle ever or can you beat it? (Sapper Ninja)
    01:29:27 are you going to do a double live stream feature at the end of next month or slot one live stream into the middle of this month or something else entirely? (A fleet of ocean)
    01:31:26 What if Scharnhorst survived the battle of the North Cape and escaped to norway? (Sherman117)
    01:32:52 Video on Footwear of Sailors? (Hendog1000)
    01:34:06 Drach and motorcycles (Todd Webb)
    01:36:37 What if Admiral von Spee split up his forces to go surface raiding? Effects on WW1? (Ken R. 1800)
    01:39:23 How would the war in the Atlantic be changed by the addition of two fully modernized Derfflinger and two Mackensen class battle Cruisers to The Kriegsmarine and what would the ships look like post refit? (Jason Roth)
    01:42:33 What if one or more of these happen at North Cape: Scharnhorst did not misidentify Norfolk, Scharnhorst radar was not knocked out and the German destroyers were not sent away (Triple Dot Seven)
    01:46:42 if you could go back in time to see your hometown in any period which era would you choose? (The Stone)
    01:47:32 why did it take so long for warships to have all their main guns on the center line outside of a couple of interesting cases of wanting as many guns pointing forward for chase fire? (BadGuy8829)
    01:49:44 Failures of keel blocks in a drydock? (Megapixel)
    01:52:13 Did USS New Jersey really "sink" an island? (Craig Binder)
    01:53:03 other than South Dakota what other ships do you know go into battle without all their weapons working and are they on The Winning Side? (Frank Pizzata)
    01:55:24 did the U.S Navy's Capital ships ever have a close call with meeting German capital ships in either of the world wars? (Budgo8829)
    01:57:24 what's your preferred convention for coming up with new not recycled ship names? (Alexander Steele)
    02:01:10 Drachs T-Shirt (Bunk Housing)
    02:01:22 could six or eight depth Charges going off under the Yamato's Keel have broken her back if they all went off at the same time and were closer together close enough together that one of them blowing up causes the other to others to go off? (USS Gray Ghost)
    02:02:56 if you had to pick Naval streamers and YouTube content makers for your Admirals and commanders during World War II who would you pick? (Jonathan Trusswell)
    02:05:20 R class further development into WW2 (Hunter of Bats)
    02:09:36 Effect on WW2 of license built DC-2's? (Knight6831)
    02:11:11 [Can't make out the essential name to make a sense out of the question] (Tom)
    02:13:55 are you going to do a reaction to Sabaton's song about Bismarck? (Bunker housing)
    02:15:13 what would be your ideal plan to keep up British shipbuilding during the treaty system? (Mr. Serenitys End)
    02:16:46 did India have a Navy of any significance the World War 1 World War II era? (Squirrl Jenkins)
    02:17:39 in an attempt to prevent War pre-World War One all the powers make a Paris Naval treaty in 1914 what approaches may be taken if similar to the Washington treaty? (Frank Spasato)
    02:21:07 any chance of a video on the Salvage of Leonardo da Vinci? (Sean Riley)
    02:23:09 WW2 Merchant Navy transition from coal to Diesel (Jamie Peter)
    02:24:40 Royal Navy punishments during WW1 (HMS Belfast)
    02:25:38 what damage would exploding four inch anti-aircraft ammunition actually do to a ship other than a severe fire?
    02:27:54 armored cruiser Georgius Averoff and two minotaurs versus Blücher and two Scharnhorsts (Vicki McDonough)
    02:30:06 was there any a good ship glasses that were designed by committee? (Gray Ghost)
    02:31:16 Dr Clark Drach drama, when? (Derp Squad)
    02:31:52 if World of Warships asked would you voice a special captain? (broken wolf 668)
    02:33:13 didn't the t-class have a set of torpedo chews outside the pressure hull?
    02:34:49 do you think that the world a World War II r-class submarine development would have led to early forms of wire guided Torpedoes during WW2? (Derp Squad)
    02:35:58 would I be right that to fix water Sprite steering problem would need her steering gears to be completely replaced? (Knight6831)
    02:37:37 Another other hobbies that are waterborne or maritime based? (plainnut767)
    02:41:20 Visit USS Texas in Drydock? (brian419)
    02:41:58 Globe shaped drinks cabinet in Drachs library? (The Bobbins)
    02:44:37 what are your thoughts on the Japanese attack on Sydney Harbor? (build rept)
    02:44:48 in the age of eight in age of sale Naval battles what would you consider to be a last resort munition for canons when traditional iron shots ran out?
    02:46:37 if Japan manages to save Akagi and head out [not quite intelligible] at the Battle of Midway do they then proceed with the conversions in order to make up with a loss for Kaga? (Darren Running)
    02:47:31 Do you ever visit Heritage Railways? (Sean Riley)
    02:48:50 why did the Soviet Union decide to put such a big gun on the kirov class and not a gun more like the gun on the Italian classes it was based off of?
    02:50:47 ever thought of doing a video about the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801? (David Winter Jensen)
    02:51:38 five minute guide to HMS Splendid (Alex)

  6. Q&A which sides what have come to blows in some kind of ww1 if the kaiser hadn't had the crazy idea of trying to match the royal navy, but instead germany and britain would have signed some kind of entente

  7. I went to Ireland last month and was super excited to try ironbru
    We got a 1l bottle and my wife and I had a sip each and poured it out in a tesco parking lot. I don’t know how you drink it lol

  8. I have been trying to train my porpoises to answer the phone but they are not very good at it. They are having a hard time holding on to the phone, maybe I need to get them a headset or something.

  9. hemispherical at 13"42 you all wrong LOL a hemi head produces more/ better power because of the valve arrangement leads to better airflow. with the additional advantage of having a flat piston, being the smallest surface area and thus not retaing heat where it can not be cooled. having said that hemispherical has its uses in warfare. amour piercing shaped charges for example


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