The dream of Mars & what it means to be martian | The expanse lore

Generic greetings and welcome to another episode of me and Steve being fools. Today, we cover the dream of Mars, the guiding force in Martian society and the lynchpin on which they base most if not all of their culture. So if you’re interested in learning about a society so desperate to accomplish their dream, they burn their future to try and preserve it. Oh, a sad episode, how lovely.

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11 thoughts on “The dream of Mars & what it means to be martian | The expanse lore”

  1. Really loved this series and it got me into the books. Wish they had delved more into the ring builders but sometimes not explaining everything is good too. Loved all the space battle pron. They did an excellent job of making it much more believable and less of the space magic that other shows tend to lean on. Not perfect but I enjoy rewatching the show now and then.

    Just found you guys and love the nerding out on all the BSG and other sci-fi IPs.

  2. The Martians don’t deserve their independence considering how much they screw over other people rights, and it’s mostly their fault that the Belters started to organize themselves into terrorists who literally genocide a majority of Earth Population later on.

  3. The expanse martians are a fascinating people. Earthers are poor people and super rich people, the belters are poor people and angry poor people, but the martians have more then just two layers to them.

  4. What happened to Mars in the Expanse was super sad. They were such a well ordered, structured, generational thinking and organised democratic society with purpose and pride. They were a people that were dedicated to the goal of making Mars, not for themselves since the project would take centuries, but for their children. Imagine working your entire life for a paradise you would never enjoy, but doing it so your children get to. That is something to admire in a people.

    When the Gates opened up, that dream was abadoned and its people left so quickly for already habitable planets, and it became a shadow of its former selves. Its only legacy now would be oppression, since Martians were the ones that created the Laconian Empire.


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