The Dollop #565 – Dean Kamen and It

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine inventor Dean Kamen and his not world changing invention.

The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds: Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds picks a subject from history and examine it.

Each week hosts Dave Anthony and Josh Olson watch and then discuss an episode of The West Wing.


11 thoughts on “The Dollop #565 – Dean Kamen and It”

  1. South Park, episode 11 of season 5, so good. You guys and those guys might actually be the same people; I've never seen the four of you together at once. Hmmmm. Massive amount of love for all concerned, either way.

  2. This one was awesome. Regarding the "Sidewalks?" question…I have a clear snapshot memory of seeing a guy on a small overclocked knockoff Chinese Segway (I was in Guilin PRC I think. Sidenote- there are no rules in the PRC), suit, tie streaming, just ~strafing~ his way through heavy congestion like a nuclear menace. He must have been doing about 25, sprint speed, and just jinking and hopping curbs and weaving through crowds and traffic. Holy crap he was a menace to society. It would be like getting sacked if you were hit. Gotta admit it looked like a helluva lot of fun though.

  3. You need to do the part 2. He has another company that builds water filtration for everything from home, medical and third world and partnered with coke to pay for them. Also made the drink macine that dispences all flavors from one spout

  4. He is like many at that level, he is crazy. Atleast he is in most things, using his genious for good.
    I think he also had something to do with starting lego robotics in schools.

    There is a video of some of hs projects and an interview. He keeps his helecopter under his house and taxis it out to the pad with a robot. What a life


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