The DND OGL 1.1 Leak Firestorm (Paizo to the Rescue? ORC – Wait, ORC? Is That Really the Acronym?)

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Hi, I am J. Scott Garibay, hailing from Philadelphia.

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4 thoughts on “The DND OGL 1.1 Leak Firestorm (Paizo to the Rescue? ORC – Wait, ORC? Is That Really the Acronym?)”

  1. Scott, did you read the other leaks that WotC employees let out? Management does not give two fucks about the consumers or the community. One leak said that management has Never spoke good about the consumers and feel we are an obstacle to their money. The email is all over the internet, you can easily find it.

    The second leak is the 2.0 faq. WotC doubles down on royalties and tries to back peddle away from the first 1.1 leak. None of this looks good. Heck even their current statement is full of lies and gaslighting.

    You do know that using cleric and wizard that WotC can find some way sue you. Even the word mimic. WotC, the management, does not care about the hobby, D&D as a table top game, Gygax legacy nothing. Only more money from short term gains.

    When Rudy from Alpha Investments makes two videos on this and sees how dirt bag WotC is it says a whole lot.

  2. Respectfully disagree.

    Your mistaking people who stand against Wotc with people standing against D&D.

    It is two different things.

    So you need to make a choice.

    Are you a believer in D&D and the ideas and concepts of Gary (of which most gamers do including the 1.0 crowd) or are you with a soulless corp like Wotc and Hasbro???

    Because for all your talk about D&D being a human improvement engine, you certainly seemed more concerned with trying to prop up a corporation that broke a LEGALLY binding promise.

    Its funny how they backed down the moment Paizo got the very Lawyers who help created the OGL involved and made it clear legal action would happen the moment they screwed with the OLD 1.0a???

    You know their are contract and licensing laws of a CAPITALIST society, because funny thing Capitalist does not mean lawless.

    So again you got a choice to make, is it a Human improvement engine or is it just a corporate brand name?

    One other thing.

    Kindly stop with the LIES about was Orcs mean.

    The arrogance of that comment based on FALSE claims were meant to represent a real world race is beyond stupid and is ONLY pushed by race grifters, conmen, or actual N@zies trying to piss people off.

    They were always meant as a allegory of evil as the elves were meant to be an allegory of good while man was mean to represent the balance of it all (from Tolkien's perception).

    The Orcs literally were in part to represent the horrors of war and dehumanizing nature of it (you know the one Tolkien fought in and provided the basis for the ideas of good and evil in his writings). They have NEVER represented (just like the elves) any real race ever, they represent concepts.

    So don't let yourself get taken in by conmen pushing the FALSE claim orcs have anything to do with real people in the real world. I might not agree with many of your takes but in the end I do not want to see you used by such folks taking advantage of you.

    As always stay humble.

  3. Hasbeen makes crap content, though. I’ll take 1970’s Judges Guild quality standards or Lich Lord stuff over what’s being pushed today, because it doesn’t suck. Yes, WotC has good production values, but when was the last time you heard someone profess that their Strixhaven Campaign is the bees knees?


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