The DM rEWaRDed Him With a TEENAGE Love Interest – RPG Horror Stories

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I had a slight panic moment when I woke up this morning and saw that the video file was corrupted. But luckily, my sleep schedule has gotten a lot healthier and I can now wake up early enough to resolve the problem! Anyway, I’ve got lunch with my mom. Have a nice day.

RPG Horror Stories is a series where I read through stories from Reddit and my own email while giving advice on how to avoid the issues that lead to such stories in the first place.

📧 Send us YOUR TTRPG and DnD horror stories:
[email protected]

🕒 Timestamps:

0:00 – Intro
1:33 – Something to Do (s/StarTrekFleetCommand)
2:58 – Are We Paying Now? (e/StoriesForCrispy)
7:36 – You Need to Participate (e/StoriesForCrispy)
17:30 – When the Mid Maxer Power Games (r/RPGHorrorStories)
23:15 – She’s a Teenager (u/Fit_Ad_7269)

🎨 Thumbnail Art:

Riot Games – Firefox:

🎶 Music:

D&D/CR Lo-Fi by Autumn Orange:

Avatar animated by Slab of Cheese.
Check out her stuff:


46 thoughts on “The DM rEWaRDed Him With a TEENAGE Love Interest – RPG Horror Stories”

  1. 🚀 Install Star Trek Fleet Command for FREE Now 🚀 and enter the promo code WARPSPEED to unlock 10 Epic Shards of Kirk, enhancing your command instantly! How to easily redeem the promo code 👉

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  2. If you get upset and feel "targeted" when your character is attacked, then D&D might not be for you. It's meant to be fun, and although I think it's reasonable to avoid things that we know aren't fun for people… getting attacked during combat is such a basic element of the game that it just seems you're not going to have a good time.

  3. Destiny 2 after clearing VoG:

    Obnoxious LFG guy: HOW DID LOOSE GET VEX MYTHOCLAST FIRST RUN?? i bet he got the least damage.

    Me: (running Wellock and Div)

    damage screen comes up hes dead last in damage

    Me: What was that???

    also FBI OPEN UP!

  4. I like your point about the players have the duty to engage with the story the DM makes just as much as the DM has to make hooks. That said, I sometimes like making a reluctant participant. The real trick is to be sure you make a way to be sure they will go, just with reasons to RP trying not to. while also making sure you're not making a mess of it out of character. As an example, in a recent game, I was the party's tank, aka human fighter built to be a front line on his own. His backstory was soldier for hire sort that the party's artificer had hired as a bodyguard. I was constantly suggesting we do basically anything safer for my boss than adventuring but went along when he said we're going because I wasn't going to abandon my job. I ended up in a few talks with my DM making sure I was having fun because of him worrying my IC grumbling wasn't a subtle hint his game sucked. He was a new GM and was worried since I'm an old fart and started playing before he was born.

  5. As a player who regularly does both, Power-gaming and Min-maxing by itself is not inherently bad.

    Using it to pad your severe Main Character Syndrome, to not work as a team player, and to do everything you can to "outsmart" the DM and break the game are each problems in their own right.

    Work with the DM when approaching grey areas and be a team player, both in and out of combat.

  6. Some of these just make me think of my last campaign.
    In my last campaign, I was playing a dumb character, but he was lawful good and had a good heart and would put himself in danger, and only himself if it meant protecting another person I didn't do certain things because my only reason for doing them would have been "it's what my character would do" and I really didn't want to be that guy. Then, the next day, I was talking about the game to the dm and mentioned a few things I wanted to do and ultimately didn't do because of said reason. His response was literally that he wished I had because not only would someone have actually played their lawful good character (it was a good campaign and all, but two of the group were lawful) none of those choices would of harmed the party in anyway and the only problem he saw was the lawful Cleric constantly bragging about he was holding back against the swarm of enemies then constantly asking if the BBEG was dead after every hit he made

  7. Second Story: None of what happened was DM's fault, and they shouldn't blame themselves at all. Edgy sounds awful, in and out of game; he sound extremely manipulative, and he's taking advantage of DM's kind nature by making them feel guilty about Edgy's shortcomings, putting all the blame on others for their own problems. The fact that New Player left because of Edgy isn't DM's fault, either, and that alone should be enough for DM to be able to blame Edgy and confront him about his behavior. After all, it wasn't his character's concept being bad that made him act that way towards another player-character; that was him trying to be difficult. Any player at a new DM's table should be respectful and work with the DM to help them through the experience; if they aren't willing to do that, then they shouldn't be welcome at the table, because they're just rude.

    EDIT: Also, additional thought: if Edgy's reason for acting that way was to "prepare DM for difficult players", DM should just drop them. Nobody needs a 'friend' who'll make things difficult on purpose just to try to teach them a lesson. That isn't how learning something for the first time works at all.

  8. Third Story: "I could've soloed that tarrasque! I didn't need you." Okay, next week, redoing the tarrasque fight one-on-one between Mike & the monster. Give him a two-minute (20-round) in-game time limit. See how that goes; guessing it'd be "I deal damage from range!" "The tarrasque heals all of the damage you just dealt it and does nothing else," on repeat for the entire time.

  9. Third story DM: It's not your fault, and Edgy might be a great person/friend outside of D&D but I have my doubts. The truth is that you need to talk to Edgy, and if they can't handle the criticism, that's on them. You can't spend your whole friendship dancing around their issues with criticism, because it will poison your friendship. You did nothing wrong, and I hope one day you can experience GMing with soeone who is not a complete problem player, as the kind of behaviour Edgy exhibited was NOT normal for a D&D game. I'm really sorry about New Player, that sucks and I hope she eventually gives it another try.

  10. I actually (sort of) agree, that damage done vs damage taken is very important and can even be the most important metric in fights but only if you considder circumstances. So basically, if you are in range, that you even can take damage, it is very important and if you can reduce your dpr by 1 and increase your AC by 1 in return, it is worth it in most cases.
    Of course you won't take damage if you are out of reach of your enemy. But if you deal so little damage, that the enemy just ignores you, as even a fly would be more annoying than your bow shots, it doesn't count.

    Oh and for the last story: While I don't get the reason for the boundry, it doesn't matter in the slightest. Even if you say "My boogers tell me that getting my peepee hard is a No-No imposed by the allmighty snot of me and my ancestors, therefore I don't want to play these kinds of scenes" it is completely fine. Heck, in these kind of situations "No" is a full sentence. There is no need for any explanation at all.

  11. For the third story, that's not a power gamer. This is a guy who can't differentiate between himself and his character and has a Player v. DM-mentality, which is why he takes it personally and throws a hissy fit whenever he takes damage or is targeted in combat. He only cares about "winning" and doesn't seem to be interested in the other PC's or the collaborative storytelling

  12. The intro sounds like the combat log from Dwarf Fortress. 😂
    "The Barbarian swings his Steel Battle-Axe into the Gnoll Raider's right leg, slashing the muscle and cutting through the bone!

    The severed part sails away in an arc!

    The Gnoll Raider falls to the floor.

    The Gnoll Raider stands up!

    The Gnoll Raider bites the Barbarian's hand, tearing the flesh and bruising the muscle!"

  13. So either Descent Into Avernus's beginning segment isn't as bad as people say, or my DM managed to smooth it out enough that we never knew it was a problem. Considering we were the second group he'd run it for, I'm guessing the second.

  14. Firstly- “Boomstick equal fun” is stuck in my head now lmao. Secondly, I got nothing against “thirst trap/f**kboi” outfits (I joke about putting my own character, an 18, soon to be 19year old Orc [which would make him 26-28 in Human Years] in such outfits, though with a Fey/Fantasy twist, as he worships Llira, goddess of Joy. Instead he ends up in either Gothic or Bollywood style formal wear, or in Modern Day Adventurer gear with a leather jacket and combat boots, lol). It’s when that is, basically the entire personality that it becomes an issue, lol. My own character as an example, I love fashion in anime and fantasy, and that carries over in my orc. But he’s a lot deeper than basic edgy noble. He’s actually been amazing fun to play and see his growth. I’m eagerly waiting for Campaign 2 to continue his story with my table, while running some Lost Mine of Phandelver to give the dm time to finish his prep.

  15. "You need to participate" story:

    So it sounds like you did a really good job preparing and making the story for your players! Unfortunately, the first red flag was of course an underage character being inappropriate. I dont think that making games in 5e, a game about killing monsters and other adult activities, should have games about underage characters for this reason.

  16. I can definitley understand the one dm not wanting to run their concept again. There are quite a few ideas or concepts that I've played or used in a game and the negativity or strife around it made it feel bad to handle again.

    I will say while I don't agree entirely with that one dm I do understand and partially agree that some equipments being optional and not in a setting can be important and while it doesn't hurt to ask sometimes a no is a no

  17. Another note for story 2:
    Eladren and changeling are both in the forgotten realms there is even a massive fey nation off the sword coast that is primarily fey elves and eladren with an eladren as their queen (they are laterally just elves with a close conecton to the feywild)

  18. For that second main story (with edgy) I have a table rule set session one. If your character doesnt answer the call to action they are bing left the fuck behind. I will not strongarm you in. If "thats what my character would do" make a better character. You designed them, make them less shit.

  19. 0:00: 😂 The video humorously depicts a player's frustrating experience with a demanding dungeon master in a role-playing game.
    3:29: 🎭 Players encounter an unusual dungeon master and face strict lore compliance and gameplay restrictions in their new module adventure.
    6:41: 🎲 The speaker expresses frustration with a DM's lack of communication and approach to paid DMing.
    9:50: 🎨 The character art for a private game turned into a cringe-worthy and inappropriate situation.
    13:23: 😬 A chaotic Dungeons and Dragons session goes awry, leaving the DM frustrated and upset.
    16:20: 🎲 The responsibility of players to participate in the game and follow the plot, rather than solely relying on the DM.
    19:42: 🎮 A player in a tabletop RPG complains about their party's lack of damage and blames them for wiping, while also boasting about their own abilities.
    22:56: 🎲 The speaker shares their experience with Dungeons and Dragons, highlighting the supportive community and fun adventures in the game.
    26:12: 🎭 A player in a one-shot D&D game felt uncomfortable with the DM's roleplaying and ended the session early.
    Learn more at TammyAIyoutube

  20. One definition for realia is: things or concepts that are specific to a culture or a language (and thus can be hard to translate toward langage that don't have the object or concept – like a fjord, a kimono or la commedia dell’arte). So my guess is, in the RPG context, that the DM made models of stuff that are specific to his world so his players would be able to understand what he's talking about.

  21. I don't have trouble going through doors in BG3… I just have terrible walking forward instead of doubling back to close the door.
    This is why I am getting more and more tempted to destroy every door I come across.


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