The Difference Between Zionists and Jews In Palestine | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

The Zionists have always tried to use the cover of being Jews in order to perpetrate their vicious crimes against the Palestinians.

And so in order to clear things up a bit, in this episode we’re talking about “The Difference Between Zionists and Jews In Palestine”.

How is Islam the best judge and the best criterion for all of humanity?

How does the holy Qur’an divide the Jewish people in the historical context?

And how is this historical division of the Jewish people relevant to the present-day?

Does Zionism truly represent Judaism?

What is the difference between the term ‘the chosen people’ in the context of Zionism and that of Islam?

What are some of the salient features in the ‘ancient Zionists’, features that are still present in the current era’s Zionists; features which aren’t seen in true faithful Jews?

Why is there a natural alliance between the Zionists, the colonial powers, the Hindutva movement, ISIS, the MKO, and the Arrogant Powers of the world, namely America, Britain, and France?

And finally, how do the Zionists treat the true faithful Jews that are plenty in numbers, living all across the world, including Palestine?

To answers these questions and more, we invited Sayyid Agha Ali Raza to help us figure out “The Difference Between Zionists and Jews In Palestine.”

Long Live Palestine!

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Duration: 01:07:46

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8 thoughts on “The Difference Between Zionists and Jews In Palestine | IP Talk Show”

  1. 8 NOVEMBER 2023🇬🇧01:38


    a PERFECTIONIST’S PERSPECTIVE, it would be really nice if IP could just call the video, ‘ TALKSHOW ‘, rather than TALK SHOW. The thing that really bothers me, is that the title of the video, NEVER spells TALKSHOW like the way it does on the background image , behind the two Brothers. I just can never comprehend why the person who is responsible for uploading the title never spells it by way of TALKSHOW, but instead TALK SHOW…Anyway, that to me, is a little ANNOYING!

    Thank you again , for attempting to explain ZIONISM…I’m very tired today so need to rewatch your video, but I think you need to explain ZIONISM slightly more in depth. For example , why are MUSLIM ZIONISTS so keen on Zionism ? Is it all to do with GEOPOLITICS, to further certain Muslim interests? And is that the same for Christian Zionism too? And this Zionism takes on therefore a IMPERIALIST / COLONIALIST agenda?…Just a question…Though maybe not for ‘ONE MINUTE ANSWERS’.

  2. 8 NOVEMBER 2023🇬🇧09:04


    I’ve woken up today, a bit fed up. It takes me ages to get WI-FI, and then it doesn’t last long. And disappears again. WI-FI is getting worse. My phones are both full of stuff, which I don’t want to wipe off, because they were meant to be for a hospital complaint, which will be too late to do now, from my first section. Anyway it means that I can only access very limited social media, like only YT and Rumble….I had to remove a load of APPS to make my phones actually work….And I therefore feel very isolated in that I haven’t really got a clue of what is going on in the world….In fact I think that withdrawing myself from the media a year ago has made me very behind in trying to get to grips with what is going on in the outside world including my very own country !…I’m questioning whether it was a good idea to switch off the media. I switched off the media, because the British media, were lying so much about IRAN, and AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI, I couldn’t physically watch it, because it made my blood boil. I tried watching Press TV but for some reason it kept cutting out every six minutes or so….I don’t know why…Anyway, not only am I technologically illiterate, I also am completely clueless about current affairs…In fact because I don’t speak to anybody , I know nothing about anything….The only info I get is from ISLAMIC PULSE…In fact, I even stopped watching ISLAMIC LECTURES, which I used to be addicted to…I don’t know what’s happened to me this year…🤔🤔🤔🤔…???….I’m a bit CONFUSED…How did I manage to get OBSESSED WITH ISLAMIC PULSE????….Has Islamic Pulse been RADICALISING ME?…And if so…What have they been RADICALISING ME WITH ?…AND HOW HAVE THEY ACHIEVED THIS?…I mean, this is SERIOUS….🤔🤔🤔….

    I suppose I tick all the boxes as someone who could easily be brainwashed…🤔🤔🤔…In fact years and years ago, somebody who knew me very well, said that I am easily brainwashed….THE MYSTERY CONTINUES…

    Well whilst I contemplate on being RADICALISED BY ISLAMIC PULSE, I will try and watch this TALKSHOW with no gaps between the TALK and the SHOW….AGAIN…Just to be that extra little bit more RADICALISED BY ISLAMIC PULSE…I noticed that IP use SPINNING IMAGES AND FLASHING ….AND MOVING SENTENCES in their productions….I also noticed that the flag behind SAYYID SHAHRYAR NAQVI’s head on this video, seems to have been used deliberately for a photo shoot, because it looks like it has just come out of the packet, as the creases of where it has been folded neatly are very visible !! I could be wrong. Maybe the carrier of the flag was a neat person who had had the flag for ages and had stored it away folded…Maybe I am looking too much into the flag. Maybe I have little to do in my life but focus on tiny things that mean little.

    Maybe I’m just fed up of being unfairly locked up and maybe I’m just getting used to it as well. This is literally not fair. I maintain that I was never mentally unwell! I believe I’ve just suffered from SEVERE STRESS!

    Anyway, I’ve decided I’ll look at my notes and carry on with my complaint instead of being RADICALISED BY ISLAMIC PULSE…I’ll let the two Brothers brainwash me later…👋…

  3. 8 NOVEMBER 2023🇬🇧14:24


    By the way Islamic Pulse…IF ANY OF THE IP PRESENTERS OR GUESTS, swapped families with my family and shared all their beliefs and views with my family members they’d be locked up too!…FOR A LONG TIME!…They could then get fattened up on KitKats , Clubs, Jaffa Cake bars and CHEESECAKE !….The food supplier went bust since my first section, so there aren’t as many nice cheesecakes now…But, I think the presenters may have better control over their nafs than me, so may survive not being fattened up…

  4. Why Israeli Governments have been receiving billions of dollars from the USA in the name of protection of Israeli civilians but they failed even after 75 years. Still US government has been supplying lethal weapons to Israeli occupied forces to kill Palestinians & seeking a military solution to the problem. Is this the wisdom of the USA & the West? Both US & the West are forcs with Zionism led by Netanyahu & his killer military forces.


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