"The devastating impact of stalking" [2024] Factual Documentary Ireland

This compelling documentary reveals the devastating impact of stalking through the deeply personal stories of Eve, Una, and Jarlath as they face terrifying stalkers

I do not own any of this video but it needs to be seen




31 thoughts on “"The devastating impact of stalking" [2024] Factual Documentary Ireland”

  1. What a bizarre female that was stalking Jarlath, one date, one night stand than shes infactuated to the extreme with him!! Than to make matters worse the police didn't offer any help for him, they actually said if he called again they would lock him up!! How stressful and very overwhelming to be stalked, to not be believed by authorities that are supposed to protect you but threatened to lock you up for asking for help., As a male he couldnt defend himself in a physical manner against a female so he must of felt alone, stressed, nervous and anxious all the time..What a nutter that lady is!! Una's stalking situation was creepy scary, the letters that weirdo would leave about shaving downstairs and they will be having sex or he was going to Rape her and her daughter was absolutely scary!! He spray painted her windows,car tires ,and door with x&os is strange!! All the stalking stories are insane, I couldnt imagine being in a situation like that, to be fearful all the time and to not know what the stalker would do next is horribly horrifying!! To be scared for your life everyday is exhausting but to have to worry about your stalker attacking and S.A. Your daughter has got to be the worst feeling and time of their lives!!!

  2. That new show at the end… stalking her former boyfriend? It would’ve been far more potent if they told the truth which was stalked after going out with her for one night.

  3. I am so sorry for all the horrible feelings the victims of stalking feel. I know it is very hard to recover from.
    I had a stacker that made my life hell for about two years and it came to an end when he followed me to a festival and watched me from afar and waited until I went to my tent to go to sleep and he tried to kill me. I am only alive now because I was airlifted out to a hospital in time for them to save my life.
    I never knew him. He saw me somewhere one day and decided I would be his.
    The attack happened in 2013 and I still am very badly affected by it all and everything he had done.
    His in prison but he will come out someday and I am worried he will come after me. He told the police that he was going to rap me and kill me because I dared to not love him.
    I don't use my real name on anything on the internet and probably never will. I change my numbers every few years. I have moved home twice. I covered cameras on my laptops and PCs because he had hacked me, and was watching me via my laptop and phone. I have cameras outside and panic alarms. People think I'm crazy but I would rather be crazy than dead. It stays with you and it doesn't go away with time.

  4. Totally agree that stalking should be a crime… only sick people behave in this unbelievably intrusive way, and the biggest challenge is getting the police to listen. I'm currently experiencing something similar with an incredibly dangerous narcissistic person, who could not respect my request for privacy and to be left alone…. so because they can't get to me, they are now spreading false and deeply damaging things about me, my life and my character where I live.

    They are trying to intimidate me and so I've involved the Police and a P.I. . .but the reality is, that the threat never diminishes.

    Brave people to share their stories so openly and working to change the law to help others. Thank you for the great uploads. Really appreciated.

  5. Fight stalking…..My privacy has been compromised for 10+ years using technology and devices. Since I have no way to prove it, the bastards continue to do so with impunity. ( Czech Rep. )

  6. If stalking is as common as 1 in 3 females and 1 in 6 males, then surely a lot more needs to be done?
    Things like group counciling for stalkers, hotlines for stalkers to call when they get urges, mandatory psychologist appointments for a stalker when evidence from the victim shows that stalking is becoming an issue, if a stalker is convicted that they spend the last or first year of their sentence in a psychiatric unit to have them understand their obsessive behaviour, triggers and coping strategies. Obviously, more needs to be opened up for the victims, too, but im just suggesting some things that might prevent escalation.

  7. What l don’t understand is get a new phone number, bar their phone number, change e.mail address this has been possible for years…also Telephone companies are willing to give you a phone number that is completely private n cannot be accessed if ur been stalked. Take up these services to protect yourself. I’m not casting aspersions but for God sake as a survivor you can do things to help yourself. Never, ever respond to them, give information about yourself r where ur gng on the internet…be safe and live. 🙏🙏

  8. I can't believe that Ireland doesn't treat these behaviours as stalking under their legal system. I'm in the UK and most of the behaviours described in this video would get you arrested.

  9. I wish I had had the courage to look for help after being stalked throughout my adult life. From the ages of 15 to 45. Eerily following me from town to town, whenever I'd move the phone calls would always manage to track me down. Because I think I only saw him once during a day of errands, it was only silent calls. Only when I was alone, like I was being watched. Ironically, I haven't had a single call since that day I came out and faced the driver of a truck that had been following me all day… I've not had a call since. 10 years on… Not sure what that means

  10. I've been stalked so much and it's so very scary. My stalker has slashed my tyres, cut my TV connection to my aerial outside, my air-conditioner unit cable was cut, my Xmas lights in yard were cut in 12 different places, it goes on and on and nobody should take this as a joke, it's very scary to live with this.

  11. You don't know how strong you are until being strong is your only option While this is true, you can only be so strong. The laws have changed but there is still not enough done for the victims. Most stalkers will re-offend, either by stalking the same victim or a new one, and so many women still lose their lives because not enough is done to protect them.

  12. I feel so very very sorry for all 3 of these victims, the one that really got to me was the man to have such WEIRDOS out there literally to get away with what they did with ONLY a slap on the wrist as punishment, does it take A MURDER to get law's changed???? Noreen Australia 🦘

  13. My comments earlier were made before I'd seen all of the video, what I need to add is that all 3 of the victims are so very BRAVE, but this doesn't go away in a few months or even years, those BASTARDS get to walk away after the prison sentence and the victims are left to get on with the best they can, trauma NEVER leaves a person I know that personally.My thought's are with ALL VICTIMS ❤️ Noreen Australia 🦘

  14. As a stalking survivor who never involved the police, I’m glad that more people are reporting these cases and that the law seems to be taking it seriously. We really need to learn more about what motivates these stalkers so we can institute preventive measures. I hope all these survivors find peace.


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