the delphi murders Exercise: Find the faces, limbs, tracks, knives, guns; i put the plank back.

the Pirate plank on chain survived the flood. carnivore Dog and I put the plank back across the stream. Carnivore Dog does his own thing when crossing though. duh! cute 🙂

anyways… I thought
as an exercise, point out to yourself all the people, faces, limbs, weapons, smoke, tracks, notes, that You see in this short clip.

there is debris from the flood, there is wildlife, and then there is me and carnivore Dog. as I gaze upstream, the light creates beautiful effects with the trees, the water, leaving sparkle and shadow. my eyes alight on things that for a split second my brain produces that do not exist.. they’re gone in a flash as I move and change perspective.


5 thoughts on “the delphi murders Exercise: Find the faces, limbs, tracks, knives, guns; i put the plank back.”

  1. I only see birds; big birds, small birds, tall birds…

    Have you seen that video on YT with the artificial neural network (ANN) that has been primed to predict the existence of dogs in visual images, i.e. biased to have a certain expectation? Anything it sees becomes a dog, even when there is no dog…

    One can say the ANN been thought to hallucinate. I would like to go so far to say, all perception is an hallucination. The question is then; why don't we all see pink elephants? Why don't we see things that does not exists, unless we are under the influence of drugs? Then answers, imo, is that perception system which has a poor fit with reality tend to be weeded out by evolution… I.e. it is not very practical to see things that does not exists.

  2. "Elder drop story.
    Teens on Pont try stop peds."
    People accuse me of 'pareidolia' when it comes to words. But remember very devious people occur in this world. Who can contrive and machinate messages cryptographically in ways that most don't understand. Even classically trained cryptoanalysts.

    Can the following be easily deciphered?

    52w 7r 586 ih81 4y2 i25.
    Yes if you know the key!
    You don't even have to know all of the substitutions re the alphabet. If you have the key. Which is . Helps to have the other key as well mind you!
    So don't denigrate Joao too quickly. He IS seemingly on to something that may crack this case. The Kate 'Cypher' aspect I've now noticed a relevance to thanks to two things he has uncovered. I certainly don't always agree with him on all things though.

    98o7d2 wy86oe g2 o88i7ht q4 g3qe y8oe23 j832 dq32r6oo5.

  3. This is an absolutely hilarious parody of Ass Above, Head Inserted. I’ve been laughing ever since I saw it.
    He’s basically a coward. Any discussion that disagrees with his doctrine results in being blocked from his account.


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