The Deadliest Weapons of The First World War…

For hundreds of years prior to the 20th century, war had changed very little with the improvements in weapon technology that did arise being incremental and slow to establish themselves. However, with the industrial revolution of the mid-to-late 19th century and the meteoric advances in science and technology that came with it, in the span of a few decades, warfare was changed beyond recognition. New weapons that were once the stuff of science fiction from the likes of Jules Vernes or H.G. Wells such as submarines and aircraft were now being realised and with them, the number of ways to kill in war skyrocketed resulting in the brutal death factories that were the frontlines of the Great War between 1914 and 1918. In this episode, we are going to examine the development and use of just five of the myriads of deadly weapons to emerge during the First World War. Welcome to wars of the World

00:00 Introduction
01:26 The Paris Gun
05:44 Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI
09:19 Type U-31
13:24 Maxim MG 08
17:54 Barbed Wire

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Written & Researched by: Tony Wilkins
Edited by: James Wade

History Should Never Be Forgotten…


10 thoughts on “The Deadliest Weapons of The First World War…”

  1. WW1 barbed wire was a lot more viscious than the barbed wire we see today. It was thicker and had longer spikes . . . German barbed wire was even more dangerous than the British stuff.


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