The Davidsonvillbillies

A totally unnecessary episode of the Davidsonvillbillies, complete with commercials. Just for fun, no educational value whatsoever. If you don’t like comedy DON’T WATCH THIS!!!!


34 thoughts on “The Davidsonvillbillies”

  1. I had to look for your town on a (gasp!) MAP! No wonder you want to get away from there. To close to the trouble some areas. So far, my neck of the woods is hanging in there, but trouble is coming. 👎

  2. I love that Bill you totally nailed that even the part of Mr Divesdall you sounded just him and your daughter sounded just like Ellie May you made my night thank you you have to do more videos like this👍🤠

  3. BRAVO! 5 Stars for brilliant delivery! You must’ve been channeling Buddy Epson, because you absolutely nailed his character!
    And then you deliver a double feature? Only to tie the second offering to the main feature…. That’s pure Mastery!
    Together, you and young Miss Dirt Farmer’s Daughter are quite the Dynamic Duo!
    Bless’ns to the both of ya’s, Tedd

  4. You grew up?? Why didn't you call me?!! This video is a scream! You both are great Davidsonvillbillies! Do more when you feel like it! I do understand about the neighbors. It happened to us as well. Gaithersburg, MD. And we weren't farmers. Go South. The land of freedom (and lower taxes).

  5. Hello Bill love the videos my family and I have been farming in North East TN things are getting crowded where I'm at also we have less taxes and good seasons so land is going way up in value my father just passed this year do to a fatal tractor accident before he was even cold there were people trying to buy the land . We are close to Asheville NC about 30 minutes away and it has become a place I could never imagined hope you are looking to buy towards middle tn I hear it hasn't got bad yet about the population and prices. I will say I don't know how money flows in your area but crops and hay do not bring near as much here as do in other areas of the country but cost of living is less. Hope you the best and always enjoy your videos I am also a diesel mechanic but not nearly as skilled as you are thanks and keep the videos coming

  6. Ok, just say the extended version. I rolled on the floor laughing when you cut to the shot of uncle Joe and Camela. But Bill I'm trying to figure out how you're going to move all that stuff. Just your pulling tractors alone is huge


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