The DARKEST Forrester Timeline | #CK3 – A Game of Thrones

This could be my last video on this channel. If thats the case, THANK YOU for a stunning 8 years. Please head on over to my new channel just in case this is it

Here’s the YouTube Tweet:

In this Episode we explore the DARKEST Forrester arc, can we restore the House’s nobility? Or will all of our wars Invalidate…

I also want to say thank you to everyone who’s been supporting the #AGOT mod coverage on the channel – its such an integral part of this channels history. If this is the last video, im glad it #agameofthrones #crusaderkings3

00:00 – Bad News
03:51 – Recap
05:00 – Episode
25:00 – Ending



I do not own any of the games, all rights are reserved by their respective companies. Commentary owned by Midgeman’s World.


15 thoughts on “The DARKEST Forrester Timeline | #CK3 – A Game of Thrones”

  1. in my forrester run Gregor got cancer and died, Asher died the second I started playing as him, and rodrik is currently the lord of the ironpines and married to a martell.

  2. I've followed since the days of collabing when Stellaris was new. I'm glad you're still going strong despite the turbulence and it's been cool seeing you adapt to new professions and positions. Even then I'm hopeful that your return to YouTube, despite YouTube itself, is wonderful.

  3. In my playthrough:
    1. Managed to end the feud with Whitehill (but the game won't stop it, bugged maybe), also alliance
    2. Married Rodrik and Asher to their canon(?) partner (Elaena, Gwyn)
    3. The Whitehill boys kept trying to cuck Gregor XD
    4. Gwyn tries to murder the entire Forrester, forced to divorce after 2 kids.
    5. After divorce, Asher volunteered to go to the Wall XD
    6. The Forresters expand their territories around including the Whitehill
    7. The other Gregor's canon children was never born XD

  4. Lizard-lions are actually not crocodiles; those get mentioned separately in the series. There is no real consensus on what a lizard-lion is (the name has also been used for a species in on of GRRM's sci-fi stories) but they are assumed at least passingly similar to crocodiles/alligators but probably larger and allegedly tameable/mountable.


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